Aug 21-27 2000

From merope@Radix.Net Mon Aug 21 15:11:13 2000

Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 15:11:13 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

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MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Moving right along...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Saturday 19 August 2000-Sunday 20 August 2000:

There was no Board-L traffic on these dates [and none today so far]


Election News: Polls in the runoff election close tomorrow. Don't forget

to vote! Place your vote at:

In other election news we hear that Our Esteemed National Coordinator is

taking time off from his busy schedule handling old grievances to spam CCs

with pleas that they vote for him. He's also asking for "some feedback

regarding your ideas of how we can work together to improve and grow the

Project." Please give him that feedback at the voting booth.


"Man is not a blood-thirsty animal, and war is only due to the greed and

lust for power of relatively small groups, the conspiracy of the few

against the many."

---Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

This has been your Daily Bored Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 2000 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Tue Aug 22 14:14:28 2000

Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 14:14:27 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


Live, from the mosh pit...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Monday 21 August 2000:

There was no Board-L traffic on this date [and none thus far today].


Election News: The EC Chairman Roger Swafford has released this reminder


"The polls will be open through 2359 CDT, 22 August 2000. Votes cast after

midnight CDT shall not be validated. Less than 12 hours remain to vote in

the NC runoff election. The ballot is located at you must use your voter

ID and email address. For any voter ID problems after 6 pm CDT members are

encouraged to contact the EC Chairman at"

Do not forget to vote. The Project you save may be your own.

Dirty Policits Corner: With the end of the election looming and the

very real possibility looming that Tim "Spam" Stowell may lose,

self-proclaimed USGenWeb ferret Babs Dore has crawled from her burrow

and posted yet another one of her lists of traitors and malcontents, this

one timed to coincide with the end of the runoff election. This time her

apparent point is that anyone who contributes anything to any other online

genealogy or history project is not "100% loyal" to USGenWeb and thus is

not fit to hold office in it. Among her attack targets are Ginger

Cisewski [who has already lost, so Babs' swipe at her is nothing but

gratuitous] and Jim Powell. On the way, she also impugns the reputation

and questions the loyalty of _anyone_ who participates in the American

Local History Network, the Genealogy Exchange and Surname Registry, the

American History and Genealogy Project, Independent Pathways in History,

the United States Internet Genealogy Society [a personal bugaboo for

Babs], the Legacy Project, and the U.S. Biographies Project. She manages

somehow to forget other projects, such as Migrations, the Immigrant Ships

Transcribers Guild, WorldGenWeb, and Root$web [whose cluster pages most

definitely compete with USGW] and ignores completely the fact that many,

many USGW members are also members of these other groups, not just those

who "scream and holler" [her words]. Given the extensive networking that

is the whole point of the internet, one wonders if she has any real idea

how many of her constituents participate in non-USGW genealogy projects

and how many of them now realize that, although she is supposed to

represent them, they are little more than second-class citizens with

disloyal agendas in her consideration.

To the credit of USGenWeb, I have not seen one message suppporting her

action. Most people who have responded have expressed various degrees of

sorrow and disgust that anyone who publicly represents this project and

sits on its Board can hold and express such sentiments. As Board member

Holly Timm says "You are presuming disloyalty by virtue of involvement and

activity in alternative only genealogy and history groups. I am ashamed

and appalled of this attitude, it is no better than those who

automatically assume the worst of those who have any involvement with

Rootsweb or the USGenWeb Archives." Board member Ginger Hayes reminds the

project of Babs' recent involvement in the clandestine attempt to

trademark the USGenWeb name: "You think flying a blackened USGW logo in

protest because one is heartsick over the removal of a large group of

volunteers from USGW, to appease a couple of people, is disloyal? Your own

offer of finanicial support, and lending your name to the application, of

the trademarking of the USGW name by a private individual isn't? Which is

more heinous Barbara? Protesting or attempting to steal our name?"

