Let’s make an original disaster prevention bag!

Aoi Watanabe, Miru Kobayashi, Saki Koizumi

Who are we? 

We all live in Shizuoka. We like Shizuoka’s nature and convenience. We love our friends and family. Shizuoka is famous for Mt. Fuji. So we worry about the eventual Nankai Trough Earthquake. We all worry about things and work to prepare for things.

Recipe Name: Emergency kit for one-person households for prefectural college students

Place the following items in a large bag or backpack and use it as an emergency carryout bag (“go bag”). If possible, it is better to use a backpack because it frees up both hands.

The following list shows:

Water (水)

Home center


You need to secure at least 3 days’ worth of water and about 3L per person per day

Water is very heavy, so internet shopping is the easiest way to get this item. But it’s a little expensive. If you have a car, you can find water cheaper .




For food, assuming that you eat three meals a day, you should have nine servings of carbohydrates such as dried bread and retort-packed rice for staple food, plus canned food and instant soups. In addition, since electricity and gas may be cut off, food such as Calorie Mate should also be prepared.

Since it will be a burden to keep at home, it is recommended to use the rolling stock system recommended by the government.



100 yen 

Daiso:Shizutetsu store ( ダイソー:しずてつストア)

Batteries used for the flashlight are sold separately, and batteries can be purchased at a 100 yen store for 100 yen. 


Rain coat


100 yen 

Daiso:Shizutetsu store ( ダイソー:しずてつストア)

It can be used as a rain shelter and as warmth. It is convenient to have a piece of clothing that can be used for everything.



Copy of driver's license and insurance card(免許証や保険証のコピー)

10 yen

Convenience Store (コンビニエンスストア)

Make a photocopy at a convenience store copier. You may need it to prove your identity or to withdraw money at the bank


Mobile battery


700 yen

Daiso:Shizutetsu store ( ダイソー:しずてつストア)

If your phone runs out of charge, you will not be able to contact people or receive information. A charger is useful in such cases.




0 yen


You can use whatever you have at home. It is convenient to prepare different sized ones for various uses.



Newspaper/corrugated cardboard


0 yen

location:home or supermarket (自宅や

It can be used for many things (e.g., sheet to sit on, warmth, packaging, shelter) and is easy to obtain, so it is convenient to have it anyway.


Plastic bag


100 yen

Daiso:Shizutetsu store ( ダイソー:しずてつストア)

It can be used for many things (for example: a garbage bag, a raincoat, a glove substitute, a lamp if you put a flashlight inside it, or a pillow.




2099 yen

Amazon (アマゾン)

Although the price is a little expensive, it is great for gathering information when cell phone service is not available. It is even easier to use if it is small and has an earphone.


Sanitary products and medicine


depend on the circumstances



You should make sure you include the medications you take on a regular basis. If you have a chronic illness, you should make sure to include at least a 3-day supply. Women should also remember to pack menstrual products.



Toothbrush set


100 yen

Daiso:Shizutetsu store ( ダイソー:しずてつストア))

In addition to a toothbrush, it is helpful to have toothpaste. Gum may be used as a substitute.

You can also get a set at pharmacies as well as Daiso.


Pictures of family


10 yen

Convenience Store (コンビニエンスストア)

It is necessary when looking for one's own family. It is important to print these out because your cell phone may not work.

自分の家族を探すときに必要です。 携帯電話が使えないかもしれないので、プリントアウトしておくことが重要です。



As much as you want.


There are many times when cash from an ATM is not available. It can be used to use public telephones, or in the event of a power outage, when electronic money or credit cards are not available.

Also,you should have plenty of coins on hand for such cases.(e.x.10 yen for public telephones)


What were the outcomes? 

We made the list. Miru made her emergency kit (because she lives alone and did not have one). Here is a photo:

To make my emergency bag, I bought some items based on our recipe. 

Water (2L × 8)

927 yen

Amazon(Amazon.co.jp: 【Amazon.co.jp限定】伊藤園 磨かれて、澄みきった日本の水 島根 2L×8本 : 食品・飲料・お酒)

Rain Coat

108 yen


Plastic bag

108 yen


Copy of insurance card

10 yen

Convenience store


330 yen

After actually making the emergency bag, I felt that an emergency bag is easy to make. I had many things in my house(towels, bandades, foods, etc), and I bought fewer new things than I thought I would. People who live alone are particularly anxious when a disaster strikes, but I think that having an emergency bag in place can be quite reassuring.

