AHGP Freeloaders



The story of whining free-lunch moochers at AHGP and others hosted by USGenNet and by who knows who.

From the CC Discussion list, aka, USGenNet Fan Club List, aka, The list of Personal Attack

Where nothing is off limits except child abuse, murder and water boarding.

This is Your Genealogy Hobby of Today!

USGenWeb Turns down "offer" from USGenNet for hosting!!! A Slap in the face of USGenNet. There is justice in this world.

From: "Debbie" <axtdeb@comcast.net>

To: <usgenweb-discuss@rootsweb.com>

Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2007 11:49 AM

Subject: Re: [USGENWEB-DISCUSS] "incorporate" not "change"

What does USGennet, which was incorporated as a nonprofit in July of 1998, have to do with the defunct inc. of USGenWeb in 1996?

USGennet is a website hosting service. We offer webspace to NUMEROUS nonprofit organizations such as local DAR groups, historical and genealogical societies. USGennet spells out they do not claim any rights to any of the data on the hosted sites. Furthermore, the incorporators of USGenWeb, Inc., have not been associated with USGennet in excess of 7 years.

We made a good faith offer which was declined by the USGenWeb Board, so our dealings with them have been concluded. So be it.....

Debbie Axtman

Vice President, USGenNet

(added to this web site 23 Sept. 2007 2:30 P.M.)

Yes, Debbie, so be it, Thank the Lord. We do not need any corruption in USGenWeb.

Note: The material above was posted AFTER Debbie Axtman sent an email to Mr. Barnum on 23 Sept. 2007 with a reference to blackmail. Barnum had NOT mentioned her name, but would not condone blackmail from Debbie anyway.

~~~~>Debbie <axtdeb@comcast.net> wrote:

~~~~>Charles, I don't succumb to blackmail.

It must be fun trying to destroy people. One CC was told this same week by a USGenNet representative if she did not like the policies of USGenNet to take her 9 county web sites somewhere else!

That is what I call blackmail. RW has never told any CC such a insulting thing! If you do not agree with the politics of USGNi then get the hell out.

-----Original Message-----

From: usgwp-cc-bounces@usgwp.org [mailto:usgwp-cc-bounces@usgwp.org]

On Behalf Of Ellen Pack

Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 7:51 PM

To: CC Discussion List

Subject: Re: [USGWP-CC] Branding

You know, some of those "whining free lunch moochers" have financial restrictions that prohibit them from putting out bucks. I dare say we have some wonderful volunteers who spend as much as they can getting Internet service, maintaining a computer, obtaining microfilm, documents, books, all to be put online after long hours of transcribing. If they have $18, maybe they'd rather spend it on their

grandchildren, and I say good for them.

If USGN (insert: USGenNet) maintains the attitude that you're a whining free lunch moocher because you can't contribute, then shame on USGN (USGenNet).

Appears to me that you want USGW just to grab more money.


At 07:09 PM 9/21/2007, you wrote:

>Nola Duffy wrote,


> > >Fred

> >>I ask, how DO we get the whining free-lunch moochers to pay their fair share?

> >

> > Fred, now that is a good question! Truth is I don't think anything will change as long as the "free lunch bunch" are not forced to do otherwise. Talk about even $2.00 a month and everyone gets very quiet. I think you said that the USGenNet could grow and prosper on $10/year per user.

> >

> > Nola



>I think I said $18.00 annually but your point is well taken Nola. So the question is: why should we few pay for the hobbies of many?


>Either the free-lunchers stay on RW, accept the branding and become a feeder site for Ancestry OR go elsewhere and get some free web account that requires branding OR pay some company for a squeaky clean web account sans ads.


>USGN needs another server. If USGN had reasonable assurance that there would be enough income to pay for it, they would add the server. But a kiss and a promiss (sic) is not good enough.


>I have wanted USGN to charge the $18.00 annually per account. The powers there don't want to charge. Until USGN resolves the cash flow issues, it is going to remain stagnate.


