Age of Ashes


1   ORC/OGL準拠の完全オーブンキャンペーン形式
2   オンラインセッション(基本月イチ、3時間以内、ユドナリウムリィリィ、Discord、ボイチャとテキセ混合可)と掲示板セッション(基本随時、TRPGオンラインセッションSNSのコミュニティーの掲示板機能)の並行進行形式
3   オンラインセッション予定組みは1クール=三ヶ月単位掲示板セッションの予定組みは各イベント告知単位
4   基本的にゲーム内時間の経過は、現実=リアル時間の経過と同一
5   オンラインセッションではマップとコマを使用した戦闘中心、掲示板セッションでは冒険の合間の活動中心
6   OGL準拠ウェブサイトとセッションログとTwitch Live配信+アーカイブの公開(参加者さんたちのPCsキャラクターシート公開などは任意)

Age of Ashesご紹介

 米国Paizo社より2019年8月に新発売されたPathFInder 2e Core Rule Book対応の、
「初Adventure Path、
  Age of Ashes 全6巻


「ちゃんと、2eで最初のAdventure Pathなので、
    1冊目がPCsパーティーレベル 1から4
    2冊目がPCsパーティーレベル 5から8
    3冊目がPCsパーティーレベル 9から11
    4冊目がPCsパーティーレベル 12から14
    5冊目がPCsパーティーレベル 15から17
    6冊目がPCsパーティーレベル 18から20
 PathFInder 2e Core Rule Book内の、



以下は、Paizo社より無料配布している灰の時代Age of Ashes プレイヤーズ ガイドのpdfファイル(英語版)
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Age of Ashes Player’s Guide PDF



ヘルナイトの丘Hellknight Hillの頂上にある城シタデル・アルテレインCitadel Altaereinは、イスガーISger東部に何年も放置されたままになっており、それは爪のヘルナイト教団the Hellknight Order of the Nailが残した遺産ではあったが、最近では近隣の町ブリーチル Breachillの住民たちにはほとんど無視されているような状態です。




Campaign BackGround Outline

The castle atop Hellknight Hill, Citadel Altaerein, has stood abandoned for years in eastern Isger—a legacy left behind by the Hellknight Order of the Nail that’s largely ignored these days by the populace of the nearby town of Breachill. But when strange signal fires begin to burn atop the citadel’s battlements, a local goblin and friend of Breachill’s citizens begins to worry, for her tribe, the Bumblebrashers, live within the castle. She fears the fires are distress signals, and hopes to attend Breachill’s monthly Call for Heroes to ask for help from a band of local adventurers. As fate would have it, this call for aid comes to your group of heroes, and as a mysterious doom draws near, who could have predicted that such an act of local heroism would eventually lead to the unmasking of one of the most insidious and dangerous conspiracies of the Age of Lost Omens?



積み荷を期待されていた商人が.....荷物が届いていない、ヤギの群れが夜中に死んでしまった羊飼い、シーズン中の収穫物が台無しになったり盗まれたりした農夫など、冒険者達にとって調査や解決は良い仕事とされているため、ブリーチルの町議会Breachill’s town councilでは必要に応じてヒーローを雇うようにしています。

灰の時代Age of Ashesキャンペーンへの導入は、あなたPLsのPCsたちが集まって今月の英雄の呼び声に参加しようとする/するところから始まります。




Breachill’s local government has a long history of hiring adventurers to tackle challenges its residents face that fall outside the scope of the town guard’s duties.
The merchant whose expected shipment of goods hasn’t yet arrived, the shepherd whose herd of goats mysteriously died in the night, the farmer whose entire season’s harvest was ruined or stolen—investigating and resolving any of these matters are considered good jobs for adventurers, and so Breachill’s town council uses its resources to hire heroes as needed. These monthly meetings, known as the Call for Heroes, are distinct from the council’s normal regular governance meetings, a tactic that separates such matters from regular municipal business and shows the townspeople that the council takes seriously the issues that are often most important to them personally.

Age of Ashes begins with your PCs gathering to attend this month’s Call for Heroes. You’ll need to decide if your PCs know each other or are meeting for the first time—you’ll have a chance to introduce yourselves to the other PCs and to interact a bit with town locals before the Call for Heroes begins!