And we shared the list with AND YOU for other students

What Sustainable Development Goals does your project connect to?


Goal 11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

目標11‐ 住み続けられるまちづくりを 都市と人間の居住地を包括的、安全、強靭かつ持続可能にする


On January 1 of this year (2024), a major earthquake hit Noto, Ishikawa Prefecture. Shizuoka Prefecture, where we live, is also said to be hit by a major earthquake called the Nankai Trough Earthquake. However, most likely students who live alone are not prepared for such an earthquake. We thought that in order to continue to live in Shizuoka Prefecture, we need to be prepared for earthquakes, which is why we came up with this project and its goal.

今年(2024年)の1月1日、石川県能登地方で大地震が発生した。 私たちの住む静岡県も南海トラフ地震と呼ばれる大地震に襲われると言われている。 しかし、一人暮らしをしている学生のほとんどは、そのような地震に対する備えをしていない可能性が高い。 静岡県に住み続けるためには、地震に対する備えが必要だと考え、このプロジェクトとその目的を考えました。


   Students can make a disaster prevention bag based on the recipe we prepared. Students can prepare for it in daily life and they can protect themselves.


   My teammates and I worked together to figure out what we needed and how to prepare it, and we consulted with our teacher. Our teamwork and communication skills were excellent. We carefully considered what our budget would be and what kind of things we would need.



   Since many of the members do not shop much on a regular basis, they did not know where they could go and what they could buy. We should have done more planning before going shopping. And Saki and Aoi don’t live alone, so it was difficult to put ourselves in the shoes of a single person.

   普段からあまり買い物をしないメンバーが多いので、どこに行って何を買えばいいのかわからなかった。そして、さきとあおいは一人暮らしをしていないので、一人暮らしの立場になって考えることが難しかっ た。


A variety of things can be found at a hundred-yen store. I thought it was a good low hurdle for students without money. However, groceries and other items were more expensive than expected. Therefore, I thought that food and water should be prepared in a “rolling stock system” that can be used for disaster prevention on a regular basis.

In addition, I learned the importance and difficulty of thinking from the perspective of people who are in a different position, such as thinking of ways that do not take up too much space or cost too much money for people who live alone when thinking of recipes.

たくさんのものを100円ショップで見つけることができた。お金に余裕がない学生でも試して見やすくいいと思った。 しかし、食料品などは予想以上に高かった。 そこで、普段から防災に使える「ローリングストック方式」で食料や水を準備しておくべきだと思った。


I felt like I had to become well prepared for an earthquake that would one day occur. I think this was the first step for me to be able to act safely in the event of an earthquake in the future.

In the earthquake in Ishikawa, people were troubled to eat and live. The TV news showed that people in the affected area had to live on much little food than usual. So, we must secure our own food and minimal living necessities because supplies are unreliable.

いつか起こるであろう地震に対して、しっかりと備えなければならないと感じた。 その行動が、将来地震が起きたときに安全に行動できるようになるための第一歩になると思います。

石川県の地震では、食べることに困っていました。 テレビのニュースでは、人々は普段よりも少ない食料で生活しなければならない状況だった。



By preparing a disaster prevention bag, you are continuously preparing for an earthquake that will one day come. In addition, by using a rolling stock system, people can be prepared for earthquakes on a daily basis because food can be used and replenished regularly.

防災バッグを用意することで、いつか来る地震に備え続けることができる。 また、ローリングストックシステムを利用することで、食料を定期的に使用・補充することができるため、日常的に地震に備えることができる。


If the plan you made once doesn't work, I think it is important to discuss it with your teacher and friends. PBL classes are a lot of fun, so try to have fun while doing it!



Disaster Preparedness Food Stocking Guide

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Last viewed on 2024/01/16

災害時に備えた食品ストックガイド:農林水産省 (maff.go.jp)

How do you prepare for your precious water ?

Ministry of agriculture, Forestry and Fishes

Last viewed on 2024/01/17


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