Nov 15-21 1999

From merope@Radix.Net Mon Nov 15 14:00:19 1999

Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 14:00:17 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

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MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


The truth is out there...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Saturday 13 November 1999:

Maggie Stewart-Zimmerman proposes the following motion:

"Due to concerns expressed by some County Coordinators in my region that

Alaska and Hawaii are not represented by the current USGenWeb Logos, I

move that The USGenWeb Project adopt the logos as shown on the following

URLs as "approved" logos: (For Light Backgrounds) (For Dark


Jim Powell seconds the motion. Pam Reid notes that she likes the logos and

says, "You [Maggie] did a great job and have my support in this. It has

always bothered me that AL and HI weren't represented. Plus, I think we

need an updated logo!"

Jim posts that he has asked for comments on the logos and has "received

many comments all positive." He shares one comment with the group, in

which a project member suggests "setting up locations on several servers

with the logos and ask page designers link to these rather than placing

the logos in their county directories."

Maggie posts that this is a good idea and she suggests making "a directory

on those servers where folks could link to the logos if they have space

restrictions on their sites."

Voices Crying In the Wilderness Corner: a number of SCs and CCs have

responded to the "new logo" proposals, and while most people seem to like

the logos, the general consensus seems to be that something as radical as

a logo change needs to go before the project for a vote. One respondent

noted that the new designs are rectangular rather than square and will

necessitate extensive page redesign by many CCs and SCs. The SC for

Alaska, supposedly one of the states that has complained about the current

logo design, has stated that "I have had no CC's contact me with this problem.

I do know that these same logos have been floated by the author a couple

of times this year." The SCs that have commented also are supportive of

putting the issue before the voters in a general election, rather than

allowing the Board to change the logo on its own, and there is at least

one Board member [Teri Pettit] who also states she supports a general vote

on the issue.

Your Voice Counts: Dick Eastman, author of Eastman's Online Genealogy

Newsletter, has announced the third annual "Best Genealogy Site On The

World Wide Web" award. For instructions on how you may vote for the best

genealogy site on the internet, you must follow these instructions


"To cast a vote for "Best Genealogy Site on the World Wide Web,"

send an email to:

The subject of the message must contain the full Web site address

and nothing else. The message subject (some e-mail programs will

say "Message Title" instead of "subject") MUST start with:


For instance, any of the following would be proper message


Please list the exact address in the message subject, but do not

add any other words. Do not say, "My vote is..." or anything like

that in the subject; simply list the actual URL beginning with the

letters "http://". None of the following three examples will work.

None of them begin with "http://" and therefore the computer

program that tabulates the vote will ignore them:

My vote is for

My favorite Web site is

If you do not send your vote to the right e-mail address, or if

you do not use the proper message subject, your e-mail will

disappear into the Internet dark hole and will not be counted. If

you do send it properly, you will receive a reply acknowledging

the receipt of your nomination." [Excerpted from Eastman's Online

Genealogy Newsletter, Vol. 4 No. 46 - Nov. 13, 1999]

Cooking The Books Corner: Also reported in this week's Eastman's Online

Genealogy Newsletter is this snippet from the Wall Street Journal"

"A Web site called had 880,000 visitors, the highest number

of visitors in the Internet genealogy category, during the month of

September, according to Internet tracking firm Media Metrix.

had 877,000 visitors while had 441,000 visitors."

[So where Brian "Fantasy Island" Leverich gets his notion that

" alone supports roughly three (3) times the traffic of both and combined" is a mystery to me.]

Update on the News Corner: After being down for over six weeks, the

soc.genealogy.surnames newsgroup hierarchy is once again functional.

The Way We Were Corner: The third and final installment covering the "Dill

Episode" and its aftermath is now available. You can read it at: Enjoy!

"Have patience awhile; slanders are not long-lived. Truth is the child of

time; ere long she shall appear to vindicate thee."

---Immanuel Kant

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Tue Nov 16 15:28:38 1999

Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 15:28:36 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


Truth is beauty, and beauty truth...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Sunday 14 November 1999:

There is no Board-L traffic on this date.

Tomorrow's News Today: The National Coordinator recognizes the motion to

approve the new logos, gives it Motion number 99-27, and opens the floor

for discussion; Maggie Zimmerman assures everyone that her suggested logos

are meant only as alternates.

