Hindi A2

Class Information - 

This class covers: At the end of this class, student would be able to read and write letters in Hindi. They will be able to read simple words, know basic vocabulary, and speak in basic sentences.

Ages: 7+ (beginners)

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EMAIL teachers: rampratapsngh@gmail.com, garimajain.nitk@gmail.com

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Class & Homework - 


February 4

Hindi A2 Class Notes

in class

* learned श, ष, स, ह

* reviewed numbers 1-30

* brainstormed all of these words:


* write श, ष, स, ह ten times each

* write र, य, ल, व ten times each

* try and learn numbers up to 30

* identify and write words in the picture above


January 28

What we covered today. Click Here

Homework - write स, सा, सि, सी 10 times.

January 21

today in class



December 17

in class:

learned श, ष, स, ह

reviewed numbers 1-30

brainstormed all of these words: Click here


write श, ष, स, ह ten times each

write र, य, ल, व ten times each

try and learn numbers up to 30

identify and write words in the picture above

December 10

in class:

learned letters र, ल, व

learned words starting with each letter

played a game with the letters

reviewed numbers 1-25


write र, ल, व ten times each

write words starting with each letter

December 3

Today we covered two letters म, य and recited Poem, revised counting 1-25 in Hindi.

Homework : write these 2 letters 10 times each.


November 19

Dear students and parents, 

Nov 19  class was devoted to Chapter 3, Human birth - a divine gift and a valuable opportunity. We started the class with an exercise with students speaking out their goals and desires. These were listed in 4 columns of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. As is normal, most entries were in artha and Kama columns, with less in dharma and very few in Moksha section. Discussed how living beings differ from non-living and how humans are very special vs other life forms on earth because of their large mental capabilities. While other animals are destined to follow the law of jungle, humans follow the rule of dharma according to Hinduism. We should not waste our precious human life over trivial pleasures. We should strive to become divine by pursuing spiritual practices (moksha). 

In our next class, we will cover chapter 4. Please review the slides in chapter 4 and bring your textbook to the class.

November 12

In class we decided to take a break from teaching for the day and watch some fun movie clips and a few Diwali related videos. There is no homework, Happy Diwali!

November 5


write त थ द ध ten times each

write words in yellow book + ones you know

practice speaking each of these letters and words (differentiate between them)

practice numbers up to 25 in hindi


October 29

In class 

* learned ट,ठ,ड,ढ pronunciations

  and how to write them


* writing the letters we learned

   today 10x

* write words starting with the

   letters we learned today

* if you want to you can 

   read/write the next few letters


October 22

Hindi A2 

In class 

* reviewed क,ख,ग,घ,च,छ,ज,झ pronounciation


* practice writing the letters 

* keep practicing numbers

* if you want to you can read the next few letters (ट,ठ,ड,ढ,त,थ,द,ध)

October 8

In Class:

began to write letters क, ख, ग, घ, च, छ, ज, झ

recited numbers 1-25


practice writing the letters above 10 times each. This is the minimum, so write the letters as many times as you can!

The goal of writing practice is so that students can not only neatly write each letter, but also recognize each letter. With that said make sure you are practicing saying these letter out loud with good pronunciation

memorize numbers up to 25

we are aware that some students already know up to 25, while some are still working on memorizing up to 10. No matter where you at in this range, do your best to memorize a few each day.

October 1

In class-

reviewed letters

learned letters Click here


write down 5 words using the letters above

write down 5 words using the letters above (this is the minimum, so if you can write more write more!)

keep practicing your numbers