Tuesday, April 21

qmd-srac-zff (2020-04-20 at 10:50 GMT-7)
qmd-srac-zff (2020-04-20 at 10:56 GMT-7)

Today at circle time we took a look at something unusual. What could it be? It was an ootheca, or egg case, laid by a praying mantis! We'll be learning all about these helpful insects and in a few weeks, we will have hundreds of baby praying mantises!

Fine Motor

Can you make a big letter X out of a lot of smaller Xs?

Gross Motor

Can you move like a mantis? Try out these yoga poses!


Take a walk around your house or your block. How many Xs can you find?

Mantis Math


Print out the page above and try some mantis math! Can you count the pictures and write the correct numbers?


Draw a picture of the praying mantis egg case. Do you think it will look the same after the nymphs hatch? Draw a picture of what you think they will look like!