Archives Project

Why? Why, they cried

Why is the Archives Project the most successful part of USGenWeb? The answer in a word is organization. The answer in a few words is, they take care of business, no nonsense allowed, a single goal, a single commitment, a single vision, determination, result-motivated volunteers, reasoned decisions, execution of goal-plans, clarity of operation, talent, and abundant ability coming together in a politics-free zone. Here is an email demonstrating such ideals:

Nominations for Temporary National File Manager

Please copy and paste all four email addresses into the message when nominating someone for the position.,,,

National File Manager


A member of the Archives or a Special Project for a minimum of three years and currently active within the project.


1. Communication:

a. The NFM should communicate changes within the archives structure, open positions (ie. State(s) or Projects that have become adoptable), reminders, etc. to the membership.

b. Manage the project mailing list(s). [List rules can be refined and enforced.]

i. You will have one warning message from the moderator(s).

ii. Any post that, in the opinion of the moderator(s), is inflammatory, derogatory, demeaning, or otherwise inappropriate will be

subject to a period of moderation for 7 days. This applies to everyone. Included are subtle emails that are derogatory and demeaning.

c. Take care of domain and trademark renewals. [This is to include anything not named at this point and/or will be in the name of the project.]

d. Manage the national level web pages.

i. Maintain and update the national TOC.

ii. Maintain and update the guidelines pages.

iii. Maintain, update and/or add pages that will be informative to the archives and special projects.

2. Oversee the project committee.

a. Ensure that committee members are performing their duties.

b. Coordinate discussions and task assignments.


Did you read the part about the the email lists? I quote: "Any post that, in the opinion of the moderator(s), is inflammatory, derogatory, demeaning, or otherwise inappropriate will be subject to a period of moderation for 7 days. This applies to everyone. Included are subtle emails that are derogatory and demeaning."

I petitioned some AB members to take the Discuss List under control with similar requirement, but I got a response telling me it was censorship. Not so, I wanted the Discuss list to become subject-specific. Example, this month or for more months, the Subject would be 'how to attract new members.' That would not be censorship. It would be subject-specific. Under this scenario, we would not have read read Jeff's jabber of revising the Bylaws, (going on for over ten years). We would actually be discussing something of value. Nor would we have to read Scott B.'s subtle and not so subtle personal attacks on members. Again, this is not censorship. It's proper organization. The USGW Project can learn a lot from the Archives Project.

The difference between the well-run Archives Project and the USGW Project is glaring. In USGW it's a time-honored practice to rid the project of pesky political foes as in NMGenWeb, NCGenWeb and a few other places. You will never hear of such nonsense in the Archives. They grew up a long time ago. USGenWeb is still wearing diapers.