NCGenWeb Smear Job

Smear Job #2

USGenWeb Corruption, New Mexico and North Carolina.



I respect that you put yourself on hot seat for others. You are one of very few who is standing up for the little people in USGenWeb.

That North Carolina garbage is archived on Rootsweb and on other lists. This can be read forever by Google. The problem with those messages is they carry untrue statements about people. Their posts on RW will be there forever for Google to find. I do not minimize anyone's actions. But people will quote it and misquote it, both the lies and the truth, until they become in-distinguishable.

It's clear what they did in North Carolina to that lady was not personal. The real goal was to gain free reign on the lists to smear, lie and character-assault anyone that stands against them. Such people will hang themselves with their own rope. They did a fine job of hanging that lady, but they hung themselves too. Your experience in New Mexico makes it clear. It was not about you, it was about your refusal to keep quiet about corruption that made you the enemy. They did not care about you personally, they were afraid of your words. Charles, people who are intent upon controlling others never learned that the truth cannot be controlled.

Thanks, and please keep carrying the torch.


From: "Sandy" <>


Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 4:47:37 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern

Subject: [USGENWEB-DISCUSS] while sailing...

Uh... well, folks, guess this'll teach me to spend the morning sailing, eh?

I am - or was (?) - one of the few remaining of the original NCGenWeb Project founders, so I do know we don't even have any bylaws, let alone a "board." :-)

That said, NCGenWeb, Inc., the private corporation with no members which Nola Duffy formed without the project's knowledge back in July 2007, does have a board of directors, so I reckon that board has decided the project's volunteers serve at its whim. And given that Diane is the chairman of USGWP's Grievance Committee, well... who ya gonna call? :-)

I will say that while I certainly dislike the efforts of Diane and others to *change* the structure and purpose of the US and NC GenWeb projects (particularly to form private NON-membership corporations which, by state law, vest *sole* voting rights and authority with the corporation's board of directors), the notion that I'm "dissatisfied" with NC or USGenWeb is pretty ludicrous. If that was the case, I can assure you I wouldn't have helped get NCGenWeb off the ground in the first place, let alone volunteered in it for the past 13 years.

As for my NCVance site, those who aren't transcribers still have great interest and take pride in their sites, and I'm no exception. I'm not in competition with anyone, and neither genealogy nor the US/NCGenWeb Project will ever be a central focus of my life. Too much else I'm involved with. I assist Vance researchers to the best of my ability, and they seem to think I do a pretty good job of it. I believe in the original concept of the project as a great way for a large and diverse group of people to pitch-in together and help other researchers. That's the only reason I helped get it off the ground and it's the reason I've stuck around all these years.

So, NCVance will remain at:

and I'll continue to help Vance researchers.

I'll leave it to others to figure out what the private, non-membership NCGenWeb, Inc. has to do with the NCGenWeb and USGenWeb projects.

For my part, I think Lucille and the Beale Street Blues Boy sure got it right, especially the first few words in the brief intro....


-Sandy :-)


"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." -- Dr. Seuss


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Mike & Diane <>

Date: Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 12:13 PM

Subject: Vance County NCGenWeb

To: Sandy <>

Cc: Derick Hartshorn <>, Taneya Koonce

<>, Katherine Benbow

<>, Ron Dailey <>, Nola

Duffy <>, "Paul D. Buckley"

<>, Tina Vickery <>,

Scott Burow <>, Sherri Bradley

<>, Joel Newport <>


For some time you have shown that you are very dissatisfied with NCGenWeb as well as the USGenWeb Projects.? You have clearly shown the dissatisfaction through various emails as well as the lack of interest you have shown through your work on the Vance County site.

In response the NCGenWeb Project Board members have voted to remove you from the NCGenWeb Project. You are hereby required to immediately remove all NCGenWeb Project and USGenWeb Project logos from the Vance County, NC? site located at:

I do hope that you are able to find a more satisfying volunteer

position elsewhere.

Good luck to you in the future,


NCGenWeb State Coordinator

CC: NCGenWeb Board

CC: National Coordinator, SEMA Rep, Grievance Committee, RAL



NCGenWeb Special Projects


From: Elizabeth Harris <>



Subject: [NCGENWEB-DISCUSS] Vance, Davie and Forsyth counties

Date: Jul 30, 2009 2:51 PM

I learned this afternoon that Sandy Bolick has been removed as CC for Vance County by a vote of the newly appointed NCGenWeb "Project Board." If you don't want Sandy, you don't need me either, and I herewith resign my position as CC for Davie and Forsyth counties. I hope you will be fortunate enough to find replacements who are as committed as I am to genealogical research in those counties.

Sandy and I were among the original CCs for NCGenWeb, and over the years we've gotten to know each other pretty well. We don't always agree, but we respect each other's opinions. The one issue on which we were on totally opposite sides was whether RootsWeb was a genuine "cooperative" or whether the founders would sell out to a commericial enterprise. She was right, I was wrong, but even on that issue, we were able to carry on a productive dialog.

Sandy is forthright, and her posts sometimes have a note of sarcasm, but they have never been hateful. If you think I'm wrong on that, go back and read the archived posts to NCGENWEB and NCGENWEB-DISCUSS from past years. (Diane, you in particular might benefit from getting acquainted with the history of the project you have just taken over).