No Go On The Logo Corner: Discussion of the logo issue remains

brisk today on the SC list. Maggie's message to Board-L was forwarded to

the State Coordinator list yesterday. In it she says "I want to clarify

that these logos are only meant to be alternates?" [Yes, the question mark

is in the original] She says it was not her intent to cause everyone extra

work and that she tried to add HI and AK to the current logo, but "the

results were not even worth showing to anyone." She suggests altering her

motion to read, "I move that The USGenWeb Project adopt the logos as shown

on the following URLs as "alternate" logos." Interestingly enough,

several SCs have taken this opportunity to indicate how much they don't

like the current logo while they continue to passionately defend it.

Susan Tortorelli points out, "What does that big G on a cereal box tell

you? It is made by General Mills! Would you see the Kodak logo and think

Minolta? And wouldn't you expect an Aunt Jemima bottle to contain pancake

syrup instead of Cola or something???? I think our present logo is ugly,

always did, didn't vote for it but it is what the project voted for and it

is what our researchers recognize." She also indicates that she knows her

CCs and they won't change, regardless of what the Board decides to do.

She notes, "Shouldn't the board and the entire project be worried about

100% coverage of the present logo before they ever start thinking about

alternates? This is so stupid! I am left sitting here wondering why I was

so stupid, I lost CC's when I told them national said they had to have the

old spider web logo and lost more when not long after I said they had to

change to the present logo...Yet a state is allowed to use the old logo

and the last time I looked another state is still allowing their CC's to

display the old logo?...Board members... have some backbone PLEASE! If

you can't get only logo going project wide why are you even looking at an

alternate one????????????????"

A number of other SCs discuss the pros and cons of the current logo and

the alternate "Millenium" logo [the one with the bird one it]. Although

one SC has noted that even old and respected corporate logos are changed

over time, others point out that those logos usually bear some

relationship to their predecessor, rather than being wholesale redesigns.

Megan Zurawicz argues in favor of the Millenium logo; Linda Lewis argues

against it. In response to the NC's question "How many logos or

alternative logos should we have", a few respondents respond that one is

plenty and "alternates" are not necessary. Over on the -ALL list, Jen

"Send Money" Godwin thinks that "re-designing the logo is a wonderful idea

and one that is long since overdue." She, at least, likes the new logos

and also seems to find requiring a couple of thousand project members "to

spend a little time rethinking their page design" just a peachy idea.

Update On the News Corner: Today, eight months after the Board requested

that the administrative contacts on the and

domains be changed to Tim Stowell's name, and two months after Brian

"Shortsless" Leverich said he would do it, the contact information is

_still_ in Nancy Trice's name.

Town Crier Corner: GenConnect's "advertising guru" is looking for someone

in or around Hartford, CT who has had some success doing family history

research on the internet. It is not specified that the success must have

involved RW or GC. If you have a "personal interest" success story of

that nature and are in that area, you can contact him at

"Hear him, ye Senates, hear this truth sublime;

He who allows oppression shares the crime."

---Erasmus Darwin

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Wed Nov 17 13:38:55 1999

Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 13:38:53 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


Runs with scissors...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Monday 15 November 1999:

The NC "recognizes the motion by Maggie Zimmerman and seconded by Jim

Powell" to approve new logos for the USGWP; he numbers it Motion 99-27 and

opens the floor for at least 48 hours of discussion.

Maggie Steweart-Zimmerman posts, "I want to clarify that these logos are

only meant to be alternates? I would not want to cause the many CC's that

have spent hours designing their sites for a certain size logo to have to

redo them. This is for those folks that want to use them whatever their

reasons." She says she tried to rededign the current logo to include AK

and HI, but was not succesful. She suggests that , "the wording of my

motion be changed to: "I move that The USGenWeb Project adopt the logos as

shown on the following URLs as "alternate" logos."

Jim Powell, who seconded the original motion, approves of Maggie's change

in wording. He notes, "the response I have received from the everyday

volunteer has been overwhelmingly in support of these "Alternate" logos.

Most of the respondents would use the new logo...One respondent said that

they believed that there should be a project wide vote. So I asked some

of those that responded if they agreed. The responses boil down to this

"if" you get rid of the old one, yes, if this is just an "Alternate" then

no." It is also his opinion that "in these sorts of polls, Negative

responses come more easily. It takes much more for someone to take the

time to write "I like that" than "I hate that"."

