Switchers From RootsWeb


States and Projects that left Rootsweb.com

for other servers, and those that didn't

I stated years ago that the love affair with RW would end. RW would either start charging a fee for web sites or placed ads on web sites.

I was 100% correct. There are two good things that came out of the divorce:

One- RW no longer is a hammer that can used against LCs when they have a disagreement with a SC or between the SC and the AB.

Remember Tim Stowell vs. the AB fiasco? In that case Tim would have prevailed if RW had not entered the fight between the two giants.

RW sided with the AB and ripped the floor out from under Tim.

Two- RW offers web space for independent LCs as well as to the Projects like ALHN and AHGP. USGenWeb should not take this threat lightly. RW could become a serious rival of USGenWeb by using independent LCs. See this site as an example: Troup Co . It has since converted to ALHN but was independent previously. The bad thing is that SCs now have control over the web sites directly. They own the server space and can kick LCs out immediately with or without reason.

As for U$GenNet vs. RW for webspace, which would you rather have, 1- a little header at the top of the page with an attractive RW banner or 2- an ugly logo at the bottom of the page that looks something like this:

This website is hosted by U$GenNet, a nonprofit web-hosting service supported solely by tax-deductible donations. If this website has provided you with useful information, please consider making a donation to U$GenWeb to help keep sites like this online.* While we try to take over the genealogy world.

Big Fat Logo goes here

Generously hosted by U$GenNet

United $tate$ Genealogy Moneywork$, Inc.

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History and Genealogy

Join today and give u$ your money. It's free!

No claim is made to the copyrights of individual submitters, and this site

complies fully with U$GenNet’s Nonprofit Conditions of u$e. Send Money.

*or get your own server space for a few bucks a year. Why give your money to U$GenNet?

U$ Data Repository, How about that? This is U$GenNet's version of the USGenWeb Archives. If you can't be them, imitate them!

The difference is the Archives are a roaring success and the U$ Data Repository is a dismal failure.

U$GenNet offered to provide web space for the home page of USGenWeb. Well, USGenWeb said, "NUTS!"

That was one of the few good things the AB has done.