Sandy is one of the best genealogical detectives I know, and she has been tremendously helpful to individual researchers. She goes the extra mile and much more to find documents, analyze them, and help people to obtain what they need. So her web site wasn't filled with transcribed materials - so what? Neither are my sites, and I've already stated my opinions on this list about the new requirement for transcription. Both of us had what have been disparagingly referred to recently as "links sites," but they were good, helpful links, and we included a lot of history and background information on our counties. Sandy's Vance Co. site had some particularly nice text designed to help newbie genealogists get started with North Carolina research. I hope she keeps this on her personal web pages.

In summary, I am sorry that NCGenWeb has changed so much from what it was 13 years ago, when we were so enthusiastic about what we were creating. It's not the same, it's no longer fun, and I have to admit that I'm looking forward to doing what I want to do, rather than struggling to comply with a long list of rules and regulations.

Diane, I will send you my pages by private e-mail.

Elizabeth Harris


From: "Scotland County NCGenWeb" <>


Sent: Saturday, August 1, 2009 12:25:39 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern

Subject: [USGENWEB-DISCUSS] Resignation

Effective immediately, I resign as CC of Scotland County, primarily for the following reasons:

(1) While I may agree with the reasons for removing Sandy, the method in which it was done violates the Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure under the Rights of Members and should have been open to vote by the membership. I do not agree with the way it was handled and, having researched NCGenWeb's trials and tribulations since its founding, I cannot help but wonder how much personal vendetta played in the decision that was made.

(2) After being advised by the SC to copy images from Ancestry and post them to the county site I maintain to get something new on it, assuring me that it was okay to do so after I questioned the copyright infringements, then having our legal department review Ancestry's Terms and Conditions, I want no part of this.

(3) In the less than two years I maintained the county site, I added more than had been placed on it during the previous five or more years that I'm aware it had existed. Scotland County is a young county which does not leave much more than a 20 year span between county formation and infringing on the privacy of living persons to post information for.Then there's the issue of there just not being much in the way of publications or microfilm to begin with. Also, submissions for the site have been near nonexistent, not just at the county site but in the Archives as well.No amount of nanomanagement can change what's available to work with.On the other hand, I have helped numerous people behind the scenes by pointing them in the right direction to find what they needed from the parent counties or telling them what I know of families in the county to help them find living descendants.

Like others, I have a full time career, a home to solely maintain, and my own health crosses to bear. I can honestly say I feel I have made an improvement to the site in the time I have maintained it, whether it meets anyone else's opinion or not.

Mary Modlin


Last report today, but not the least:

Saturday Aug 1, 2009

Others outside of NCGenWeb understand what's happening. It's to bad the sincere people of the USGenWeb can't sprinkle Rid-x upon the NCGenWeb Project to rid us of the contaminating officers in North Carolina that advocate violating USGenWeb Bylaws and United States Copyright law. We who respect USGenWeb's rules AND we who advocate upholding the Bylaws find YOU and YOUR ilk offensive. You're an embarrassment to The USGenWeb Project and YOU, NCGenWeb, malign the world of genealogy. The fact that the State Coordinator of NCGenWeb is responsible for this latest incident IS ALSO the USGenWeb's Advisory Board's Grievance Committee Chairwoman is shameful. The failure by the Advisory Board to remove this Officer, the Grievance Committee Chairperson, is comparable to TREASON.


From: "Warren T. Bagley"

Subject: [NCGENWEB-DISCUSS] New data, transcribing and trouble

Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2009 09:28:25 -0400

I am against any requirement to add new data to our sites. I think every county is different and must be considered.

In my case, Johnston County. Johnston was very big and an early county in the state formation. The genealogical society has been transcribing for more than 40 years. And for more than 15 years we have a Heritage Center that is probably one of the best in the US. They to have been transcribing like crazy. If you have ever heard of Wynette Hawn, she has transcribed an unbelievable amount of Johnston record. I to have put a lot of data on my site in the past but it's so hard to find something that fits and does not step on other toes. The genealogical society has surveyed and published over 1000 cemeteries. Even all our deed have been abstracted from 1746 to over 1850. And I have personally put up 7 census years (1784 to 1840) even though the county is very large.

I live in the county and try to always keep it a win win situation. I have to deal with the genealogical society, heritage center, and lots of individual transcribers and publisher . It's sort of hard to transcribe data that is already available online or already published. I try to promote them all and in every case the researcher is a big winner in Johnston County.

I hate to mention it but I probably should. I have been in very poor health and it's difficult for me to discuss the current matters on this list. No Diane, don't suggest that I put up my county for adaption like you so easily like to do. I think your goal was to run Sandy out of the project and now you've run Elizabeth off. You'd much rather have a new person that follows you in the counties. I mention the poor health because I have personally helped many a researcher at the Heritage Center.

I am not currently doing it because of my condition. Sandy and Elizabeth were doing a lot for their county. I am and have too. I am trying to get my health better and go back to helping there. I have not seen any good leadership from you. Sure lots of things need to be done. We have a lot of sleepy counties and always will have. You are never going to change that. You are going to force your way into it all.

You said you had been even cussed at. I sure would not do that but I understand why a lot of people have gotten upset with you. I know some of you want all the records on our sites and free. It "ain't" going to happen. You better wish you had ancestors in Johnston County. It don't take long for a researcher to choke on the volume of easy data to be had here.

And one more thing. I voted for you. Wish I had not. I don't think Ron would have upset the people like you have. I am upset that you have made me write this email. I have waited much too long to reply. Enough for this email and please excuse my poor writing.

Warren Bagley, CC Johnston County