>If it had a new server, it could add more county accounts, maybe seven hundred, maybe more. But then it would come to another limit. Another server would be needed


>Fred Smoot


>USGWP-CC mailing list

>USGWP-CC@usgwp.org http://usgwp.org/mailman/listinfo/usgwp-cc_usgwp.org

-----Original Message-----

From: usgwp-cc-bounces@usgwp.org [mailto:usgwp-cc-bounces@usgwp.org]

On Behalf Of Fred K. Smoot

Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 7:09 PM

To: CC Discussion List

Subject: Re: [USGWP-CC] Branding

Nola Duffy wrote,

> >Fred

>>I ask, how DO we get the whining free-lunch moochers to pay their fair share?


> Fred, now that is a good question! Truth is I don't think anything will change as long as the "free lunch bunch" are not forced to do otherwise. Talk about even $2.00 a month and everyone gets very quiet. I think you said that the USGenNet could grow and prosper on $10/year per user.


> Nola


(Fred Smoot said)

I think I said $18.00 annually but your point is well taken Nola. So the question is: why should we few pay for the hobbies of many?

Either the free-lunchers stay on RW, accept the branding and become a feeder site for Ancestry OR go elsewhere and get some free web account that requires branding OR pay some company for a squeaky clean web account sans ads.

USGN needs another server. If USGN had reasonable assurance that there would be enough income to pay for it, they would add the server. But a kiss and a promiss (sic) is not good enough.

I have wanted USGN (insert: USGenNet) to charge the $18.00 annually per account. The powers there don't want to charge. Until USGN resolves the cash flow issues, it is going to remain stagnate.

If it had a new server, it could add more county accounts, maybe seven hundred, maybe more. But then it would come to another limit. Another server would be needed

Fred Smoot


USGWP-CC mailing list

USGWP-CC@usgwp.org http://usgwp.org/mailman/listinfo/usgwp-cc_usgwp.org

Note: Fred is the same person who told Barnum to go to Las Vegas and have an "over-nighter" with another male. If you can't silence them, imply they are homosexual. USGenNet maybe a fine example of the old saying, "Birds of a feather fly together. "

Comment: Maybe you fine folks should stop calling fellow CCs whining free-lunch moochers !!!!!

Comments: USGenNet is the same organization that put up a slander web site about a CC. No other host in America's genealogy hobby has ever done that. Beware who you crawl in bed with. They may have stinky feet. In genealogy, All is Not as it Seems.

Just in, by anonymous person. We have no way to confirm the accuracy of this, but if true, it shows who the players were in USGenNet.

"Minutes of the USGenNet, Inc. Board Meeting - 2 Dec 1999

IRC Channel irc.rootsquest.com #usgbrd

Approved: 02/12/2000 Board Meeting

President Oliver called the meeting to order at 19:13 p.m. MST. Present: Pres. Bill Oliver, VP Fred Smoot, Rec. Secty. Carole Hammett, Treas. Jerry Dill, Dirs. Wally Garchow, Allen Richmond and Pat Smith. Absent: Corresp. Secty. Lucy Dill (arrived

19:28) and Jeff Weaver (arrived 19:34).

It was moved by Carole Hammett, seconded by Pat Smith and approved unanimously to change the normal order of business.

The Minutes of the 29 and 30 Nov 1999 Meetings were approved as submitted.

Treasurer's Report. Jerry Dill: Financial transactions: No income. Expenditures of $150.00 for filing fee to IRS. $4.00 more or less for postage. Credit Card status has been approved, but account still not activated. [19:28-19:31 Wally Garchow involuntarily excused. 19:28 Lucy Dill arrived.]

Jerry Dill reported on domain names: We have already purchased the USGenNet.Net domain and have it on our server. USGWI paid that bill, though,. USGWI will submit an invoice to USGenNet. [19:34 Jeff Weaver arrived.] Carole discovered that the other

two domains USGenNet.Org and Com had been purchased by USGenNet back in July 1998. Therefore, it is just a matter of paperwork with InterNIC to clear up the named owner [USGWI]. I filed the paperwork, notarized and all, yesterday. WE may not see the actualy changes for 3 to 6 weeks.

