3D Design

Ancient Chinese Roof Parts

Claire Huang, 8th grade

Drakes Creek Middle School

3D Design

I created this project because I was interested in making a 3d model of 2d blueprints. I was really interested in this particular object 3d because then people can see what it looks like on a smaller scale.

First I created a square and pillars made from cylinders and cubes. I used the hole tool to create indentations so that the pieces would fit together. I also added rings at the bottom of the pillars to keep them in place

Then I created the beams that are supposed to fit in the indentments. I also made holes for the poles to be inserted in. The poles would be the part that connects the base beams and the part connecting the roof.

Next I made the part connecting the roof and the beams by using the scribble tool. I drew the part and copied and pasted it so that they would all be the same size. I resized the cubes so that they would be rectangular prisms then I organized them so that they would fit together like puzzles.

Finally I made the roof using a cube and a square prisms. Then I used 4 other rectangular prisms to form the extra design part of the roof. I also used another square prism to reshape the roof back to a normal shape.

The software I used to create my product was Tinker cad.

Seeing travel pictures of people visiting China and taking pictures of some older buildings inspired me to create this.

The problems that I encountered while making this was not being able to precisely place the shapes and to make the measurements proportional to each other. It would always be off by a very small amount.

My favorite part of the project is the parts that held the roof and the pillars together. They are a very vital part of the design because it prevents it from collapsing when in an earthquake with the actual thing.

Pictures of My Design in Tinkercad:

Pictures of My Printed Design