Apr 5-11 1999

From merope@Radix.Net Wed Apr 7 09:02:42 1999

Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 09:02:41 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: usgw_all@listbot.com

Subject: Daily Board Show Special Report

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Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


The squeaky wheel gets the grease....its A Daily Board Show Special


*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

News From the Front Corner: A Roving Reporter writes that a vote has been

called on Motion 99-8 and three Board members have voted thus far. [I

believe this is the amended version of the motion which would appoint

Linda Lewis as representative for the Tombstone Project; its not clear to

me whether the version of the motion that is being voted includes the

Archives representative replacement as well. The most recently amended

version removes the Archives representative position, with the suggestion

that motion 99-7 be "untabled" and voted on after Motion 99-8 is


At least one Board member is soliciting input from State Coordinators on

her regional list on what her vote should be on this motion. Linda Lewis,

in her VA SC hat, has urged her representative to support her appointment.

No word yet whether CC input is desired on this issue.

As posted yesterday to the SE/MA regional list and forwarded to the

USGW-CC-L list, at least one Board member is appearing a little frustrated

with his colleagues' inability to handle quickly what has heretofor been a

simple task --appointing replacement Board members. He writes, "Come on

people, dragging this out is not helping anyone. Either Linda will

represent the Tombstone Project or she won't. Your decision is not going

to get any easier." [Amen.]

The Gathering Gloom Corner: Rootsweb's archives problem is making waves

among its paying customers. Its reported that several listowners have

asked about the lack of archives since approximately March 27th and have

been told that RW is "working on it". The new threaded archives system

has also been affected [an apparently unrelated problem], although RW was

loath to recognize it until a listowner informed them that he had several

days worth of digests that were not appearing in his archives. Some

customers have found the RW response to be less than forthcoming. Writes

one: "... we are all grown up and intelligent people, who would understand

if told that "we are working on the problem", but not to admit that there

exists one, this is beyond me. This problem apparently started around the

23 of March and has not been handled. Well, I for one would like to be

kept informed of problems, so we can tell our subscribers what to do."

It is interesting how even paying customers with legitimate concerns about

RW's service or lack thereof feel the need to preface even the mildest

complaint with the assurances that they are not meaning to cause trouble

and they love RW. The above author is careful to say he doesn't want to

be seen as a troublemaker and signs himself as a "sponsor and RW

supporter". He is almost immediately chastised by a fellow listowner and

told not to roil the waters. [waiting 11 days to voice concerns about lack

of list archives hardly seems like jumping the gun, but we all know what

happens to people who complain about RW.]

Turning Over a Rock Corner: We hear through the grapevine that RW is in

Top Secret negotiations with an unnamed Web page software editor on a Very

Secret Project [although apparently no so secret as to prevent Brian from

boasting about it on an open channel]. Something about server extensions.

It's not Front Page, because Microsoft is not forthcoming with their

source code and doesn't keep current with Linux. But, with Brain's usual

gift for hyperbole, we are all assured, "It's like Front Page on

steroids." We wait with bated breath.

But For The Grace of God Corner: Terry Davis, one of our ASCs [although I

couldn't tell you for which state] and her family lost everything in the

tornado that touched down in Louisiana last week. Some USGW folks are

helping to pull together some help for her and her family; contact Ellen

Pack (MS) or Megan Zurawicz (MO).

"We like a man to come right out and say what he thinks--if we agree with


---Mark Twain

This has been a Daily Board Show Special Report

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved

From merope@Radix.Net Thu Apr 8 13:10:51 1999

Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1999 13:10:50 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: usgw_all@listbot.com

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.96.990408060617.14707B-100000@saltmine.radix.net>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Back in black...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Tuesday 6 April 1999:

The NC calls for a vote on this version of 99-8: "And Whereas the

Tombstone Project has submitted the name of Linda Lewis to be their Board

Representative and whereas I believe that although at times it may seem

otherwise, Linda Lewis does have the best interests of the project at

heart, I further move to appoint Linda Lewis as the Tombstone


Three members vote "aye" on Motion 99-8.

Big News Corner: It seems that the Board will be losing another member.

As inadvertently related on the USGW-CC-L mail list yesterday, serial

resigner Beth Wills is apparently going to leave the Board. Although Beth

herself has not replied to email asking if this is indeed the case [she

only talks to me when she wants to chastise me, it seems], it has been

substantiated by more than one source at this time. Also she has

apparently discussed this on her Michigan state mailing list.