Carole asked if it would be possible to scan and upload the notarized transfer paper to our site? Jerry stated that the notary stamp is an actual stamp, so it would scan okay. Carole requested that Lucy scan and upload it to the server, stating that she thought pending WhoIs showing correct registration that it would be good idea for it to be available.

Liability Insurance. Jerry Dill: No report. Carried over.

Technical Report. Jerry Dill: The new USGenNet server is on line and talking to the world. Jim Cole is now working on getting the configuration set up the way we agreed. Then, he will load TNGenWeb. [19: 42 Wally Garchow involuntarily excused.]. Then, we will move USGenNet. Then, we will move everything else off from the current server, long enough to upgrade the operating system and then move all the USGWI sites back. USGWI has purchase[d] a more than adquate UPS (Power Backup) that should be plenty adequat for both servers. Question is, do we want to have a partnership arrangement, or would USGenNet prefer to have its own? Or is that possible conflict of interest? [Wally Garchow reconnected.] They share the same plug, now. Two ways we can handle that are rent, or split the cost. Approx $300 each. I did get a good buy. USGenNet also stills [needs] to buy at least two 18 GB harddisks.

Carole Hammett stated: I think we should rent rather than buy, primarily because then no question of "comingling" (or whatever legal word is). Jerry stated that he tended to agree. Carole suggested that he come up with rental figure to be voted on by the Board, and asked if there would be more items in "rental category," in which case, perhaps they should be lumped together as a monthly fee. Jerry stated that he did not think so, that any other rental items that might come up can be paid directly to the ISP, and that he would get together with the folks at USGWI and get a rental figure for USGenNet. [19:52-19:53 Wally Garchow involuntarily excused.]

Jerry stated that we are probably looking at around $400. each for 18 GB drives, and asked if the Board would prefer he get some hard numbers, before authorizing the purchase. Carole and Jerry agreed that those were part of the "up to $7,500 figure. Carole added that, in her opinion, no authorization was needed so long as Jerry can bring total in for under $7,500. Jerry asked if the Board would prefer they be part of the long-term lease, or did it prefer to purchase them, adding that it would be under the $7,500. Carole, Fred and Jerry agreed that they should be purchased if USGenNet has the money. Carole and Jerry agreed that the lease-purchase was to cover only those items which were part of server box package, and Jerry stated that the drives need to be considered an expendable item.

Re schedule for moves, Jerry reported: Jim Cole concurs with my estimate from last time we visited on this subject. We should be ready to start moving by Monday, Dec. 6th, and hopefully, have it done by Saturday of that week. That is ambitious. [20:03 Wally Garchow involuntarily excused.]

It was moved, seconded and approved to add the IRS Status as reported to Board by the Treas prior to this meeting as an addenda to these minutes. [20:07 Wally Garchow reconnected](8 Ayes, 1 Abstain = Wally Garchow)

PR Committee. Carole Hammett. Discussion re moves of various domains and/or web sites, and criteria re whether they move to new server. Consensus of Board that all be notified, and moved if requested. A list of accounts already on usgennet.org will be prepared for the Board. All new pages still not finished enough for votes and uploaded [20:24 Wally Garchow involuntarily excused]. PR considers it mandatory that our Policies and Conditions of Use be up prior to announcing. Expects those two pages to be finished by tomorrow or Sat morning at latest, but definitely can't make any promises and am strongly urging that no announcements be made until those pages are approved and up. Discussion re whether those files could be reviewed, voted upon by email with report to Board at next meeting to include vote counts. [20:28 Wally Garchow reconnected].

It was moved and seconded that the Board review and approve, by email vote, the pages Carole referred to as mandatory and attach [results] to the minutes of this meeting. Carole suggested waiting until all reports had been given as other pages, including membership, credit card apparatus, set up and forms, including recipient for forms, also mandatory prior to announcement, and at that time can specify file names. [20:32 Wally Garchow involuntarily excused]. Carole suggested that procedurally, the vote results could be reported by email immediately, then for the record at next meeting (the procedure having been approved at this meeting), procedurally it would be more correct that they be presented at the next meeting than post facto in this meeting's minutes. [20:34 Wally Garchow reconnected]. Motion and second withdrawn pending completion of reports. The PR Chair further recommends that the Board not vote on HTML format, but only on content, and that the format be left to the Web Editor once appointed. Does not need a vote unless objections. The PR Chair also requests that an account be created asap to expedite uploading web pages. Jerry to setup ~usgnhome account. The PR Committee is unprepared insofar as an Announcements list and/or contents at this point.

