Jan 11-14 1999

From merope@Radix.Net Mon Jan 11 08:39:00 1999

Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 08:38:59 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: USGENWEB-ALL <usgenweb-all-l@rootsweb.com>

Subject: Daily Board Show

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Status: O


One for all, all for one...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Ready at your own risk!

Saturday 9 January 1999

There is no Board-L traffic on this date.

Its About Time Corner: Rumor has it an announcement will be made today

regarding the unofficial bylaws committee. Perhaps a call for volunteers?

Also it seems there will be a web page with a threaded discussion list

for comments....

"Why, you speak treason!" "Fluently."

---Marian and Robin, _Robin Hood_ (the Errol Flynn version)

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Tue Jan 12 16:35:08 1999

Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 16:35:07 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: USGENWEB-ALL <usgenweb-all-l@rootsweb.com>

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.96.990112162826.8388C-100000@saltmine.radix.net>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: O


Trying hard to be the person my dog thinks I am...its Your Daily Board


*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Sunday 10 January 1999

The Board's election committee representative posts his weekly report. In


"This is the latest info that I know.

Nominations and acceptances are now closed.

The candidates for the upcoming election may be viewed

at http://www.rootsweb.com/~ilhardi2/nomi.htm

Please check back, as all candidates have not

sent in their campaign URL's yet.

Voting should take place Jan 15 through Jan 30."

[look at that. and I almost didn't check today <g>]

"A real conversation passes back and forth among many participants, and

its course is like the meander of a river. There is no guiding hand.

People join and leave, as their lives and their passions allow; the river

constantly changes its course."

-- Arnold Zwicky

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Wed Jan 13 14:45:11 1999

Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 14:45:10 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: USGENWEB-ALL <usgenweb-all-l@rootsweb.com>

Subject: Daily Board Show

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MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


Very clever, Mr. Bond...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Monday 11 January 1998:

There is no Board-L traffic on this date.

Say What?! Corner: Someone tells me that RW is considering requiring all

free pages (I assume including USGW) on RW to display banner ads or pay a

monthly fee or take their pages elsewhere. Any truth to this Brian?

"The test of tolerance comes when we are in a majority; The test of

courage comes when we are in a minority."

---Ralph W. Stockman

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved.

From merope@Radix.Net Thu Jan 14 15:22:56 1999

Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 15:22:54 -0500 (EST)

From: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

Reply-To: merope <merope@Radix.Net>

To: USGENWEB-ALL <usgenweb-all-l@rootsweb.com>

Subject: Daily Board Show

Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.96.990114135829.6710A-100000@saltmine.radix.net>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Status: RO


Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...its Your Daily Board Show!

*warning* contains editorial content. Read at your own risk!

Tuesday 12 January 1999:

There is no Board-L traffic on this date.

An Offer You Can't Refuse Corner: A hot topic on the SC list the last

few days has been acceptable CC standards and how to enforce 'em. Among

other things they've discussed what to do about CC's who won't answer

email and CCs who meet the letter of the requirement by having a

query page but never actually maintainig it. The necessity of a

written contract with the CC has been mentioned. Brian "not an SC but

plays one on the list" Leverich continues his seemingly relentless

campaign to influence the operation of the USGW project by dangling both

the offer of nifty new web page goodies for all American counties before

the SCs and the implication that he just might have to give these goodies

to ALHN or others if CCs who don't use RW don't want them. He

recommends enforcing "quality standards for its county sites such that all

of them are at least as good as what can be done with the off-the-shelf

RootsWeb tools," lest USGW lose traffic and prestige to other sites.

[c'mere, lil USGW, RW has some candy for you!]

[yes, please, Brian, post the original in full!]

The SCs have also been discussing the ad-hoc unofficial bylaws committee

at some length and many of them have been expressing some negativity

toward the idea (one called it illegal, another thinks the current bylaws

haven't been given enough of a chance, one thinks that the majority voted

for them and they shouldn't be amended, one thinks a full rewrite in

inappropriate, some aren't forwarding it to their state/regional

lists, etc). The general gist of most comments is not supportive of the

committee's efforts.

[this all leads to some interesting musings...once the committee has

formulated some proposed amendments, they theoretically will be seeking

state sponsors for them. Can the SCs block this process by simply

refusing to present the proposals (or where to find them online) to their

CCs? Can they prevent an amendment from acquiring the requisite five

state co-sponsors by either not allowing their CCs to vote to support it,

or just not telling them in the first place, or by not forwarding it even

if their CCs should vote to support it? If an SC doesn't like a proposed

amendment, will their CCs even be afforded an opportunity to see it? Just

musings, of course, but has anyone thought about or discussed the

mechanisms of acquiring state support for proposed bylaws amendments?]

"You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows."

---Bob Dylan

This has been your Daily Board Show.

-Teresa Lindquist



Daily Board Show, (c) 1999 by Teresa Lindquist, all rights reserved