Babs, of course, suggests voting for Tim Stowell, noting "Having a

National Coordinator who is not even loyal could mean another long year of

struggles." But she fails to mention that Tim and his cronies on the

Board have spent the past year imbuing the position of National

Coordinator with extraordinary power, more power than the framers of the

bylaws ever intended it to have. The NC can now cast a meaningful vote in

tied voting on subsidiary motions, can issue "executive orders", and can

delink entire projects as part of his/her "day to day" duties. The

Archives members and supporters on the Board have used these new-minted

powers to illegally remove the Census Project [a thorn in their side for

over a year] and to quash any attempts to reinstate it. But there's a

downside to this, of course, if their man loses the election. The

politician-in-their-pocket is gone but the power and the precedent remain.

That scares them, thus Babs' last minute attempt to smear by association

the reputation of Tim's most honorable opponent.

Remember that when you go to the polls.


"May those who love us(genweb)

~ love us(genweb) ~

And those who do not love us(genweb)

May God turn their hearts

And if God cannot turn their hearts

May God turn their ankles

So we may know them by their limping"

---Barbara Dore, 22 Jan 1999, USGENWEB-ALL

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 2000 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Wed Aug 23 19:12:10 2000

Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 19:12:09 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Bashing and trashing...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Wednesday 23 August 2000:

Our Esteemed National Coordinator copies to Board-L a message to this

author in which he notes that Nate Zipfel [on whose grievance I based my

own] withdrew his grievance on May 20 2000. Thus, according to Tim, "Since

he dropped his grievance and you attached your name to his - it would

appear your grievance is moot." [Tim may have congratulated himself

prematurely; see below]

Ginger Cisewski forwards to Board-L a message from this author in

which I remind the Board that shortly after Nate withdrew his grievance, I

posted that I specifically did not withdraw mine. [see below]


Election News: The results of the runoff election are in, and Tim Stowell

will be the National Clown, er, I mean Coordinator, for yet another year.

The DBS extends condolences to everyone.

No results have been announced in the elections for new Tombstone and

Census representatives.

Some project members pointed out an interesting change in the ballots last

night. Apparently, Vicki Shaefer was brought in as a last

minute substitute for vote counter Carole Montrose.

Unseemly Haste Corner: In Tim's haste to declare moot the grievance filed

against himself and several Board members way back in May [he sent me

the message a mere five minutes after the election results were

announced], he appears to have missed my email of May 20, which followed

hot on the heels of Nate's withdrawal. It says specifically "For the

record, I do NOT withdraw my grievance, presented below for your

convenience. I respectfully request notification that the Board has

received this request and its current status." Although some Board

members did let me know they received this message, none provided me with

an update on its status, as I had requested.

I have no real doubt that Tim was aware of my May 20 message when he

declared the grievance moot. I am just surprised that he did not go that

extra step and declare my recent grievance moot as well, since the Board

can hardly be held accountable if they believed my grievance to be

withdrawn along with Nate's. Perhaps they will make me wait another 90

days for notification that _that_ grievance is moot as well.

Moving Right Along Corner: A couple of Board members have forwarded their

agendas for the upcoming 2000-2001 Board session. Joe Zsedeny's includes

"An election Bylaw rewrite committee, a domains and trademark committee

and a grievance committee." Joy Fisher's includes "1. Fixing the By-Laws

2. Setting up a standing Election Committee 3. Tackling the questions of

service marks/trademarks, incorporations, etc."


"It is better to be defeated on principle than to win on lies."

-- Arthur Calwell

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 2000 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Thu Aug 24 13:47:20 2000

Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 13:47:19 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Read it and weep...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Wednesday 23 August 2000:

Jim Powell resigns from USGenWeb, saying "First I'd like to say to Tim,

"Congratulations, you pulled it off from beginning to end". I wish you

and USGenWeb all the best. I'd also like to share a few thoughts with

everyone. I appreciate all of you that took the time to vote. I respect

your decision. You know, I have thought long and hard about loyalty.

