No more shuttered stores

Chika Atsumi

No more shuttered stores


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Who am I? Who do I want to be?

I am a person with a positive character. I can communicate with most of everyone smoothly. 


I like to listen to comedian radio because it makes me happy and relaxed.


But I want to find an outdoor activity and be more active.


In the future, I want to be a person who can find problems and solve them.


What local and global problems am I aware of?

I am aware of the street of Nakamise in my local city of Numazu. There are many stores that are shuttered and fewer passers. 


I am aware of the reality of gender issues and child abuse. I think the root of both issues is the mind of discrimination. So, it's difficult to solve.


What Sustainable Development Goals have I learned about?

         3.Good Health and Well-being すべての人に健康と福祉を

         10.Reduced Inequality 人や国の不平等をなくそう

A discrimination is made between foreigners and Japanese, even though they are the same people. Lives are not treated equally.


外国人の生存権、どう保障する 生活保護を利用できるのは一部だけ:朝日新聞デジタル (

                    10.Reduced Inequality 人や国の不平等をなくそう

Children with and without disabilities will have an equal playing field. It will also be a place of learning.


                      「インクルーシブ遊具」設置の公園オープン 障害の有無関わらず誰とでも (

         5.Gender Equality  ジェンダー平等を実現しよう

Due to a series of global crises, vulnerable girls are facing child marriage. I think this issue should be solved quickly. We need to protect their rights.


What did I do and learn in my fieldwork?

           Who goes to Nakamise street in Numazu mainly? 


I have lived in Numazu since I was  five years old. But this street less and less active year over year. When I went there after a long time, the excitement I felt as a child was gone. And I noticed it is because there were very few stores open for business. So I want to think about how we can be encouraged there.


I went there and counted the people depending on the generation. It connects to know what kind of shops and events are effective to invite people.


Male 男性: 20s*3 / 30s*3 / 40s*3 / 50s*4 / 60s*1

Female 女性: 20s*1 / 30s*0 / 40s*1 / 50s*2 / 60s*2

(Cloudy Saturday 曇りの日曜日 / 30 minutes during lunch 昼食時の30分間)

But there were only two people who went in the shop. I think it is a very big problem.


There are more passersby, young and old, male and female, than I imagined.


But most people just passed through, not for shopping.


On the other hand, it is also a place for communication and community involvement as a Japanese tradition.


Few persons passed as I wrote above. 


Even at lunch time, no one went there. 


It is also a place for communication and community involvement. 


I want to be a person who can find problems and solve them as I mentioned before. The process of my fieldwork is also connected to my future.


What do I think would be a useful project to work towards achieving the SDGs?

Attracting the younger generation by opening shops and holding the event with students. But we also need to think about the Japanese culture which people talk on the bench and so on.


 [Goal10]Reduced Inequalities 人や国の不平等をなくそう

 [Goal11] Sustainable Cities and Communities 住み続けられるまちづくりを

The city and the local volunteer students 市と地元の学生

Open the shop and hold the event depending on the need. 需要にあった店を開き、イベントを開催する。

From the summer 夏から 

-Young people can have enough time because of long vacations. 長期休みなので若者が十分な時間を確保できるから。

The street of Nakamise in Numazu where I did field work. フィールドワークを行った沼津の仲見世商店街

Until there are no more shuttered stores シャッターのしまった店がなくなるまで

Now there are a few shops opening. But it is different from the needs and decrease the people from this street.


43_hint.pdf (

事例から学ぶ!「商店街を、もっと元気に」 | 経済産業省 中小企業庁 (

It might break the Japanese tradition. 日本の伝統を壊してしまうかもしれない。

You may not get permission to use a vacant storefront. 空いた店の使用許可を得られないかもしれない。

Negotiate to use vacance store 空いた店の使用許可を得る

Call for somebody's cooperation 協力者を集める 

Plan event イベントを企画する Open the shop 店を開く

-Corporates of students are asked. 学生の協力が求められる

 It is because they can understand the needs of the target.



I have learned many things this semester. 


First, to think about myself is the basis of all. Without it, we cannot realize what I am interested in and have my values. So, I learned that when people get lost in something, we should think about ourselves.


Moreover, connecting ideas is very important. By doing so, we can not only broaden our view but also find good ways. Communicating with others enables it.


I could think of the result of field work and proposal well.  I could pay attention to both what I need to improve and protect.


In other words, I did well to think broadly and widely. 


I could have told my ideas and views in the class more. I had a lot of times that I could not tell all of what I wanted to tell. 


So, I need to brush up my skill to organize ideas and tell others in a simple way.


As I mentioned before, I want to be a person who can find problems and propose ideas to solve.


So, all the processes that I learned this semester connect to my future.


Of course, to think by myself is important. However, talking to others is also important. It brings us new ideas and views.


We can have such an opportunity to do it in PBL2A!!
