Living With Muslim people
Kanon Kotake
Who am I? Who do I want to be?
I am a kind person.
I like listening to music. In particular, I like the songs of Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande.
I want to be an artisan who makes something with my hands in the future because I like making.
What local and global problems am I aware of?
Local problems
Most Japanese people misunderstand Islam and Muslims and sometimes discriminate against them.
Global problems
Food loss
What Sustainable Development Goals have I learned about?
Goal 1(no poverty) 2(zero hunger) 3(good health and well-being) 4(quality education)
There remain 160 million children in child labour globally. That’s 1 in 10 children under 18. Increasing child poverty due to the COVID-19 crisis may set back progress.
Without social protection mitigation measures, an additional 8.9 million more children will likely be pushed into child labour as a result
Goal 13(climate action)
The global average sea level has been increasing by 10.2 cm over a span of 30 years, from 1993 to 2021.
Goal 12(responsible consumption and production)
・Fashion industry emits 8-10% of global greenhouse gasses
・20% of global wastewater pollution comes from this industry
What did I do and learn in my fieldwork?
What was my research question?
What is the most terrible problem living in Japan for muslims? *for Muslims living in Japan?
Why is this important to me?
In Japan, a lot of people have a negative image to muslims and think all muslims are extremist because the Japanese media tells only bad news about them.
I think Japanese people should try to understand Islam and muslims correctly and accept the differences in culture, costumes,values, and way of thinking etc.
What did I do?
I visited the mosque in Mochimune and asked Muslims some question
What data did I collect?
・Some children of muslims bring their own lunch because they can’t eat some food which is served as a school lunch.
・Muslims pray 5 times a day. For example, if they are shopping in prayer time, they enter a fitting room and pray for a few minutes.
There is no space to pray in a town or department stores
・Not all female muslims wear a scarf. However, when they go to a mosque, almost all of them wear a scarf to show respect. In general, they put scarfs ondue to hide their hair, which is regarded as what attracts men.
Although it depends on the denomination, most women wear scarfs in order not to expose their important parts to the people who are not family members, or not be victimized sexually.
・People sometimes think that there is gender discrimination in Islam because only women shouldn’t expose their skin.
・Most important thing in Islam is to cherish your own family. Thus all people in a community must protect women from sexual harassment or crimes.
Moreover, women hide their skin and hair in order not to attract men other than their husband.
What trends did I find in the data?
How does my fieldwork connect to my future?
This experience was special for me because I met a new religion, culture and lifestyle.
I learned the importance of trying to understand other people and cultures.
Who is doing related work locally and globally? What are they doing?
Local connection:
Mrs. Asaadi Miwa
She is head of the secretariat of Shizuoka Muslim Association.
She built a mosque in Mochimune and made a space where Muslims who live in Shizuoka can interact and muslims’ children
can grow up with other children.
What do I think would be a useful project to work towards achieving the SDGs?
Short summary:
I want to host an event where muslims and non-muslim can interact with each other.
SDGs targetted:
10 11 16 17
Muslim and non-muslim people
During summer vacation
In Mochimune
How (how many / how much)
About 1000 yen per person
To interact with each other. For example, talk about each country's or islamic culture, customs, manners and so on.
I met some Muslims in Mochimune. They are very kind and considerate. This experience changed my stereotype toward Muslim people greatly.
Therefore I want a lot of Japanese people to interact and talk with Muslims directly and get interested in various cultures.
・BBQ utensils
Dangers / risks
I have to go shopping to buy ingredients and prepare BBQ utensils such as a grill.
It is hard to grill pork and beef in a different place. It might be a little bit expensive to pay 1000 yen.
What I learned this semester:
I learned that I should have the courage to speak English even if my English is not so good.
In fact, I have hesitated to speak English because I cannot speak it well, but there are a few students in this class, so
I must speak something in English. This tough situation made me strong mentally. In the first half of this class, I struggled to speak English and I thought ”I wish I could speak better and say what I want to say!” over and over.
However, as I take this class, I found that I do not need to use difficult English words or grammar and I should use easy words to make others understand what I want to say.
In short, It is not so important to speak English perfectly but it is more important to tell others.
What I did well:
It usually takes a lot of time for me to try something because I think about anything before I start. However, this time, I could take action more quickly than usual.
For instance, I visited a mosque and asked Mrs. Miwa about Islamic culture. Normally, I never do these things, but I was able to take one step and try because I was with Akiko.
I really appreciate it for Akiko.
What I could have done better:
I should have spoken only English. I sometimes used Japanese, when I talked to Japanese students or there were some words which I didn't know in English.
I think these situations don’t help me improve my English, so I should have asked Mr. deHaan difficult words.
The connection to my future:
I learned that it is important to obtain new information on my own feet, not on the Internet through this fieldwork.
When we don’t understand something, we usually search it on the Internet immediately. We can get a lot of information easily but we have no idea whether the information on the Internet is correct.
Thus I think we sometimes need to go to the library, see people and get information directly on our own. I will try to do that and want to experience various things.
Advice for other students:
Have courage to do what you want! Don’t hesitate to speak English, just enjoy the conversation!
References / Links
「持続可能なファッションのための国連アライアンス」とは? | 国連広報センター (
世界の海面水位 約30年間に10cm余上昇 近年その速度増す | NHK | 環cture)