Board Members With Spine Corner: Teri Pettit responds to a State

Coordinator's request that the Board members have a little backbone by

noting, "One person's "backbone" is another person's tyranny. If the Board

makes a decision on something on our own, anyone who disagrees strongly

with the decision protests that we had no right to make it at all." The

current motion on alternate logos came about because a SC asked the Board

to consider an alternate logo that would include AK and HI. She states,

"I'll introduce any motion anyone asks me to, as long as it is within the

by-laws and is a general policy matter rather than targetted at a specific

web site or individual. That doesn't mean I necessarily support the

motion. I might introduce it, and then vote against it, if the input I

received indicated that most of the Project members were opposed to it."

She says finally, "The board members are here to be "employees" of the

SC's and the CC's, not to be their boss."

Logo Issues Corner: Some respondents to the logo issue so far [on the SC

list and apparently also in private to Jim Powell] are not in favor of the

new logos because it uses the U.S. flag as part of its design. Says Terry

Davis, "I'm really not for using our flag in any logo either. Though the

alternate logos are nice looking, I just don't think that is the route we

need to go." Susan Tortorelli notes that though she herself is a spring

chicken at age 39, most of her page visitors are elderly, and "I was

raised to believe that our flag & country should be held sacred and the

only thing that should ever come before them are God and family. To me

this proposed logo equals right up there with dropping a flag on the

ground and dancing a jig on it! If I feel that way what would the old

folks who visit our sites think?" [dancing a jig?]

Count Your Blessings Corner: A World GenWeb member writes to tell us how

lucky we are in the USGWP: "You guys on USGW should be glad at least that

you were asked for input... in the spring the WGW changed the logo with no

input from anyone but the board from a nice one to a hideous one..... too

light and can't even tell what it is... is it a tree or a pedigree chart

or a globe... huh? Despite numerous complaints, the WGW chair admits that

they made a mistake, and need a new logo, but are "so busy" with other

matters it won't be gotten around to in a long time." [ellipses in the


Uneasy Rests the Head That Wears the Crown Corner: We hear from a number

of sources that resigning MIGW SC Joan Brausch has nominated Denny Zank

for the SC position. The nomination was allegedly seconded by Pam Reitsch

and Donna Hoff-Grambeau. Denny is a long-term USGW member, and is very

active in the Archives. He is also currently ASC for the MIGW.

Sources report that he's been chummy with Maggie Zimmerman and Joy Fisher

of late, so its likely he'll get the nod for SC.

Sleight of Hand Corner: A reader writes to tell us that over on

Rootsweb-Help-L, Leigh Compton [working for RW these days?] has announced

a new "perk" for Root$web webmasters--a calendar. Now some of you may

remember that RW made calendars available some months ago, and may ask

"how exactly is this new?" Not to worry, the RW-H members are on it. One

notes, "I presume this is the same calendar which houses the amazingly

convenient and effective "reunions calendar" - in which if you wanted to

stroll around and see if there were a Harvey Wallbanger Reunion, one would

have to start in January, and paw thru every month in every USGW county

...cause the num-nums at RW couldn't think of how this would be used...

Can you just see them, sitting around chatting: We can't get the search

engines to work, we lost all that Rootslink data, we can't get the usenet

groups to work, the LUSERS are getting tired of the Upstream Provider

excuse....what can we throw at them?" Another wonders if it is asking too

much for RW users to have reliable access to the ftp and web pages and a

search engine that works rather than more useless "goodies".

New Name, Same Face Corner: Some readers write to let us know that has announced that it is officially changing its name to today [Nov 17], and consolidating the large variety of

family-related services it offers under that name. According to president

Curt Allen, "The broader corporate name of, Inc. more

effectively unifies these services under one master brand, and

communicates our vision." According to the press release, "The corporate

name change does not affect the brand, nor its independent

functionality as the premier resource for tracing family history online."

"I say, beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather

a new wearer of clothes."

---Henry David Thoreau

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Thu Nov 18 06:17:14 1999

Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 06:17:13 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: News Flash!