Maybe I have had it wrong all the time. It was my belief that for your

loyalty to mean anything at all, you first had to be loyal to the

principles that you believe in. This Project has lost sight of some of

the things that mean a lot to me. Some of you don't see it. But I see it

and feel it and realize that there is no chance for it to change.

Although I feel loyalty to USGenWeb, I am not, nor have I ever been, a

good soldier. The election affirmed that USGenWeb will follow the course

previously set by Tim and the majority of the Board. I can not in good

conscience follow along. I will continue to work to place online and

freely share historical and genealogical data. I just won't be doing it

as a member of USGenWeb. I am not encouraging anyone to follow my lead.

If you need anything for your genealogy from Alachua County, Florida, give

me a shout. Judge me as you will." [USGenWeb has had many sad days, but

this must be one of the saddest.]

Ginger Hayes tells Jim she is sorry to see him go and notes that she has

considered resigning herself. She respects his decision and notes "We all

have to be true to our own principles. USGW will be that much worse off

for your leaving."

Ellen Pack is also very sorry to see Jim leave and says "Our Project will

suffer at the loss of your high ethics and standards, your consistent

gentlemanly and respectful attitude and approach, your unquestionable

loyalty to the USGW Project, and your never-ending attempts to bring

problems to a fair and just conclusion."

Thursday 24 August 2000:

Moving right along, Joe Zsedeny says that he believes the Election

Committee should remain organized until a permanent EC can be instituted.

He thinks "there will be Bylaw changes in the works that will require

a membership vote before the next election." [Uh oh, what do they have up

their sleeve?]

Joe moves "that the Election Committee be asked to remain in place with

the present voter IDs until such time as a permanent EC can be

appointed." [Hmmmmm...would this mean that folks who joined after April

2000 won't get to vote in interim elections either?]

National Coordinator Tim Stowell wishes Jim good luck in his future

endeavors and thanks him for running a clean campaign [unlike Tim].

Tim asks for a second to Joe's motion.


Shape Of Things To Come Corner: Now that the Archives has an unassailable

2/3 majority on the Board, what can we expect to see in the future? Why

might Joe think they will need a functioning Election Committee so soon?

Some interesting ideas making the circuit include "emergency" amendments

to add a standards and ethics policy or CC guidelines to the bylaws, to

add a grandfather clause to the bylaws that would relieve the Archives of

its obligation to follow the bylaws, to eliminate the Special Projects

seats on the Board and subsume them under the Archives, and to enshrine

Tim's favorite notion of "Project Purity" [most lately invoked in Babs

Dore's mean-spirited savaging of Jim Powell and numerous other Project

members] and prevent USGW members from dual affiliations with one or more

other online genealogy projects.

Ellen Pack, who made bylaws reform a plank in her campaign platform, is

already working on "a motion requesting the immediate formation of an

impartial and autonomous Sub-Committee charged with revising/rewriting the

current By-Laws, said revision to be presented to the electorate for their

approval/non approval during the 2001 National Election." But methinks

the Board would prefer such important matters not go before an "impartial

and autonomous committee", but would rather form bylaws amendments

themselves and put them before the voters using if at all possible the

same Election Committee that engineered such excellent results for them in

the late election.

Update On The News Corner: You may recall that some weeks ago we

reported on a project member who requested that her transcriptions be

removed from the Archives where they had ended up without her permission.

Instead of removing the transcriptions, the Archives Census Project took

her name off them, left them online, and solicited for "new transcribers"

over the data. One of those transcriptions has already been reposted

under someone else's name; except for the transcriber's name it is the

exact same file, even down to some small and barely noticeable

idiosyncracies. The transcription is huge [its for a major American

city] and the original transcriber says it took her 600 hours to get it

online. The new transcriber must have worked nearly 20 hours a day to get

the "new" one up in less than a month.