Elect My Dog Corner: In order to explain why she just can't blindly vote

for Linda Lewis for Tombstone Rep, one Board member explains, "Now what if

the motion read: And Whereas the [XXXXX] Project has submitted the name of

[Adolph Hitler] to be their Board Representative and whereas I

believe that although at times it may seem otherwise, [Adolph Hitler]

does have the best interests of the project at heart, I further move to

appoint [Adolph Hitler] as the [XXXXX] Representative. Would you still

vote the same?" [Well, if you knew you were voting for Hitler, then this

would be an issue. But since you're not voting for Hitler, and you know

it, invoking such an extreme example is a bit disingenuous, don't you

think? Take it to its logical conclusion...suppose everyone whose advice

you ask tells you to vote for Hitler. Would you still do it? No? Yes?

Linda is indeed a controversial figure, but it should be possible

to discuss her suitability for office without raising the spectre of

Adolph Hitler.]

Into the Void Corner: Since you're reading the DBS, you've probably

figured out that the RW Archives are apparently archiving again.

Unfortunately it appears that posts to mailing lists between approximately

March 26 and April 6 are *poof* gone for good. While the loss of

the official records of the meetings of the Advisory Board of the USGenWeb

Project would be of little concern to most, I am sure, this loss of 12

days worth of mail also apparently includes such popular powerhouses as

ROOTS-L. [we won't dwell overlong on the fact that RW was informed of

this problem on April 4 --and _should_ have been aware of it much

earlier than that-- but apparently chose to discount it because of

the source. *shrug*]

"The only way a reporter should look at a politician is down."

---H.L. Mencken

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Fri Apr 9 08:46:17 1999

Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 08:46:16 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: usgw_all@listbot.com

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.96.990409061231.22187A-100000@saltmine.radix.net>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Beachward bound...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Wednesday 7 April 1999:

One more Board member votes "aye" on Motion 99-8, which will appoint Linda

Lewis as Tombstone Project representative.

Old News Corner: Since some of the missing messages posted during RW's

archives downtime are starting to appear, I'll recap briefly some of the


On Apr 1, the NC called for discussion on the amended Motion 99-8. Some

members doesn't like "packing so much" into one motion; another doesn't

mind and prefers completing the business swiftly. On Apr 2, the author of

the original motion amends it to drop the Archives representative, but

requests reactivating Motion 99-7. This amendment is seconded, and the

group breaks for Easter.

On Apr 1, a Board member posts a "personal statement" that the Board is

not "maliciously" discussing resolution of the census issues behind

anyone's back, and that many Board members rightfully have qualms about

appointing someone who "is "snubbing their nose" at the strongly

worded recommendation issued in the Official Statement by the

Board regarding the Census issue." The board member also takes exception

to the NC's message [reported previously] to the Tombstone project,

stating, "This statement was not exactly the truth, and not fair to the

rest of the board members, nor to the people on the receiving end of this

statement. A decision made by the board is done by a vote held in

public, and no vote had been asked for nor held regarding this


On Apr 2, Beth Wills resigned from the Board for the second or third time,

posting the following: "I no longer have the time, energy nor inclination

to sit back and watch our NC play word games. It doesn't take a rocket

scientist to see that our leader's support lies not with the board as a

group, but with individuals. While it is apparent that while some

individuals prefer to ignore board directives, Mr. Stowell stands back and

plays word games rather than addressing the issue or taking a stand. The

thinly veiled apology that was due to board was just one more sampling of

the word play that I have been observing over the past few months. Once

again, the board, as a group, have been made to look like a bunch of

fools. And the best part is that, it didn't take an uninformed

non-member of the board to do it." [It never has.] She goes on to

wish the rest of the Board members well and good luck in the remainder of

their terms. [A sad situation. A NC they don't like and can't control.

Guess quitting is the only solution. We'll just point out briefly that

the NC is elected project-wide; the only people whose support he needs to

be concerned about are his constituents.]

Happening Elsewhere Corner: Despite the invoking of the name of Adolph

Hitler, Linda Lewis seems to be the solid choice for tombstone rep by the

members of the SE regional mailing list. As one astute member of that

list notes, "No one has presented any just cause why the Tombstone

Project's choice should not be approved by the Board. I should think that

their choice should be approved UNLESS there are *extreme* circumstances

... it does appear that it all boils down to a personality conflict where

in one or more board members and Linda conflict and nothing more. This is

not, in my opinion, cause to reject the wishes of the Tombstone Project."