ブリーチルBreachillの町は、ドリュマDruma国境から約50マイル離れたイスガーIsger東部の原野にある五王山Five King Mountains西山脈の麓に位置しています。






結局のところ、町の人々は強力な魔法使いであり冒険家でもあるNPCラモンド・ブリーチルトンLamond Breachtonの慈悲のおかげで存在していると理解しているからです。







Breachill Gazetteer

The town of Breachill is nestled in the foothills of the Five King Mountains in the wilds of eastern Isger, about 50 miles from the Druman border. Compared to the region’s other settlements, this small town is young—just shy of 170 years old—though it has a fascinating history that rivals those of many far older places. Breachill began with the humblest of origins, as a barely functional outpost of human amnesiacs, but the aid and mentorship of a powerful wizard led these shivering and dying unfortunates to found the hardy and thriving town that exists today.

Many of Breachill’s 1,300 residents are humans who trace their ancestry to one of these original pioneers, leading to the townsfolk’s identity as people who persevere and are self-sufficient by birthright. As a result, the residents of Breachill are brave and community minded. Unlike the insular inhabitants of many Isgeri towns, they welcome adventurers of all types. After all, the townspeople owe their existence to the benevolence of a powerful wizard and adventurer—Lamond Breachton—whose legacy is so beloved that it is almost a religion. Practically without exception, any harsh words spoken in town against Breachton are taken as a challenge to most residents’ honor.

Breachill’s townsfolk are hardy, and the town is focused on self-sufficiency and creature comforts. Residents are friendly and tend to help each other, and the town’s history makes them open-minded toward outsiders. Breachill’s citizens tend to play as hard as they work, so the town counts numerous taverns among its many businesses.

Breachill’s notable locations are described in brief below, and shown on the map on page 10.


このキャンペーンセッションの冒険本であるAge of Ashes(エイジ・オブ・アッシュズ)は、イスガー Isgerの東の国境近くにある小さな町ブリーチルBreachill にPCs/NPCsが集結して来る/してから始まります。









Creating Characters

Age of Ashes begins in the small town of Breachill near the eastern border of Isger. A brief gazetteer of this relatively remote town appears on pages 6–9 of this guide. As Age of Ashes begins, your characters should be in the town—as either citizens or visitors—and should have no immediate plans or goals to move on to another location. At the same time, though, keep in mind that while your group will come to see Breachill as their hometown, you’ll be traveling across the continents of Avistan and Garund during the course of the campaign to come, so you should be ready to spend time away from home.

Age of Ashes features a wide range of traditional adventuring elements: the PCs will negotiate deadly dungeons, interact with colorful NPCs in stressful social encounters, acquire legendary treasures, explore wilderness regions, and navigate urban sprawls. But between adventures, you’ll be returning home to Breachill, where your group is likely to have earned the right to dwell in and rebuild the abandoned castle atop Hellknight Hill—provided you can survive the initial adventures set within those walls in the campaign’s first adventure, of course!

When concepting and creating your character, work with the other players and your GM to ensure you’re building a character that’ll work well with the other PCs and the overall plotline of Age of Ashes. The following advice should help you stay on course while generating your character.


このキャンペーンのAge of Ashes冒険本では、PCs/NPCsの配アメイメントに制限はありませんが、差し迫った破滅との戦いや謎のNPCs奴隷商人組織との戦いは、非悪Non@EvilのPCs/NPCsには最適です。PCs/NPCsが仲良くできて、地元のNPCs人たちを助ける代わりに町を荒らしたり乱暴を働くようなタイプでなければ(それが利他の心や親切心からなのか、名声や富を求めてなのかに関わらず)、あなたの共有PCs/NPCsはうまくやっていけるでしょう。




There isn’t any restriction on PC alignments in the Age of Ashes Adventure Path, although the fight against an impending doom and the push against a mysterious organization of slavers works best for non-evil PCs. As long as your PCs can get along and aren’t the type who want to raze and ruin the towns they visit instead of help the locals out (whether this is out of a sense of altruism and kindness or in the pursuit of fame and fortune), your PCs should fit in fine.


