Feb 1-7 1999

From merope@Radix.Net Tue Feb 2 15:57:49 1999

Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 15:57:47 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: usgw_all@listbot.com

Subject: Daily Board Show

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Please place your seat back and tray tables in their full upright and

locked position...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* stormy weather and editorial content ahead. Read at your own


Sunday 31 January 1999

Kathy Heidel posts a farewell message to the Board and one Board member

posts that he is sorry to see her go and he enjoyed her input to the


On to Something New Corner: The State Coordinators are now discussing

whether it is appropriate for the same page to be affiliated with two

different genealogy/history projects. Seems a USGW CC was approached by

Another Group about doing a page for the same project and since the page

already contains material pertinent to the focus of both groups, the CC

just wants to have it serve as the page for both [ie, one page, two

logos]. Some SCs think this is OK; another thinks the "logistics" need to

be worked out; another points out that the Other Group harbors two of the

Rootsweb Four. [hey, at least they aren't talking about standards and

ethics anymore]

Today's quote, you guessed it, is from a reader:

"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea

that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're

licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and you see it through no

matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do."

---Harper Lee, "To Kill a Mockingbird"

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Wed Feb 3 16:40:44 1999

Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 16:40:43 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: usgw_all@listbot.com

Subject: Daily Board Show

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MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Like a rolling stone...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your won risk!

Monday 1 February 1999

The election results are posted [these have already been presented here

and other lists and won't be repeated.]

One Board member posts that she will miss departing Board members Kathy

Heidel and Gary Martens and values their contributions to the Board.

In Other News: There will be a run-off election between Bonnie McVicar

Briggs and David Young, for the NE/NC CC rep position. The election will

start Feb 5 and conclude Feb 11. Presumably ballots will be mailed to

the region's voters.

"If large numbers of people believe in freedom of speech, there will be

freedom of speech, even if the law forbids it. But if public opinion is

sluggish, inconvenient minorities will be persecuted, even if laws exist

to protect them."

-- George Orwell

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved

From merope@Radix.Net Fri Feb 12 11:10:45 1999

Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 21:45:50 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: usgw_all@listbot.com

Subject: Daily Board Show

Mama mia! ... its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* will contain editorial content, not to be taken lightly. Read

at your own risk!

Tuesday 2 February 1999

The announcement of the run-off election is posted to Board-L by the

Election Committee Chair.

Go Figure Corner: The State Coordinators are discussing the imminent

run-off election [those who will be voting in it should get their ballots

tomorrow]. The discussion is remarkable only for this marvelous quote,

from an SC who was wondering why 44 votes doesn't beat 41: "This is just

plain dumb, I know the bylaws are up to how you interpret them but I

would think that section means in case of a tie." [not so dumb,

really; indeed, who knows what the bylaws truly mean? Although in this

case, they do pretty clearly state "A majority of those members voting

shall elect."]

"They have exiled me now from their society and I am pleased, because

humanity does not exile except the one whose noble spirit rebels against

despotism and oppression. He who does not prefer exile to slavery is not

free by any measure of freedom, truth and duty."

--Kahil Gibran, Spirits Rebellious

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved

From merope@Radix.Net Fri Feb 5 20:30:58 1999

Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 20:30:57 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: usgw_all@listbot.com

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.96.990205201357.11063F-100000@saltmine.radix.net>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


We don't need no thought control...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* this contains the purest quality editorial content. Read at

your own risk!

Wednesday 3 February 1999

The new National Coordinator of the USGenWeb Project, Tim Stowell, calls

the meeting to order:

"Having been handed the gavel by the Interim National Coordinator, Beth

Wills, I call the post election 1999 USGenWeb Project Board to order and

ask the members to acknowledge their presence."

[wait---did they ever adjourn the last meeting? Never mind, let the wild

rumpus begin!]

Nine Board members indicate they are present.

Tomorrow's news today: One Board member moves immediately to adjourn and

this motion is seconded. [so much for the wild rumpus...]

"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from

oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that

will reach to himself."

--Thomas Paine

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Sat Feb 6 18:16:50 1999

Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 18:16:49 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: usgw_all@listbot.com

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.96.990206174558.2429A-100000@saltmine.radix.net>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Not your father's Oldsmobile...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Thursday 4 Feb 1999

One Board member posts the following:

"Why are we sitting in session? Our presence to you has been

acknowledged. If there is nothing to take up [and there

should have been some kind of agenda posted if there was] then

I move to adjourn."

The motion is seconded.

One further member responds "present" to the call to order.

Will We Never See the End Corner?: The DBS is saddened to learn of yet

another long-term (Sept 1996) USGW County Coordinator that has been Banned

by Rootsweb. The gentleman in question has been 'temporarily' suspended

from using ALL Rootsweb resources such as mailing lists and search

engines, provisional on his "pleading his case" to Tim Pierce. As with

the Rootsweb Four, his suspension came without warning or notification of

any kind, and he was publicly accused of threatening Rootsweb's

systems, an accusation he strenuously denies. The Board has declined to

get involved, and his state coordinator is not allowing further discussion

of the banning on the state list. And, in a not entirely unexpected

development, Brian "Little Big Man" Leverich has taken to threatening the

banned CC's supporters on the state mailing list [does this man read

_every_ list on RW?]. Seems if the CC's supporters continue to make posts

not to his liking, RW will attach a nasty note to every mail of theirs

going through Rootsweb.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's

character, give him power."

--Abraham Lincoln

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Sun Feb 7 15:51:48 1999

Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1999 15:51:47 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: usgw_all@listbot.com

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.96.990207153347.19780A-100000@saltmine.radix.net>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* deep editorial content straight ahead. Read at your own risk!

Friday 5 February 1999

A post from one of the state lists is forwarded to Board-L by one of the

Board members regarding an article in the March issue of Good Housekeeping

that mentions USGW. From the article [presumably]:

"Another painstaking effort, this site pulls together birth, marriage,

death, and other records-county by county throughout the United States.

Each Web page, which may include such rich sources as cemetery records and

newspapter [sic] clippings, tells you exactly where to search."

There is apparently no further activity on the motion to adjourn.

"The First Amendment is often inconvenient. But that is besides the point.

Inconvenience does not absolve the government of its obligation to

tolerate speech."

---Justice Anthony Kennedy, 91-155

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved