How beautiful everyone is!

Riko Aoshima

How beautiful everyone is!


Who am I? Who do I want to be?

Recently, I’ve started to write a diary in English everyday so my writing skill is a little better than before I started it.

I’m good at continuing to makean effort to improve my skill or achieve my goals so I can continue to write a diary everyday. This is my boast-worthy point!

I wanna be an honest person who can explain my feelings in the moment. Especially, explaining happiness in front of people is a crucial thing to keep good connections between friends.

What local and global problems am I aware of?

Increasingly closed shops. Many stores, shops and places have been closed in recent years so young people especially don’t have fun in Shizuoka city.

There exists the discrimination based on appearance and they lead to serious issue like suicide.

What Sustainable Development Goals have I learned about?

Goal 5.Gender equality

10.Reduced inequalities

16.Peace,justice and strong institutions 


Goal 3.Good health and well-being

6.Decent work and economic growth

How overwork is literally killing us - BBC Worklife

overwork - The Japan Times

2.Zero hunger 

6.Clean water and sanitation

BrantSteele Hunger Games Simulator

日本で広がる「新たな飢餓」?子どもたちの食糧事情とは (

What did I do and learn in my fieldwork?

           How does “Lookism” affect the social problem?

           What is the exact meaning of “appearance”?

           I often care about how my friends think about my looks but everyone has their own individual opinions so I don’t have to think about that so learning about appearance and looks is stimulating to my life.

          Questionnaires, what people think about appearances and observe through the Google form.! AvI36jjqIr6HgUSE-gSCO4qpZ_ja?e=716w9g

                ■Not all people have knowledge about “Lookism”.

                ■This data shows that “Lookism” is not just a problem.

                ■5 out of 15 students have faced the situation of lookism.

                ■10 out of 15 students often edit face pictures as they post it on SNS

What do I think would be a useful project to work towards achieving the SDGs?

There are many factors of “Lookism” like the development of social media, the increase of advertising which is about shaping or hair loss in the train etc.


 10.Reduced inequalities 10. 不平等をなくそう

 16.Peace,justice and strong institutions 11. 平和、公正

I'll especially do the project for young people, but I want every Japanese person to care about that.


Making a hashtag which calls the issue of lookism and campaign that makes many people understand that situation. Then, posting this information on the SNS. Also, making posters which are related with the contents posted on SNS.These posters will be posted on not only schools or offices but also some transportations or shops.


Holidays (because maybe it’s possible to use social media like smartphones and people can easily find the information .)


On the SNS. I want to put posters in the train and bus like some transportations.


I’ll make 2 or 3 hashtags and make two kinds of posters at most. 


To address the “lookism” situation and social issues to as many people as possible, I should give them an opportunity that they can consider and think about that. The information on the SNS and posters which are posted in the public areas will be an opportunity to think.


Paper, writing utensils and a smartphone.


I must be careful when I create messages that I post on the SNS and write on posters since this theme is so sensitive.


“Lookism” sometimes has a good effect but most of the time affects social problems like inequalities. 

Developing SNS or social media is good for people but however, it triggers an inequality situation.


1. Thinking about how the messages or catch phrases I’ll use.


2. Thinking about how the campaign should be held.


3. Making posters which are related to what I want to call people and what I want to hold campaigns or lectures.


4.  Posting hashtag with posters on SNS.


5. Also, I want to display posters in many transportations.



The importance of knowing about myself. → I could understand what I like, what I’m good at or bad at, whatever. → Talking with my mind makes me improve.

Saying details or exact reasons as I tell my opinions. → To make clear and suggest my arguments. ex) Yes! × Yes, I do because~.〇                                                        

Sharing my opinions with peers. 

Comparing other points of view which I’ve not come up with.

Suggesting my ideas many times.

            More and more tell my thoughts positively.

            To deepen the story of discussion.

Outputting the terms which I’ve learned from many classmates and their presentations in many situations like other English classes, writing English sentences and talking with foreigners.

Thinking about problems not only in Japan but also in the world and wanting to move something by some activities or charity.

References / Links

How overwork is literally killing us - BBC Worklife

overwork - The Japan Times