Membership List 2009

Membership List USGenWeb 2009

Compiled July 5, 2009

USGenWeb Members

It may be the harsh management style, censorship, threats and intimidation in USGenWeb that caused declining membership. This list of Honor shows how many members are still on board. One might take from this list that far too many Adopt-me counties exist. Also, CCs must take over several county sites to cover the vacancies. State Coordinators have taken firm control of the States with many not bothering to hold elections. State Coordinators dominate the Grievance Committee. State Coordinators dominate the Advisory Board. State Coordinators or their faction dominate the email lists. Those members who wish to advance in USGenWeb must support the State Coordinator oligarchy. State Coordinators are gradually removing free-thinkers from the ranks. The SC's success in "taking charge" may be the reason the USGenWeb Project only has 2,022 members when reasonably should have about 6,000 members.

I can remember years ago that all counties were covered by a CC and there was a waiting list. That has changed. I can remember when CCs ran things. SCs asked their CCs before doing anything. Now SCs tell the CCs what to do. Today, CCs MUST do this and do that. Bylaws revision schemers want to re-write the Bylaws to give the SCs absolute and total control under law as well as in fact. They want to turn USGenWeb into a Military camp. Some SCs are now pressuring CCs to compile data. They want to convert CCs into transcribers. Compiling data was never a requirement for CCs. Their job is/was to publish the data compiled by volunteer transcribers. CCs have competition from all sides, from the Archives, from the Special Projects and from other Organizations. It's no mystery why so many have departed or became their own boss with their own Google/Bing-searched web site.


This List is based on project web sites on July 5, 2009. Members in 2009 = 2022. / Members not registered to vote: 510. / Total Members removed from or resigned: 77. / Some people use name variations. / CCs having multiple counties inflated the number count. / Some pages carried the names of people who have resigned. / Some pages have not been updated in several years. / Some pages did not show the full name of the CC. / FMB = Board member or former AB since 2000. / GC = Grievance Committee. / Special Projects: AP, TP, APP, DMP, ACP, AOP, AMP, ASCP, GAP, LP, KP, AAG. This list does not include Special Projects volunterers.

The list is sorted by first name

A--C D--H I--J K--M N--Y