Sun, Sand and Surf Corner: The DBS staff will be taking a few days R&R at

the beach. There may or may not be a DBS the next couple of days,

depending on if it rains. <g>

"We like a man to come right out and say what he thinks--if we agree with


---Mark Twain

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Fri Apr 9 13:05:37 1999

Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 13:05:36 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: usgw_all@listbot.com

Subject: News Flash!

Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.96.990409130410.28886A-100000@saltmine.radix.net>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


It has been conveyed to me by a most impeccable source that Linda Lewis

has NOT been appointed to the Board as representative of the Tombstone




From merope@Radix.Net Fri Apr 9 13:16:35 1999

Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 13:16:34 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: usgw_all@listbot.com

Subject: News Flash, part 2

Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.96.990409130609.28886B-100000@saltmine.radix.net>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Sorry, hit the 'send' key a bit too soon...

Motion 99-8, to appoint Linda Lewis as representative of the Tombstone

project, has been declared defeated by the NC. With more than 65 hours

passed since the call for vote was put out, four members had voted "aye"

and 5 members had "abstained by default" [they had talked about the motion

but for reasons unknown had not voted]. The remaining members had also

not voted.

The NC's action was taken in response to a member of Board II's request

that the motion be declared failed for lack of a quorum.

More evidence of the Board's dedication to "bottom up" management, no

doubt. If I were the Tombstone Project, I'd refuse to send them any other

name and refuse to accept whoever else they appoint. But that's just




From merope@Radix.Net Sun Apr 11 20:52:33 1999

Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 20:52:32 -0400 (EDT)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: usgw_all@listbot.com

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.96.990411193524.11701A-100000@saltmine.radix.net>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


When the cat's away...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* you know this contains editorial content. Read at your own


Thursday 8 April 1999

A Board member requests: "It has now been in excess of 65 hours since

voting began on Motion 99-8. I respectfully suggest this Motion has

failed to reach a quorum and should be declared failed."

Another Board member notes, "It appears to me that those of you not

voting, are in fact voting "no". If so, why not make it official. It is

just a vote, yes or no. [Actually, we've heard sub-rosa that those Board

members who did not vote did so in order to force the motion to fail for

lack of quorum. Very brave, indeed.]

The same board member who asked that Motion 99-8 be declared failed, posts

a Point of Order: "This Board has established precedent of a 48 hour

voting period for all motions. This motion has greatly exceeded the 48

hours and should be declared failed."

A roll call vote is requested; this call is supported. Another Board

member says she will wait to vote for the roll call to be done. She had

not previously voted due to ISP trouble.

Friday 9 April 1999:

The NC posts a note informing the Board he has resubbed Pam Reid back to

the Board list, as Tombstone rep. Her resignation was never voted on and

she sent him the following note: "This is to inform you that I have

decided to withdraw my resignation from the Advisory Board. I don't

believe that my resignation was ever accepted, so this withdrawal should

be legal."

As reported Friday, the NC declares motion 99-8 failed for lack of a

quorum, with four members voting aye, and the rest failing to vote at all.

The NC also posts that he'll inform Linda Lewis of the Board's rejection

of her as the Tombstone rep.

A Board member posts an apology to her constituents for failing to vote;

she was quite ill. [This was posted after one of her constituents made a

formal complaint against her to the Board.]

Pam Reid is welcomed enthusiastically back to the Board.

Well, here's a big suprise: Serial resigner Beth Wills has rescinded her

resignation to the Board [those in the know claim this is resignation

number 5 for Ms. Wills, seems she just can't let go, although she sure

appears to like storming out in a huff.] Reasons for remaining on the

Board include this: "I feel that my vote on important issues is necessary

to keep this project from falling into the hands of a small group of

people whose agenda remains, as of yet, unknown." [Ah yes, the

Conspiracy.] Also, she "will not tolerate any more snide remarks about

the board to any of the lists from other members of the board," and she

refuses "to be treated like a two-year old." [Fill in the obvious

suggestion here.]

Beth also posts the following "helpful" advice to the NC: "we can do

without the snide commentary. This was rude and uncalled for. Stop

treating the other people on this board like idiots and you might be able

to get together a quorum for a vote." [Name calling and threats...looks

like the Board is back to its old self. You can imagine what the secret

list is like if they are talking this way to each other in public.]

Pam Reid posts a message asking the group to update her. The web page

hasn't been updated since the end of February.

Ain't Misbehavin' Corner: Rootsweb has announced that the problem with the

mailing list archives is fixed and that all unarchived posts were added to

the indexer. Good job!

Off to watch the X-files, but they can't possibly be as weird as the


This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.