Parting Filth

Parting Filth

Published by Karen Mitchell

Not dated, copied from the online attack on Barnum. No copy was sent to Charles Barnum. It was discovered on the NMGenWeb Official Project web site by a person not associated with NMGenWeb.


To the Advisory Board, Charles Barnum, and xxx xxxxx:

Due to the continued threats of law suits from Mr. Barnum, and under the advice of the NM CC’s I will not agree to mediation, but will offer the following statement.

Liar: I have never threatened Karen Mitchell with a law suit.

It is my understanding that all grievance activities are to be held in confidence. Mr. Barnum has already breached that confidentiality by telling Teresa Lindquist about this grievance, thereby making his grievance null and void. You may read about this on her Daily Bored Show (spelling is deliberate).

Liar: I did not. Karen Mitchell told several people about it however, even going on the regional email list. I have not done so, nor replied online to her lies and filth. The Advisory Board has not bothered to ask me a single question about the validity of anything Mitchell said nine months after she wrote them. They never support a County Coordinator.

Due to Mr. Barnum’s repeated threats of law suits, the Advisory Board, Mr. Barnum, or Mr. (xxxxx) can not give me a written guarantee that he will not sue. Again making this grievance null and void.

Liar: I was never asked by Mitchell for any such guarantee. Nor have I threatened her. Nor do the bylaws of USGenWeb allow for pre-conditions to mediation.

Charles Barnum has been and continued to be an administrative burden to all three of the State Coordinators since he joined NMGW nine years ago. His continuous threats of law suits, disruptions, and refusal to accept the wishes of the majority of CC’s has been extremely difficult for each State Coordinator to deal with, causing constant turmoil in the administration of NMGW and on the NM lists.

Liar: Show me their testimony and the SPECIFIC charges. No former NMGenWeb SC has ever sent me an email saying they were disappointed in my actions. All of them have tuned over County sites to me to upgrade and oversee until permanent CCs could be found.

I believe it is the inherent responsibility of each authoritative member of the USGW Project to require and insure that its members refrain from conduct injurious to the organization, its purposes, or its members. And should expel outright any member found not in good standing if guilty of disruption, threatening, or character unbecoming of a member. It is my opinion that Mr. Barnum’s continued threats of law suits against any member is reprehensible, disgusting, and intolerable behavior. His threats are used to intimidate other members and should not be condoned nor tolerated. Mr. Barnum has repeatedly tried to engage other members in hostile discussions so that he could sue them for monetary gain.

Liar: You are the one unbecoming of a member. I have never sued any person on this planet. Perhaps there are other universes I do not know about.

Liar: ..."so that he could sue them for monetary gain." Liar. Liar. Liar.

I was informed by five (5) NM CC’s that if I didn’t do something about Charles Barnum they would resign their Counties and go elsewhere.

If they do not get their way, they will cut and run. Don't let the door hit them in the ass on the way out.

I offer to you the following web pages that I have privately posted for your perusal to verify my claims.

(link) Sequence of recent events leading up to the delinking of Mr. Barnum from NMGW.

(link) Repeated threats by Charles Barnum in his own words. This also includes the grievances he has filed against every NM State Coordinator.

(link) Comments about Charles Barnum, before, during, and after the delinking.

(link) Poll of the NM CC’s concerning retention of the State Coordinator and implementation of written rules or Bylaws.

(link) Expose of Charles Barnum sent by a concerned member of USGW.

Liar: Those pages are a collections of filth and lies. They are not relevant to my being expelled. Notice the wording, "...grievances he has filed against every NM State coordinator."

I have never filed a grievance against any NM State Coordinator except Karen Mitchell and only after she illegally expelled me from NMGenWeb. This is another example of Mitchell-ism, her brand of filth, lies and distortion.

If any person knows of a grievance I filed with the Advisory Board against any NMGenWeb SC, I will print it here in detail.

In reading the above documents I would ask that you keep the following timetable in mind:

May 23 Charles was delinked (2006)

Karen Mitchell never specified charges. Anything after-that-fact of my dismissal is not relevant.

May 25 I was scheduled for major surgery May 24 Surgery was cancelled due to complications and rescheduled

I did not cause your medical problems. Anything after-that-fact of my dismissal is not relevant.

June 19 My community was placed on stand-by evacuation due to the fire at La Veta, Colorado

I did not start the fire.

June 22 I had major surgery

I am not your surgeon. Anything after-that-fact of my dismissal is not relevant.

July 10 I announced on the NM list that I was back and recuperating.

So what?

I believe I have dealt quite well with Charles Barnum’s emotional constipation, given all the extenuating circumstances.

Bowl movements? This is an example of your inflammatory rhetoric rather than presenting specific charges that I can address.

Furthermore, I have been continually harassed by Charles Barnum and will post the proof of that if you desire further proof, including his smear campaign when I ran for National Coordinator and his current web page entitled the “Extermination of Charles Barnum by Karen Mitchell”.

You ran for National Office years ago and were soundly defeated. You smear people but can not take any heat in return. You claim harassment if people disagree with you.

It is my recommendation that Charles Barnum be removed from the USGW Project, in its entirety, due to behavior unbecoming of a member, which I assure you will be repeated and you will be forced to deal with again in another State. The antics of Charles Barnum are a detriment to USGW and are not is the spirit of this project. Charles Barnum has not confined his actions to NMGW, but has caused problems in every project he is a member of, on numerous lists, the Reno News newspaper, and the Colorado List where he tried to bait me into an argument for which Sundee Maynez, SC, intervened. These actions indicate that he is a contemptuous individual, and not one that would be an asset to USGW.

It is my recommendation that you go to Confessional. You lie, slander and vilified. Your six pages of filth and lies is testimony against you.

You have not presented one instance of a bylaws violation nor a SPECIFIC charge against me. Look at your odious statement above:

Reno newspapers. What the hell kind of charge is that, Reno newspapers?

Antics? What antics. Another buzz word with no meaning. You have not presented a single instance, but refer to vague statements like "detriment" without giving specific details.

On Numerous lists: What lists? What disruptions? You never provide specifics because there are none.

Baiting you. You are the one who called me "nonsensical" for wanting a VOTE in an election. Me bait you? I responded to your name calling. You followed later with "Bring it on." Bring it on? Who was baiting whom? You pretend to be "so-sweet" while using the weapon of deception.

Contemptuous individual? You attack then hid behind a poor-me defense. This is one of your favorite tactics. As for being an asset, I put more data on my Lincoln County web page than most of the other countries in NMGenWeb combined!

In summation, the matter of Charles Barnum being a member of the NMGW was handled on the NM State level and need go no further. He is not affiliated with NMGW, nor will he be re-instated.

Thank you, Karen Mitchell

This is one of the few times you put your name on a statement. The 70 anonymous statements you used as "evidence" are more to your style. By the way, it's NMGenWeb, not NMGW as you call it.

Bring it on, you said? Okay.