このキャンペーンのAge of Ashes冒険本では、伝統的な冒険プロットや場所が数多く存在しているため、Core Rule Bookにある6種族アンセスタリーがすべてうまく機能してます。

実際Age of Ashes冒険本6冊の各パートでは、ゴブリン、エルフ、ハーフリング、ドワーフ、ノーム、人間と密接に関連したテーマが大きな役割を果たしています。

他のアンコモンやレアの種族アンセスタリーも問題なく遊べのすが、Core Rule Bookにある6つの中核的な種族アンセスタリーを選択することは、キャンペーン上での物語の観点からすると最も実りのあることです。



As Age of Ashes features a number of traditional adventuring plots and locations, all of the core ancestries work well in this campaign. Indeed, themes closely associated with goblins, elves, halflings, dwarves, gnomes, and humans play major roles in the six parts of Age of Ashes. Other ancestries should have little problem fitting in, but choosing one of the six core ancestries for this first Second Edition Pathfinder Adventure Path should be the most rewarding from the story’s point of view.


このキャンペーンのAge of Ashes冒険本では、どのクラスのPCs/NPCsでも輝くことができます。




Members of any class will have plenty of moments to shine in the Age of Ashes Adventure Path. A well- rounded selection of skills, feats, and class options will serve your party well, as there are a wide range of challenges to face. Note that there will be ample opportunities between adventures (and sometime seven during them) to pursue downtime activities, and indeed part of this campaign involves renovating and running a castle of your very own, so having a few characters who are skilled at Crafting is a wise choice.






Common is certainly the most important language to know in this Adventure Path, along with Dwarven, Elven, Gnomish, Goblin, and Halfling. Draconic is a key language in many parts of the campaign as well. Other languages will have their moments to shine, but in most cases key lines of communication should function if the above languages are represented in the group.


Core Rule Bookに記載されているどの信仰=神格も、このキャンペーン のPCs/NPCsには適していると判断できます。
そのような選択に対応するためにAge of Ashesのプロットラインを必要に応じて調整してくれるかどうかを確認してみましょう。
結局のところ、Age of AshesはNPCs神ドラコニックの影響力を強化するというよりも、NPCs神ドラコニックの影響力に対抗することを目的としているプロットだからです。


Any of the religions detailed in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook will work fine for characters in Age of Ashes. Note that while this campaign features dragons as a repeating theme, worshipping a draconic god isn’t well-suited for this campaign. Draconic deities either are not particularly involved or are involved to an extent that PC worshippers of them could be problematic. Speak to your GM if you want your character to worship a deity like Dahak to see if they’re willing to make certain adjustments to the Age of Ashes plotline as needed to accommodate such a choice, but when all is said and done, you might be better served setting aside such a character concept for another campaign entirely. After all, Age of Ashes is more about opposing draconic influence than bolstering it!








PCs/NPCsがどのような知識技能を取得しているか?把握しておき、思い出すRecall Knowledge◆[知力INT]判定をする時には、それらの知識技能について留意しておくようにしましょう。

どうしてもこれらの知識判定が必須になるような場合には、知識Lore技能判定をオプションとして思い出すRecall Knowledge◆[知力INT]可能にするようにしておききしょう。


If you’re thinking of choosing a Lore skill for your character, consider choosing one of the following: 


Breachill, Dahak, Darklands, Desert, Jungle, 

Kintargo(as the Silver City, is the capital of Ravounel)

Dragon, Dwarf, Elf, Engineering, Gnome, Goblin, Guild, Halfling, 


If you’re the GM of Age of Ashes, make sure you keep track of what Lore skills your PCs choose;

 keep them in mind when calling for checks to Recall Knowledge, 

and make a point of including Lore skills as options in such cases!

背景  以下から好きな背景を選択しても良いし、他の背景を自由に選択して良い。

ドラゴン研究者 背景





能力ブーストability boostsを2つ選ぶ。1つは筋力Strengthか魅力Charismaでなければならず、1つは自由Free能力ブースト。

あなたは威圧Intimidation技能とドラゴン伝承Dragon Lore技能の訓練Trainedを受けている。

Intimidating Glare技能特技を得る。


Dragons have fascinated you for as long as you can remember. The potent power they possess, the long lives they lead, the ancient traditions they inspire—whatever the source of your interest, you’ve spent much of your life to this point immersed in all things draconic. These studies have bolstered your self-confidence and given you a wide range of methods and tactics you can use to impose your will on others.

You’ve likely chosen to attend the Call for Heroes as a way to seek funds as an adventurer to afford more texts about dragons or perhaps out of a desire to encounter one in real life.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be Strength or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.