It was moved, seconded and unanimously approved that Allen Richmond be named Editor of The Researchers' Gazette and be placed in charge of announcement, which will also be suggested as part of the final approval package along with email vote items. Allen

asked if it will be made clear what is and what isn't to be included in the Announcement? Carole states it should be settled by end of meeting. Allen noted need for adequate sharing of information. [20:54 Fred Smoot is excused.]

Policy Committee Report. No formal report. Discussion re amounts for Patron and Corporate Sponsorship contributions, and processing costs and credit card charges. [21:37 Wally involuntarily excused] Jerry stated that the credit card transaction charge is $.30 per + 2.4% of contribution. Consensus of Board that Patrons should be no minimum. It was moved and seconded that the suggested minimum for Corporate Sponsorships be $1,000. (6 Ayes, 1 Abstain = Allen)

It was moved that Membership Classes be termed as follows: Supporting Member (non-voting) $20 Annually; Sustaining Member (voting) $100 Annually. [21:45 Wally reconnected] Motion approved [21:54-55 Wally excused] (7 Ayes, 1 Abstain = Wally)

[22:01 Pat Smith is excused]

AC Committee. Chair absent. [22:03 Wally excused]

It was moved, seconded and unanimously approved that Fred Smoot be appointed Web Editor.

It was moved, seconded and approved unanimously that Carole prepare a list of file names to present to the board by email for out-of-meeting votes of approval for web site, with Carole to announce results by email and report votes formally at next meeting, to also include announcement.

It was moved, seconded and approved that each Board member email to all a suggested timeline from which Allen can prepare a final timeline. Discussion re what is to be included. Carole thought announcement to include all except database, newsletter and more detail re server box schedule. Discussion re stags. Allen: An internal timeline so that we, as Directors, have some idea of what's happening when, when something is expected to happen, and how to act/react accordingly. (5 Ayes, 1 Nay = Jerry). Allen added that he would maintain a timeline once set. Its purpose would be for planning, etc.

It was moved to adjourn until a date set and announced by the President pending a consensus of the Board as to the best date and time for all to reconvene.

Addenda to the Minutes:

IRS 501(c)(3) Status Report from Jerry Dill to the Board: Our IRS From 1023, Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, was personally delivered, by Jerry E Dill, to the U.S. Post Office in Emmett, Idaho and sent, via priority mail to the Internal Revenue Service, in Covington, KY at 2:14 P.M., Thursday, December 2, 1999. A photo copy of the executed filing, was simultaneously sent to our Attorney, Mr. Gregory B Graham, via first class mail.

Respectfully Submitted

Carole Hammett

Recording Secretary "

The 2006 USGenNet Officers:

President, Virginia "Ginger" Cisewski

Secretary, Kathy Leigh

Treasurer, Rhoda Fone

Vice President, Connie Burkett

Vice President, Debbie Axtman

The 2006-2008 USGenNet Directors:

Debbie Axtman

Connie Burkett

Virginia "Ginger" Cisewski

Rhoda Fone

Kathy Leigh

Bill Oliver

Pam Rietsch

Our All-Volunteer Staff

Pam Rietsch, Funding Sources Committee

Stan & Janet Schwarze, Funding Sources Committee

Jim Cole, System Administrator (SysAdmin)

Connie Burkett, US Data Repository Archivist

Fred Smoot, US Data Repository Archivist

Pam Rietsch, Societies Administrator

Ginger Cisewski, Webmaster and Web Page Editor

Truth haters: There is an effort to shut down this web site. Go ahead and try. I'll fight it to my death! I'll move it off shore. I'll move it to China.

Neither Fred, nor Mitchell nor the hangers-on for USGenNet will stop this site.

You've had your way far to long. You can beat up CCs, but you will never silence us.