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


Late [or early, depending where you are] Breaking News:

It appears that Kay Mason has left both her position on the Board and the

coordinatorship of the Census Project [Census II, for those of you keeping

score]. Yesterday, I received an anonymous tip that her email address is

bouncing off the Board lists. This morning a source who wishes to remain

confidential informed me that Ron Eason is now officially the National

Coordinator of the Census Project. According to my correspondent, the

vacated Census Project representative seat may or may not be up for grabs:

"we are still waiting for the NC to allow us access to our seat on the

Board. Seems they have to talk about it first, and decide whether the

bylaws pertaining to the Special Projects representation should over rule

the bylaws that allow the Board to make the choices for Board seats."

[Hmmm...with an easy majority on the Board in Linda Lewis' pocket, is

there any doubt which way _that_ discussion will go?]

More News As It Develops!

-Teresa Lindquist

From merope@Radix.Net Thu Nov 18 16:36:53 1999

Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 16:36:51 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


Making hay while the sun shines...its Your Daily Board Show.

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Tuesday 16 November 1999:

There is no Board-L traffic on this date.

Out In The Cold Corner: As reported earlier today, there has been an

upheaval in the ranks of Census II. Kay Mason, the long-time coordinator

of that project, has apparently stepped down and Ron Eason has taken over

the helm. Kay has also apparently vacated her Board seat, opening an

interesting can of worms. According to sources, the Board is currently

deciding "whether the bylaws pertaining to the Special Projects

representation should over rule the bylaws that allow the Board to make

the choices for Board seats." Now, there's an interesting question: Just

who does that vacant Census Project seat belong to? A quick review of the

Who's Who page reminds one that a comfortably large proportion of the

Board is safely in Linda "At Last" Lewis's pocket, and there are a number

of others who may be inclined to "resolve" this problem while they have

the chance. Although the members of Census I already have Board

representation [which is generous of the project, since the Archives are

not part of USGW], it is not unlikely that the Board will choose to

appoint someone from Census I anyways, and disenfranchise every one of the

hard-working volunteers in Census II. But you never know, they could

decide the hassle isn't worth it and leave the status quo as is. And maybe

Kay, whose name is still on the Who's Who page, won't resign after all.

Down And Out Corner: For those of you have noticed Root$web's spotty

service today, including sporadic access to the USGW home pages, Brian

"Bit Off More Than He Can Chew" Leverich has this to say: "We lost a

hard disk on WWW this morning. The good news is that all user data are

stored in a RAID array, which means your Web pages are safe." The bad

news, he goes on to say, is that "the server is not deliverying pages

properly to our visitors." They are, of course, working on the problem

but there is no estimated time to return to normal operations.

Bad Data Are Still Data Corner: In a further installment of a predicament

encountered by a Root$web user which concerned documented incorrect data

in the WorldConnect project, we've heard that the user in question tried

to annotate the data with "post-ems" and urls leading to photos of the

original documents showing the data to be incorrect, but when they go back

"there is _no_ notation of the postem. Possibly [they] have to pay more

money and be a subscriber to Rootsweb to correct it. [There were] so mad

that they wouldn't help [they] canceled my subscription." The aggrieved

user also notes that Root$web states it their word against the

submitter's [despite the documentation] and wonders, "How many other

people are twisting names, dates and locations as bad as this guy when

they contribute gedcom ? That only complicates the matter. Makes Rootsweb

look great though."

"I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me

for telling you lies."

---Pietro Aretino

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Fri Nov 19 08:13:25 1999

Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 08:13:23 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


Fortune sides with him who dares...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Wednesday 17 November 1999:

There is no Board-L traffic on this date.

Glue Factory Corner: Here's an interesting bit of news, from two

unrelated sources: Kay Mason did not resign as National Coordinator of

the Census Project [Census II], she was removed. According to one source,

she was removed by the CP file managers after she was essentially MIA for

over four months. In the other account, she was removed at the request of

the National Coordinator of the USGW, after her email address started


This opens another can of worms. Since Kay did not resign, she is still

on the Board. The bylaws do not give the board any ability to remove one

of their own from office, nor do they allow for project members to remove

their board member, once elected. There is nothing in the bylaws that

would prevent someone who was no longer even a project member from

remaining on the Board until the end of their term. In fact, in

separate discussions about this time last year and again following Bridget

Smith's resignation as SC this summer, informal agreement was reached that

it was OK to allow Board members to continue to serve, even if they no

longer met the qualifications that allowed them to run in the first place.