You’re trained in the Intimidation skill and the Dragon Lore skill. You gain the Intimidating Glare skill feat.

解放奴隷 背景



どのようにしてブリーチル Breachillに来たのか、なぜ来たのかはあなたの判断に委ねられていますが、自分の運命を決める力があると感じているという事実が、あなたを突き動かし続けています。


2つの能力ブーストability boostsを選ぶ。1つは敏捷力Dexterityか魅力Charismaでなければならず、もう1つは自由Free能力ブースト。

 Stealth技能とキンタルゴの知識Kintargo Lore技能の訓練Trainedを受けている。

Terrain Stalker技能特技を得る。


Until recently, the nation of Ravounel was part of the larger nation of Cheliax, where the church of Asmodeus is the law and slaves are traded freely in the open market. You had the poor fortune to be born into slavery, but the good luck to have grown up in the city of Kintargo. When Ravounel seceded from Cheliax, the leaders of this new nation freed all slaves, and you’ve wasted no time in exploring and establishing your new life. How and why you’ve come to Breachill is left to you to decide—but the fact that you feel empowered to determine your own destiny continues to drive you!

The chance to become an adventurer has excited you for some time, as you hope to build a new life for yourself as a hero rewarded with fame and fortune. Joining the Call for Heroes is a great opportunity to find a group to adventure with.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be Dexterity or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.

You’re trained in the Stealth skill and the Kintargo Lore skill. You gain the Terrain Stalker skill feat.

予知夢に取り憑かれり者 背景



2つの能力ブーストability boostsを選ぶ。1つは耐久力Constitutionか判断力Wisdomでなければならず、もう1つは自由Free能力ブースト。

宗教Religion技能と竜神ダハクの知識Dahak Lore技能の訓練Trainedを受けている。

the Student of the Canon技能特技を得る。


You’ve been haunted by frightening dreams of fires your whole life. This could be the result of a past, near- death experience with fire or it might have no obvious source that you know of. Recently, you stumbled upon an image, story, or other omen featuring the dragon god of destruction, Dahak, and you were struck with an unnerving sense of deja vu—you’ve come to think that the draconic deity might have something to do with your dreams, and as such have been studying all you can about the god. Your visions have bolstered your faith as well; even if you don’t worship a specific deity, you have a deep passion for matters of faith.

Your latest dream, for the first time, had enough details to identify its setting—in this last dream, you saw the town of Breachill burning. You’ve decided to join the Call for Heroes hoping to save the town you fear might burn to the ground soon.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be Constitution or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost.

You’re trained in the Religion skill and the Dahak Lore skill. You gain the Student of the Canon skill feat.

ヘルナイト歴史研究者 背景



2つの能力ブーストability boostsを選ぶ。1つは筋力Strengthか知力Intelligenceでなければならず、もう1つは自由Free能力ブースト。

社交Society技能と建築学Architecture Lore技能の訓練Trainedを受けている。

Courtly Graces技能特技を得る。


The various Hellknight Orders intrigue you, whether you seek to become one of their number yourself, wish to oppose their goals at every turn, or are merely inspired by or curious to learn more about them. You’ve heard that when the Order of the Nail abandoned Citadel Altaerein, they left behind the deed to the castle so anyone brave enough to explore the ruins and the defenses no doubt left behind would be rewarded with ownership of the abandoned fortress.

You decided to join the Call for Heroes to hoping to gain an opportunity to explore Citadel Altaerein.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be Strength or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost.

You’re trained in the Society skill and the Architecture Lore skill. You gain the Courtly Graces skill feat.

地元の後継者達  背景





2つの能力ブーストability boostsを選ぶ。1つは耐久力Constitutionか魅力Charismaでなければならず、もう1つは自由Free能力ブースト。

製作Crafting技能とブリーチルの知識the Breachill Lore技能の訓練Trainedを受けている。

the Specialty Crafting技能特技を得る。


You’re from Breachill and have lived there most, if not all, of your life. You might be the son or daughter of a well- known local adventuring family, or a family with a storied tradition of military or other martial service. You likely also have some sort of skill with your hands, as the people of Breachill are very self-sufficient.

The Call for Heroes is one of your hometown’s most iconic traditions, and you want to attend so you can prove your own merits to the council—beyond simply those of your family’s name.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be Constitution or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.