We hear now that the transcriber in question has filed a formal grievance

with the Board against Kevin Fraley, Maggie Stewart Zimmerman, and Linda

Lewis for copyright violation and for falsely informing the Board that

the files had been removed. Thus far, all her previous communication

with the Board has been ignored, but perhaps she is just on their 90 day


All Mine Corner: According to the "Prosecution History" segment of the

status report on Linda Lewis' service mark application, she filed an

amendment to the application "prior to exam" on July 31 2000. The USPTO

won't tell me what's in the amendment over the phone, but I've ordered a

copy and we'll see. She is still listed as the applicant, however.

Throwing In The Towel Corner: Rit Maggard, list dominatrix for

USGENWEB-DISCUSS, has told her subscribers that she is considering closing

the -DISCUSS list. Apparently, it is not working as she envisioned it,

and rather than see people carry on the same fights there that they carry

on on the -ALL list or impose a list of forbidden topics, she'd rather

just terminate it. She has asked her subscribers to send her their

thoughts on the matter.

Commerce Marches On Corner: Most of you know by now that

will be posting the entire U.S. Federal census on its Images Online site

this fall. They have announced a price for this service of $59.95.

Apparently this will be separate from the yearly subscriber fee, but if

you are already a member you get a discount off this price. If you are

not a member, you can subscribe to the Census images separately. There

will also be a fully searchable index by the end of the year, making this

new project one of the more useful online genealogy features in some time.

The scans they have posted thus far are nicely scanned, fairly easy to

read, but not so easy to print if you don't have the plug-in.

On a barely related side note <g>, is now prominently

supporting a link to Root$web's mailing lists smack in the middle of its

home page.


Today's quote is from a subscriber:

"I guess Teresa's audience is along the lines of those who buy those

trashy magazine's in the grocery check out isles, seems they just thrive

on seeing all of the horrible things that can be said about others. Oh

well, to each his own."

---Kelly Courtney Blizzard, USGENWEB-ALL, 23 Aug 2000

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 2000 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Fri Aug 25 14:00:46 2000

Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 14:00:45 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Do not fold, spindle or mutilate...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Friday 25 August 2000:

Betsy Mills says she will not second Joe's motion because she would prefer

that the Board establish a Standing Election Committee; she also does not

like his use of the word "permanent" as it implies there will be no

turnover on the committee. She notes further "I am concerned that the

present committee took a dictatorial stance and refused to accept

direction from the board and it was intimated that the board set that

committee up that way...Concerns were expressed by the board and went

unanswered by the committee chair and that can not continue. I believe if

we are going to start rebuilding some trust amongst the membership, we

need a clean slate and a new committee."


Don't Speak Until You're Spoken To Corner: Following Joe's motion to

request that the current Election Committee remain in place until a

permanent one can be formed there was some minor discussion of the issue

on several project lists. Most of the talk centered on the concern that

those folks who were so abritrarily disenfranched in the recent national

election might continue to be kept from voting if the current EC and voter

ID system is carried over into the new Board term. Several people noted

that they have asked their representatives about it and one person

publicly posted a specific question about to CC-L and -ALL. Yesterday

evening, Our Esteemed Coordinator made of his increasingly rare public

appearances to tell us all to shut up. He says "...instead of second

guessing every post to the Board list, one should wait until the motion

gets a second and moves into the discussion/clarification phase. The final

motion may look entirely different from the original."

Honor Among Thieves Corner: Census Project coordinator Ron Eason has

publicly posted the grievance filed against Kevin Fraley, Maggie Stewart

Zimmerman, and Linda Lewis to the -ALL and CC-L lists. In his message, he

gives a bit of background on the transcriber's experiences trying first to

get her files corrected and then, when the Archives would not correct

them, trying to get them removed. Since her first attempts to get the

files removed, her name was first removed from them although the files

were left online. Later a request for a new transcriber appeared in the

heading for the files, which were _still_ online. Then Eileen White's

name was posted as the assigned transcriber, and finally about a week

ago, her name was replaced with Kay Mason's [no relation].

