GC Grandstanding

Grievance Committee Voting and Grandstanding

They argue for days over whether a vote should count or not, even when it has no effect; but they refuse to apply the same rules of Sturgis when a CC has a legitimate case against an SC who violated both the USGW Bylaws and Sturgis Parliamentary rules. They only apply Sturgis when it suits them.

----- Original Message -----

From: "Tina S. Vickery" <hidden

To: <board@rootsweb.com

Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 4:17 PM

Subject: [BOARD] RESULTS: Motion 2007/08-10: 'Recall of the GrievanceCommittee'

With 14 Advisory Board members voting, Motion 2007/08-10:

'Recall of Grievance Committee' passes.

Those voting 'Yes': Alice Allen, Linda Blum-Barton, Sherri Bradley, Scott Burow, JanCortez, Cyndie Enfinger, Larry Flesher, Phyllis Rippee, Suzanne Shephard, Greta Thompson and Bettie Wood,

Those voting 'No': Concetta Franco Phillipps, Gail Meyer Kilgore and Jason Mendenhall.

The seated members of the Grievance Committee are recalled. Thank you for your service to the USGenWeb Project.

Another note to follow shortly.

Tina Vickery

National Coordinator

USGenWeb Project

USGenWeb Project information can be found at: http://www.usgenweb.com


----- Original Message -----

From: "Tina S. Vickery" <tsvickery@hargray.com

To: <board@rootsweb.com

Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 5:02 PM

Subject: [BOARD] Grievance Committee Slate

Due to a reconciliation by and with Advisory Board members of the Project members who volunteered during the last call, the following slate will be presented in Executive Session to select the initial Grievance Committee Slate.

"Volunteers for the Grievance Committee will be required to meet certain minimum requirements for service."

"Volunteers must have a minimum of one year's continuous service as a Member in Good Standing of either a State Project or a recognized Special Project of the USGenWeb Project."

"The Grievance Committee shall consist of seven members of The USGenWeb Project in good standing. The panel must include a State Coordinator and a member of the Special projects and three County Coordinators/Local Coordinators who have not served as State Coordinator or in a national level position within the last three years."

"Of the initial appointments four (4) will be for two-year terms, and three (3) for one-year terms. The Advisory Board will appoint the Grievance Coordinator for the initial term for a period of one year."

John Quigley - CC/LC

Darilee Bednar - CC/LC [anti-LC'er, comment by webmaster]

Fred V. Provoncha - CC/LC

John Little - CC/LC

Joel Newport - CC/LC

Diane Siniard - CC/LC [radical LC hater, comment by webmaster]

Kemis Massey - CC/LC

Joyce Reese - CC/LC

Shirley Cullum - State Coordinator

Adrian Williams - Special Projects

Robert Sizelove - Special Projects

Dorman Holub - Special Projects

Nick Sierra who did volunteer does not meet the minimum requirement of one year's continuous service. Thank you Nick for volunteering and your willingness to serve.

The Board is now in executive session to select the initial seven member slate.

The slate of the initial seven members will then be presented to Board-L. At that time discussion will be open for member comment for a period of seven days. After that date, the board will vote to accept or reject the slate based upon the discussions and member input.

Tina Vickery

National Coordinator

USGenWeb Project


----- Original Message -----

From: "DC & Alice Allen" (hidden)

To: <board@rootsweb.com

Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 7:05 PM

Subject: Re: [BOARD] Recall of the GrievanceCommittee

I apologize for missing the vote, I thought I had until sometime this evening. Imagine my chagrin when I finally located the email with the end time in it, and discovered I had missed it. Had I gotten up before 5 a.m. this morning, pdt, I could have made it. Sigh.

FWIW, even though it won't count because I'm too late, my vote would have been "yes."


*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********

On 7/9/2008 at 5:36 PM (Bettie) wrote:

If I recall correctly, voting officially ended Wednesday, July 9th on the motion concerning the Recall of the Grievance Committee.

Tina, can you please post the results of this so we can get moving on the GC slate? I know a couple of members are waiting on us/this, so they can file their grievances.




USGenWeb Project information can be found at: http://www.usgenweb.com.

Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.

----- Original Message -----

From: "Bosque Lover"

To: <board@rootsweb.com

Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 7:06 PM

Subject: Re: [BOARD] Recall of the GrievanceCommittee


The vote ended before Alice sent in her "would be vote". Her vote came in a 6:05 CST, according to my pc.

If you're going to allow hers to stand, then shouldn't you go back & accept other late votes? Such as the vote we had on Motion 2007/08-08:

Confirmation of the GC Slate.


Voting was over April 30, 2008 at 11 pm. Gail changed her vote to accept at 11:34 pm, but you didn't accept that saying that it was after voting period closed. This is stated in our minutes: http://www.usgenweb.org/business/AB-05-2008.shtml

GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE SLATE MOTION 2007/08-08 May 1st, 5th block down.



[Quoting Tina]

I accepted your vote Alice I had not annouced (sic) the results.

Thank you,



In the vote you reference

http://www.usgenweb.org/business/AB-05-2008.shtml#a71 Gail had already cast her vote

etablishing (sic) herself in quorum. She then changed her vote after the voting period ended.

In this case, Alice had not cast a vote, the vote did not effect the outcome and the results had not been announced. Therefore I gave her the courtesy of accepting her vote cast.

Tina Vickery

National Coordinator

USGenWeb Project

==========end of email ==========

OH! MY GOD! Now you know why the NC refuses to fill the position of Parliamentarian. The last time they had one he constantly told them that they were wacko in how they applied Sturgis.


[Flashback: As an Ex-Offico member of the Grievance Committee, Tina knows what's going on.

