Sports for everyone (Kota Suzuki)

Sports for everyone

Kota Suzuki (S2021)

Short summary

⌨️ The power of sports

Which SDGs this relates to, and how

G3-The sport is important and necessary for our health

G11-The sport makes human relationships better. That leads to sustainable cities and communities.

Why this research matters to you, to the local community, and to the global community

I love sports and I know the importance of them. Sports make people more healthy physically and mentally. Sports also connect people. Actually, there are the cases that sports are incorporated as development assistance to realize the world peace. I want to tell everyone how great sport is.

The cases:



⌨️ I am showing the power of sports on my research page. As I write there, sports make people's health and build better human relationships. I want to propose "new sports" made the best of good points of sports. I have participated in the sports event which is held by my acquaintance. This sport used rugby balls, but was not rugby. Kicking the ball is OK, but it wasn't soccer. This sport had the original rules, and means the new sports. From children to elderly people can enjoy it because people hear the rules at the venue for the first time and the sport is not so hard for anyone. Participants also needed to talk about the rules with someone they first met. They gradually opened up to each other, and then they talked a lot and cooperated with each other. i LOVE this idea. (do you want to join my game zemi and develop the game as your thesis project? :)

This sports event provided people of all generations the place where they can exercise and connected them through their cooperation for the game. I want to run the project like this.

Main contents


⌨️I hope that from children to elderly people in Shizuoka city will be healthier, make good relationships with each other and maintain this beautiful city.


⌨️men and women of all ages


⌨️ the second semester

Tasks and Timeline Brainstorming


1 advertising

2 gather people

3 tell them some information about sports event

4 conduct

5 feedback


⌨️a public park or an athletic field

I think the athletic field in University of Shizuoka is good if I could reserve there


⌨️Gather about 20 to 30 people and divide into 2 or 3 groups. Warm up by everyone, and then I explain the rules, and start the game.


⌨️make rules, make flyers, reserve a place, prepare tools, gather collaborators

Support you need

⌨️financial support, help for event planning and management

Local community connections

⌨️Spread this event in many local places and welcome diverse group of people

Global community connections

⌨️Of course, foreign people can participate in this event and enjoy doing sports.

Anything else




Additional Links