Kay's absence and subsequent removal as CP coordinator essentially means

that the Census II file managers have no representation on the Board, and

that is unfortunate. But there is no apparent remedy, short of actually

tracking her down and obtaining a resignation. Those darn bylaws.

Pretty Pictures Corner: Board member Barbara "Armed and Dangerous" Dore,

recently returned from slaughtering defenseless animals for sport, notes

that she really likes the new logos, saying "I think a lot of folks jumped

the gun and thought the board was voting on a "NEW" official logo that

everyone would be expected to use or change to. How in the world do these

things get twisted is beyond me!!" [Oh, I dunno...ambiguous wording,


Tin Cup Corner: Rootsweb has issued a press release concerning its

apparently error-ridden WorldConnect project and is literally begging its

users to forward it around. From the most recent New Zoo Review, here is

RW CEO Robert Tillman: "Our goal is to make the WorldConnect Project the

largest and best GEDCOM-hosting project on the Web. RootsWeb has no money

for advertising. We depend upon RootsWeb users to pass the word. PLEASE


Speaking of donations, in response to a RW user's question, "what is the

status of Rootsweb's [sic] application for 501(c)3 non-profit

classification?" Brian "Skid Marks" Leverich has replied that the

application has been in the hands of the IRS for three months and they

have had no word from them, other than a notification of receipt. [He

fails to tell the user that "RootsWeb" is not applying for not-profit

status. "RootsWeb" incorporated as a For-Profit corporation in Delaware

and California in the spring of 1999. The application at the IRS is

for yet another company, called, which is not "RootsWeb".]

"It never troubles the wolf how many the sheep may be."


This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Sat Nov 20 07:55:02 1999

Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 07:55:00 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


Good for wrapping fish...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk.

Thursday 18 November 1999:

The NC opens the floor for voting on Motion 99-27, alternate logos. By

the end of the day, 3 Board members voted "aye" and one voted "nay".

Tomorrow's News Today: The vote on the alternate logos is actually a

horse race: so far there are 5 "nays" and 7 "ayes" with with three people

still to vote [presuming that Kay Mason won't be voting].

Perpetual Motion Machine Corner: A reader writes in reponse to the

news of Root$web's WorldConnect press release with an insightful

explanation of How Things Work at Root$web:

"Of course, everyone of the RW supplicants will post this press-release

(several times) to every RW maillist they are subscribed to. The resultant

many-fold increase in disk space utilized by these maillists will then

result in an urgent plea for More Money to buy new drives because the

maillists are overrunning the place. Then the listowners will eventually

get tired of the posts and the responses to the posts, they will start

unsubbing people, the unsubbed ones will complain, the listowners will

defend, and the exercise of writing to all those people will exhaust the

Fine RW Staff, and nothing currently broken will get fixed. And of course,

the listowners who unsubbed people will be cast off as uncooperative, and

replaced...By RW supplicants. Who will then post the press

release...which will then result again in...OK, you get the point."

"Progress is nothing but the victory of laughter over dogma."

---Benjamin DeCasseres

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Sun Nov 21 10:20:49 1999

Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 10:20:48 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: Daily Board Show <>

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Be it ever so humble...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Friday 19 November 1999:

The voting on Motion 99-27, for the alternate logos, continues. 5 Board

members vote "aye" and five vote "nay". One abstains. This brings the

full vote count to 8 ayes, 6 nays, and one abstention. Since a 2/3

majority of those voting [10 in this case, maybe 11 if Kay decides to

vote] is required to pass a motion; motion 99-27 is defeated.

Only a few Board members explained their votes. Jim Powell voted yes to

"follow the hearts of the overwhelming majority of those that took the

time to respond to my request for their opinion on this motion." Teri

Pettit voted no because she does not feel that the Board "has the

authority to authorize new logos, even as alternatives, considering that

the current logo was chosen by a project-wide vote of the general

membership." She states that feedback on the logos was 50-50 and in her

opinion that does not constitute a mandate. She would however, "support

an alternative motion to present the proposed logos to the Project

membership on a special ballot."

"Courage is the willingness of a person to stand up for his beliefs in the

face of great odds. Chutzpah is doing the same thing wearing a Mickey

Mouse hat."

---Unknown, via Usenet

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist


Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.