Following the grievance [in which she was not named] Ms. Mason wrote an

outraged letter to the transcriber in which she says, "Are you done

whining and crying?...You are still seeing these records as yours, not as

public records. And as for the time spent on these records, how do you

know how I spend my time? You've been whining about these records for

eternity, so it seems, so why would it be so far-fetched for a very

motivated person to redo the work you've done?...I suggest you actually

talk to the person about whom you are going to spread lies before

attacking, as you have me. You have NO clue who I am or how I spend my

time, and I don't owe YOU any kind of accounting of what I do with my

time....From the tone of the letters I've seen written by you, I almost

feel sorry for you. I don't think I've ever seen so much anger expressed

over a lifeless object that you have chosen to give life. I hope you soon

learn how to manage your own life and leave the rest of us alone."

Although Ms. Mason implies that she did indeed spend the excessive amount

of time necessary to retranscribe the records, nowhere in her message does

she state affirmatively that she did in fact fully re-transcribe the

census from scratch. It would be rather strange if she were retranscribing

the censuses that the ACP would first request a new transcriber, then list

"Eileen White" as the new transcriber, and only then add Kay's name when

the files were actually ready to go online. [I wrote her and asked her

directly if she re-did the work from scratch, but she has not replied.]

It is also interesting that the blurb at the beginning of each posted page

of the census in question says "Abstracted by Kay Mason, August 2000 from

public records. Edited and formatted by Maggie Stewart, August 2000.

Submitted by Kay Mason August 15, 2000." Not "transcribed by Kay Mason",

note, but "abstracted." Other transcribed census records generally say

"This Census was transcribed by [name] and proofread by [name] for the

USGenWeb Census Project." Kay does go to some trouble to note in her

message above that the original transcriptions constitute "public

records" rather than being the property of the transcriber. The "new"

records in question were all posted August 21.

In the other set of transcriptions [same city, different year], it appears

that the transcriptions have been pulled as of today [August 25] and

replaced with the following blurb: "A retranscription of this file is in

progress and should be online shortly." I imagine we will see more

"abstractions" by "Kay Mason" online forthwith.

For his part, Ron Eason warns the Board and the Archives, that if the

transcriber's grievance "isn't handled right by the AB and the Archives,

she is contemplating filing charges with the Attorney General." [_That_

could get very interesting...]

Changed My Mind Corner: Rita Maggard has decided not to close the

-DISCUSS list after all, after several of her subscribers wrote and asked

her not to. Instead she will be instituting some enforced "time-out"

rules. Just like in kindergarten.


"Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote."

---George Jean Nathan

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 2000 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Sat Aug 26 14:55:51 2000

Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2000 14:55:50 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Nine times out of ten...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Friday 25 August 2000:

Joe withdraws his motion, noting that Betsy made some good points [in her

email reported yesterday] and "besides I am told there is a motion

forthcoming that will address the election issue."

Pam Reid forwards a message she received from Family Tree Magazine noting

that the USGenWeb Project has been "chosen by the editors at at Family

Tree Magazine as the Site of the Day or one of the 101 Best Websites for

Genealogists!" [this form letter is little more than a plug for free

advertising; it goes on to ask USGW to sign up as an affiliate and post a

banner ad.]

In a message to Maggie Stewart-Zimmerman, Linda Lewis, Kevin Fraley

and Kay Mason, Shari Handley and Holly Timm request "a complete and

immediate explanation of the occurrances surrounding the census

transcriptions that are the subject of Pauline Leitner's grievance (1850

and 1860 Baltimore City)." They specifically request that the explanation

include "information on the re-transcription by Kay L. Mason, and whether

it was completely, freshly redone, or just had items "stripped and moved"

from the Leitner transcriptions." They say the information will be used

"to supplement an ongoing investigation of this matter." [We are

interested to learn that, despite this "ongoing investigation", Pauline

Leitner has not been contacted by the Board, and Ron Eason has been

instructed to keep his mouth shut about it, lest he jeopardize whatever

slim chance his transcriber has of winning.]


