“Report-Abandoned bamboo grove problem and working organizations”

Abandoned bamboo grove problem and working organizations

Chiharu Tezuka (S2021)

Short summary

⌨️ (こちらは放置竹林問題の説明サイト1つ、団体のニュースやリンク参照に入れる)A lot of bamboo groves have been abandoned because of the declining demand for bamboo. Abandoned bamboo groves grow up themselves because they have strong fertility. Even worse, bamboo is not good at keeping ground. It has its roots fastened only 30cm deep. Also, bamboo roots wither and die earlier than its trunk so they cause landslides easily.

Utilizing and removing those bamboo grove is interesting. There are a few organizations that reuse bamboo in Shizuoka. I am also interested in if we could reuse other materials that aren’t needed. I dream of collaborating with the Food nutrition department of Kendai with reusing bamboos as foods. For example, bamboo shoots or fermented bamboo shoot toppings.

Abandoned bamboo grove problem is related to SDGs G11 and G15. Utilizing something as food is related to G2, G1, and G12.


Which SDGs this relates to, and how

⌨️Utilizing bamboo relates to


2 It's connected to achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources(Bamboos)

5 We can reduce waste generation through preventing the occurrence of bamboo grooves and reuse bamboos.

8 This activity helps people have the awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature.


1 As we manage bamboo groves, it helps to ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland services in particular forests ormountains.

2 It promote the sustainable management of some types of forests, halt deforestation caused by bamboo, restore degraded forests.

4 Removing bamboo helps to ensure the conservation of mountain ecosystems.

Why this research matters to you, to the local community, and to the global community

⌨️There are many bamboo grove in Japan. Shizuoka is one of the most damaged Prefectures. What do you mean?




⌨️ Have you ever heard about Abandoned bamboo grove? A lot of bamboo grooves have been abandoned with declining of demands for bamboo. Abandoned bamboo grooves grow up themselves with their strong fertility. Even worse, bamboo is not good at keeping ground so they cause landslides. Utilizing and removing those bamboo groves is interesting. There are a few organizations that reuse bamboo in Shizuoka. I am also interested in if we could reuse other materials that aren’t needed. I dream of collaborating with the Food nutrition (can you be specific about why this department matches what you want to do?) department of Kendai.

Abonedoned bamboo grove problem is related to SDGs G11 and G15. Utilizing something as food is related to G2, G1, and G12

Main contents


⌨️被害?原因←ぽい 高齢化した地主、竹林の近くに住む人々、我々、放置竹林対策団体

名前のせてもいいか? (yes, i think so!


⌨️Bamboo(Mousouchik) groove (GROVE, not GROOVE. ;)


⌨️産業すたれて年→表? (nice idea!)


⌨️日本各地、静岡 (specifically?)




⌨️竹需要の減少 (why does this happen?)地主の高齢化、速い繫殖のスピード


⌨️Bamboo destroys biodiversity and it also causes landslides. Abandoned bamboo grove keep increasing because there are'nt enough people who use or cut the bamboo. (Can you provide information / data on how Shizuoka is one of the most damaged prefectures? (you mentioned above....)



Other people/groups working on this problem

⌨️下に同じ (Yes, you can explain about Co-Co and other groups)

Local community connections


Global community connections


Anything else

⌨️そもそも維持が必要なのか、根絶やしは実現不可能か、影響、地主との連携 許可



目標 放置竹林問題を周知させること→チップ使う人、インテリアや食等(輸入たけのこ)なら一般の人、竹林を生かした産業(再利用)が増えること、助成金、(this is reallly interesting information! i think you can include more about this in earlier sections)



Additional Links

⌨️静岡県立大学 環境サークルCO-CO 大内とともに (wixsite.com)