Thursday, May 7

qmd-srac-zff (2020-05-06 at 18:07 GMT-7)
qmd-srac-zff (2020-05-06 at 18:10 GMT-7)

Fine Motor & Mathematics

Cut out a triangle for the top of your rocket and as many squares as there are letters in your name. Write the letters of your name on each square and glue them in order. How big is your name rocket? How many squares tall?

Gross Motor

Try out some of these space-themed motions!


Try out the American Sign Language sign for "moon". Can you spell M-O-O-N using the sign language alphabet?


Crush a piece of aluminum foil up into a ball. Dip it in white, black, and gray paint and stamp it on a white piece of paper. Cut a circle out of the paper and glue your moon to a black piece of paper. Use a Q-tip and white paint to make stars.