Ongoing Investigation Corner: It looks like mention of an Attorney

General getting involved lit a fire under the Board. <g> Depending on the

outcome of this "investigation", the Board and/or the Archives could find

themselves in an interesting position. It is unlikely that anyone from

the Archives will go on record that Kay's "abstractions of public records"

were just cut and pasted versions of Pauline's original work. And

it is even more unlikely that the Board will want to go on record as

condoning the practice [I can see the headlines now <g>]. Unless Kay is

able to state affirmatively that she retranscribed the records from

scratch, the Board will have to determine if "abstracting" is an OK thing

to do, and if not what to do about it.

Most of us probably realize by now that "abstraction" is more or less

Archives policy when someone wants their transcriptions removed from the

Archives and makes a big stink about it. Its happened before, Maggie

Stewart has been caught discussing doing it at Linda Lewis' suggestion,

and our own National Coordinator has gone on record as noting that the

_only_ thing copyrightable in a transcription of a public domain work is

the format, and the format belongs to the Archives. From a technical and

legal standpoint, since the records in question are public domain works,

it is debatable whether or not there has been out and out copyright

violation. However, the violation of the relationship of trust between

the transcribers and the Archives is huge.

How much do you want to bet that rather than go on record as stating the

"new" versions of the transcriptions are just the old ones in new

clothes, the Archives agrees to take the transcriptions down for good, no

further questions asked? After all to admit to the practice would pretty

much gut any assurance that transcribers retain their copyright to their

work, and quite a few people might rethink their dedication to a project

that would so blithely steal their hard work and call it someone else's.

End of an Era Corner: We hear through the grapevine that the Root$web

sell-out to is complete and Brian Leverich and Karen Isaacson

no longer have any management positions or controlling role in the

company. We hope they find the thirty pieces of silver worth it.

Pretty Is As Pretty Does Corner: Archives anklebiter Kelly Courtney

Blizzard has lately been forwarding the standard conspiracy line, this

time concerning the extensive smear campaign being waged against the

Census Project. She says "As far as the latest of smear campaigns, I am

convinced that Eason and his group sent the letters out on their own in

hopes of stirring the pot again and hoping someone would cry an extra tear

for the poor mistreated bunch." We hear someone gently mentioned the word

"slander" in her ear, and she published the following retraction: "To all

concerned, I formally retract the statement below and apologize for

stooping to Ron's level. I have no proof of anyone's involvement in the

sending of those letter's therefore I have no right to speculate,

especially publicly on this list." [Kelly seems to be having some trouble

keeping her stories straight about the flurry of spam emails that have

been received by various members of the CP. First she claims her messages

--which are very similar to the spam in tone and content-- were sent in

response to a message she received from a CP member. But its clear from

her original message that she did not receive the CP message directly, and

others who have received it have noted that her name was not on the

original cc list.]

State Your Name Rank and Serial Number Corner: We've heard from some

attempted subscribers that subscription to Board-L is no longer just a

matter of sending an email request. Our Esteemed National Coordinator is

now screening members, and some folks seem to be having an uncommonly

difficult time getting subbed.


"Happy campers you have been, happy campers you are, and happy campers

you will always be."

---J. Danforth Quayle

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 2000 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Sun Aug 27 17:19:29 2000

Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2000 17:19:28 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


The itch you have to scratch...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Saturday 26 August 2000:

Ginger Hayes and Pam Reid join Holly Timm and Shari Handley in requesting

information on the transcriptions at the heart of the grievance currently

before the Board. Ginger notes "I've asked once privately and received no

answer." Pam says "I have been trying in vain to get to the bottom of

this mess since it started!"


"Justice is incidental to law and order."

---J. Edgar Hoover

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 2000 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.