You’re trained in the Crafting skill and the Breachill Lore skill. You gain the Specialty Crafting skill feat.

町外の住人 背景





2つの能力ブーストability boostsを選ぶ。1つは耐久力Constitutionか知性 Intelligenceでなければならず、もう1つは自由Free能力ブースト。





You’ve never been to Breachill, nor do you have roots in the town, but as chance has it you find yourself visiting. You might be here traveling with a friend, visiting an old acquaintance, or merely here to see a new part of the world. Before coming to town, though, you spent many years living with an ancestry other than your own, and your diverse childhood has left you with an open mind and a curious nature.

You’re excited to meet new people and cultures, and answering the Call for Heroes seems to be an interesting way to do so.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be Constitution or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost.

You’re trained in the Diplomacy skill and one of the following Lore skills thematically associated with the members of the ancestry you grew up with: Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin, or Halfling. You gain the Hobnobber skill feat.

名声を求める者 背景






2つの能力ブーストability boostsを選ぶ。1つは敏捷力Dexterityか知力Intelligenceでなければならず、もう1つは自由Free能力ブースト。


Terrain Expertise技能特技を得る。

(Darklands Loreを持っている場合は地下、Desert Loreを持っている場合は砂漠、Jungle Loreを持っている場合はジャグル)


You’re likely from Breachill, but unlike the Local Scion, your family has no notable legacy in the area. 

You might not even have much of a family at all to call your own, and could be an orphan. 

You’ve seen so many people make names for themselves that you set out on your own and spent some time abroad in the jungles or deserts of Garund or in the upper reaches of the Darklands—regions that proved too dangerous to remain in for long on your own. You returned home with more caution and knowledge of the world beyond Breachill’s borders, but still determined to win fame.

You’ve decided that joining an adventuring group would be the best way to secure aid in your quest to build your own reputation, and are attending the Call for Heroes to find such allies.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be Dexterity or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost.

You’re trained in the Survival skill and the Darklands, Desert, or Jungle Lore skill. 

You gain the Terrain Expertise skill feat (underground if you have Darklands Lore, desert if you have Desert Lore, or forest if you have Jungle Lore).

帰国子女   背景







2つの能力ブーストability boostsを選ぶ。1つは敏捷力Dexterityか判断力Wisdomでなければならず、もう1つは自由Free能力ブースト。

窃盗Thievery技能と工学知識Engineering Lore技能の訓練Trainedを受けている。

the Pickpocket技能特技を得る。


You aren’t from Breachill yourself—you might not even be from Isger or Avistan at all. You’ve lived a hard life, in any event. You have often had to make tough decisions, and have developed a knack for understanding how things work (and the best way to take them apart) that has helped you support yourself. Recently you discovered that an ancestor was from the town of Breachill and had a modest career as an adventurer. You can’t help but wonder if you would have had an easier life if you’d grown up there instead, and have decided to seek out this small town to learn more about it.

You've  decided to respond to the Call for Heroes to follow in your ancestor’s footsteps, either to honor their memory or accomplish the great deeds they did not.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be Dexterity or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost.

You’re trained in the Thievery skill and the Engineering Lore skill. You gain the Pickpocket skill feat.

真実の探求者  背景





2つの能力ブーストability boostsを選ぶ。1つは筋力Strengthか判断力Wisdomでなければならず、もう1つは自由Free能力ブースト。

欺瞞Deception技能と政治学Politics Lore技能の訓練Trainedを受けている。

Lie to Me技能特技を得る。


Whether you are a local or from out of town, you’ve heard rumors that Breachill’s past contains a hidden secret. 

Perhaps you’ve heard strange rumors that the town’s founder, Lamond Breachton, was not the hero everyone touts, or maybe your grandmother heard stories from her own grandmother that contradict the town’s accepted narrative of its establishment. In the pursuit of the truth, you’ve learned to navigate the tangles of politics, and to never take anyone’s word at face value.

You plan to join the Call for Heroes so that you can make yourself known to the council, or perhaps even ingratiating yourself to them, so you can seek the truth and eventually uncover Breachill’s secrets!

Choose two ability boosts. One must be Strength or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost.

You’re trained in the Deception skill and the Politics Lore skill. You gain the Lie to Me skill feat.