Vickery posts this about a week after reading remarks on Discuss from two members noting there is no GC Chair :]

From: Tina S. Vickery (hidden)

To: <board@rootsweb.com

Cc: <USGW-GC@rootsweb.com; (hidden)

Date: 4/20/2008 12:16:59 PM

Subject: [BOARD] Grievance Committee

It has come to the USGenWeb Project Advisory Board's attention that the Grievance Committee is without a Grievance Coordinator. The individual who had served as Grievance Coordinator has moved into an arbitrator position. I am asking Sharon Craig as previous Grievance Coordinator to facilitate the election of a Grievance Committee Coordinator and to notify the Advisory Board when the selection is made. The request from the committee to seat new committee members will not be considered until the Grievance Committee has seated a Grievance Coordinator.

This should be completed no later than April 28, 2008.

[It's already 10 July and counting! comment added by this webmaster.]


Tina Vickery

National Coordinator

USGenWeb Project

cc: USGW-GC@rootsweb.com

Sharon Craig sharcraig@sbcglobal.net


Back to the present:

----- Original Message -----

From: "Linda Blum-Barton"

To: <board@rootsweb.com>

Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 8:35 PM

Subject: Re: [BOARD] Recall of the GrievanceCommittee

I challenge the ruling of the chair.

Linda Blum-Barton


----- Original Message -----

From: "Tina S. Vickery" <tsvickery@hargray.com>

To: <board@rootsweb.com>

Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 10:43 PM

Subject: Re: [BOARD] Recall of the GrievanceCommittee

The decision of the chair is final, Bettie. I explained my reasons, let it rest.

Thank you.


----- Original Message -----

From: "Bosque Lover"

To: <board@rootsweb.com>

Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 10:35 PM

Subject: Re: [BOARD] Recall of the GrievanceCommittee


You are STILL counting a vote that was not even made. Alice said she would have voted yes, she didn't say she did. Alice even said she didn't expect her vote to be counted as she was late.

I don't know why you keep insisting it be counted.


----- Original Message -----

From: "Tina S. Vickery" <tsvickery@hargray.com>

To: <board@rootsweb.com>

Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 10:25 AM

Subject: [BOARD] UPDATE - Challenge.

I have apparently erred. Not in my intent to be flexible and inclusive but apparently within the realm of Parliamentary Procedure.

I have learned that regardless of my intent, Parliamentary Procedure should have dictated to me that Gail's change of vote should have been included and that Alice's vote should not have been. Parliamentary Procedure does not allow for common sense nor does it allow for common courtesy. My fatal error, I have both. [snip]

[Tina S. Vickery]


----- Original Message -----

From: "Tina S. Vickery"

Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 5:06 PM

Subject: [BOARD] Grievance Committee [snip]

The Advisory Board has reviewed the qualifications of those

members who volunteered to serve on the Grievance Committee.

The proposed slate of committee members is listed below and

will remain open for comments from the membership for a period

of ten days. After that date, the board will vote to accept or

reject the slate based upon those comments. This selection

process by the Advisory Board was necessitated by the results

of Motion 2007/08-10: 'Recall of Grievance Committee'

One proposed volunteer, Darilee Bednar, was not considered as

she did not meet the qualifications set forth in the Grievance

Policy and Procedures:


CC/LC Representatives:

Kemis Massey - 2 year term - GAGenWeb Project

Joel Newport - 2 year term - MIGenWeb Project

Diane Siniard - 2 year term - NCGenWeb Project [extreme anti-LC ]

Special Project Representative:

Robert Sizelove - 1 year term

State Coordinator Representative:

Shirley Cullum - 1 year term - SC TXGenWeb Project

At Large Representatives:

John Quigley - 1 year term - TXGenWeb Project

Dorman Holub - 2 year term - TXGenWeb Project


Tina Vickery National Coordinator USGenWeb Project


----- Original Message -----

From: "Tina S. Vickery"

To: <board@rootsweb.com>

Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 12:22 PM

Subject: Re: [BOARD] Grievance Committee

> With this note, this list is moderated for all Board members.


> You all want to drag this out I am more than happy to oblige.


> Tina

> [Insert by webmaster: Temper, temper! ]

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: "Phyllis Rippee"

> To: <board@rootsweb.com>

> Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 3:10 PM

> Subject: Re: [BOARD] Grievance Committee


>> But, Madame NC, you are the one who said you would

>> entertain a motion.And, I'm still waiting to know

>> who "that member" is from whom we apparently received

>> input.


>> Phyllis


Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 4:41 PM

From: "Daryl Lytton"

Subject: Re: [USGENWEB-DISCUSS] [BOARD] Grievance Committee

(quoting)Tina V wrote: The chair will entertain a motion to accept or reject the proposed slate.... Bettie W replied: I move to accept or reject the proposed GC slate....


This motion was refused to be accepted by Vickery. Instead, she put the Board list on moderation with the comment, "I am more than happy to oblige to drag this out" .... NCs should not stand in the way of the USGenWeb Bylaws, nor intentionally hinder the process of justice within the Project.


[Webmaster's comment: Daryl, I disagree. It's the duty of the NC to block in spirit and in fact of the bylaws intent. ]


From: "Linda Blum-Barton"

To: <usgenweb-all@rootsweb.com>

Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 7:29 PM

Subject: [ABChat] Fw: Resignation

Since the Board-I list is shut down to your Advisory Board members, I hereby tender my resignation as SEMA CC Representative to The USGenWeb Project Advisory Board for the remainder of this term.

I really appreciate the support of those of you who voted for me for National Coordinator and for all of the SEMA region members who have supported me as your representative for the last 4 years and 11 months. I hope I have not disappointed you as I have done my best to represent your interests in the project. I no longer feel I am effective in that position.

Linda Blum-Barton