SDGs Proposals
"Food Loss and Waste"
(Risa Kageyama, S2021)
Short summary
I make efforts for SDGs through "food" that is essential in our lives and anyone can get involved.
Which SDGs this relates to, and how
"Food loss and waste" relates to the goal 12 ; responsible consumption and production. According to the goal 12's targets, we aim at halving global per capita food waste at retail and consumption levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses by 2030 , to ensure the sustainable system of consumption and production.
Why this research matters to you, to the local community, and to the global community
I have a part-time job at a buffet-style restaurant. I prepare a lot of food to make guests satisfied with the rich display of dishes. They take a little bit of food. After closing the restaurant, a large amount of leftover is always discarded. I feel strange is your feeling "strange?" or some other emotion? can you be specific? for that idea. In Japan, at the convenience store and supermarket, also have same reason, and foods which are produce to fill the store shelf (exceeded the need) are thrown away. To aim at "Sustainable society", I think we should have more responsibility to produce and prevent over productions.
「フードバンクふじのくに」( の取り組みに関するリサーチ、インタビューを行う
I'm going to research and have an interview about efforts of ”NPO Food Bank Fujinokuni”. Excellent idea!
Main contents
That's because I would like to know the effort in Shizuoka, and get a hint that I can do for SDGs from them.
I really like that you are going to learn more before you do something!
What ACTION do you want to take after you interview this organization?
NPO Food Bank Fujinokuni
後期 Next semester
Tasks and Timeline Brainstorming
ホームぺージを利用してリサーチをする Research using their Homepage
疑問点や関心をもった点をリストアップ List up questions and points that I'm interested in
インタビュー(&アポ取り) Have a interview with them (I need to make an appointment)
報告としてまとめる(動画、画像) Compile the research and interview into visual data(ex. video, image)
SNSで発信(Facebook, Instagram) Send on SNS (Facebook or Instagram) REALLY COOL!
静岡県 In Shizuoka
リサーチ&インタビュー Research and Interview
インタビューのアポイントメントを取る Make an appointment with them
Support you need
Have an account (private one or class's one?)
Local community connections
静岡県内で活動を行っている They act in Shizuoka
Global community connections
なし? Nothing?
Anything else
Additional Links