Hindi C

Class Information - 

This class covers: At the end of this class, student would be able to read and write sentences in Hindi. They will be able to read short stories, poems and comprehend them with increased Hindi vocabulary.

Ages: various

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Teachers - 


EMAIL teachers: marellasushma@gmail.com 

Teenage Volunteers:

Class & Homework - 


April 23

In the first half of the class we completed  पाठ-१६ सुनिए सबकी करिए मन की on pg 54 of पाठमाला and did the exercises on pg 56 verbally.

In the later half of the class, we practiced for our annual day skit.

For homework-

- Write answers for section १, ३ on pg-56 of पाठमाला. We discussed the answers in class so they should be able to do them individually

- In अभ्यास पुस्तिका, complete section १, २ on pg 40

- Please help the kids learn their lines for the नटखट चूहा skit from the sheets given to them

April 16

We read पाठ-९ चालक बगुला on pg 31 of पाठमाला and did some of the exercises on pg 33. 

I also handed out sheets for the नटखट चूहा skit with lines underlined for different roles in different colors.

दुकानदार 1(blue lines)-Swara

दर्जी (green lines)-Bhanvi

दुकानदार 2 (yellow lines)-Dev

राजा (red lines)-Aditya

नटखट चूहा (not underlined) - Arav

I will finalize lines for Sri and Maitri within this week and share with them in the next class.

For homework-

- Please read the story again with the help of a parent/grown-up and try to come up with a different title to the story (answer to question ५ of section ३ on pg 33.

- In अभ्यास पुस्तिका, complete section १ on pg 21 and section ३, ४ on pg 22

- Practice your lines for the नटखट चूहा skit from the sheet given today


March 26

They read the story नटखट चूहा as part of their preparation for annual presentation 

दुकानदार 1(blue lines)-Swara

दर्जी (yellow lines)-Bhanvi

दुकानदार 2 (green lines)-Dev

राजा (red lines)-Aditya

नटखट चूहा (not underlined) - Arav 

Sri and Maitri chose to be chooha’s friends. We need to work on their dialogues. For the rest of the characters please help the kids learn their dialogues. We will be working on the play in class in the coming weeks.

March 19

We talked about the homework given for last week. Then we read a small poem, वर्षा ऋतु on page 16 of पाठमाला and answered questions relating to it. We also looked at some of the opposites (विलोम शब्द) given on the same page. 

Towards the end of the class we discussed the different options that they could do for the annual day presentation and while they were divided between doing a skit or song with dance, they all eventually agreed on a small skit about a नटखट चूहा  which they thought was very funny. They even went ahead and chose the roles they would like to do

I will share more details about the skit shortly. 

For homework this week, I haven’t given them anything in particular but would request you to please make them practice something or anything from the book whenever they can during the week.

I hope to give them a test on April 9th, after we return from spring break and the more they can revise the lessons they have been taught, the easier it would be for them.

Thank you for your continued support and help!

March 12

We looked at lesson-5 ‘र’ का राज’ again, recollected the different ways to writing ‘ आधा र’ and compared with the ways and rules of writing आधा अक्षर for the remaining वर्ण in the वर्णमाला. We also completed sections २, ३ of the exercises on page-16.

For homework:

Practice writing the varnamala again for those kids who were not able to write them today in class.

Practice the 5 rules of writing आधा अक्षर given in lesson 2 of पाठमाला

Complete section १ of pg13 in अभ्यास पुस्तिका

March 5

We revised वर्णमाला (स्वर, व्यंजन और संयुक्त अक्षर), briefly went over rules of writing आधा अक्षर, and then looked at स्त्रीलिंग-पुल्लिंग शब्द (on pg 12 of पाठमाला). We also did पाठ-४ ‘र’ का राज and looked at all the reasons why ‘र’ rules. 


Write वर्णमाला once everyday!

(They should complete writing all the alphabets at least 5 times before they come to class next week!)

Revise पाठ-४ ‘र’ का राज.


February 26

We practiced some स्त्रीलिंग-पुल्लिंग words. Then we read पाठ-४ उपहार and did the exercises given for the lesson. 


Pg 11 of अभ्यास पुस्तिका

Please have the kids learn all the पुल्लिंग-स्त्रीलिंग words on page-12 of पाठमाला. Except for one kid, none of them practiced this! I will ask them again about these in the next class. 

February 19

Since it was a small class with only 4 kids attending, teen volunteers Tanisha and Navya went about the class revising previously taught lessons. They went over - 

spellings of words & meanings of words, (from पाठ-२ चंदू चाचा की कविता), 

family relationships ( पाठ-६ परिवार), 

numbers from 1-20 (पाठ-७ अंक) and 

animal sounds (पाठ-११ जंगल की आस). 

Hope the revision was helpful to all the kids who were present! 


Learn all the पुल्लिंग-स्त्रीलिंग words on page-12 of पाठमाला. There might be a test!

February 12

We started the class by taking some spelling exercises. 

(And as I have mentioned several times before, most kids really need to work on their वर्णमाला and मात्रा. Without regular practice they will keep having trouble reading even simple words in Hindi)

We then did the कविता-जंगल की आस (पाठ ११) and did the exercise (section १, ४) on Pg 39.


For the next class, all kids need to read the poem once again and LEARN all the sounds of animals. (Practicing to write them would be even better!)

Complete section ३, ४(for those who did not complete in class) of पाठमाला

Complete sections १, २, ३ of  अभ्यास पुस्तिका 

ADITYA- Read lesson 2-आधा अक्षर and complete sections १, २ of pg 8 in पाठमाला and sections १, २ of pg 6 in अभ्यास पुस्तिका

MAITRI - Look at lesson ७-अंक on pg 24 of पाठमाला and complete all exercise on pg-24&25. In अभ्यास पुस्तिका, complete sections ४, ५, ६ on pg 17

February 5

At the beginning of the class, I gave them a simple test of writing numbers and their spellings and most kids need much more practice everyday in writing their मात्रा और आधा अक्षर. Unless they practice regularly, they will not be able to show improvement in both reading and writing. 

Then, I read to them पाठ १४ - रूमाल का भूत as the kids took turns explaining what they understood. We completed sections १ and ३ on page 48.


Read the lesson again and answer questions on pg 35 of अभ्यास पुस्तिका.

*REVISION of every lesson taught in class is a MUST!

Reminders for previous work that was not done-

# Maitri-(since you were absent for the most part of Jan) please try to learn saying and writing the numbers १-२० (lesson ७ - अंक in पाठमाला)

# Aditeya - try reading lesson 2- आधा अक्षर on pages 5-7. Look at all the rules (नियम) of writing half-letter words and practice the spelling of example words (उदाहरण) given in pink boxes on the bottom right hand side of pg 5 and top right hand side of pg 6.  Also, practice reading the poem चंदू चाचा at the end of the lesson. Message me if you have any questions.

#Learn 4 lines each from the poem एक- अनेक 

Bhanvi & Sri - lines 1-4

Aditeya - lines 5-8

Dev - lines 9-12

Swara & Maitri- lines 13&14

Arav - lines 15-18


January 29

We read the lesson परिवार (on Pg 19 of पाठमाला) today and tried to understand the family trees (with all the possible relationships) on both the mother’s side and father’s side. 


Please help the kids read through the lesson once again and answer the questions in section १ of पाठमाला on pg 21 and all the sections on Pg 14 and 15 of अभ्यास पुस्तिका

Additionally, all the kids who haven’t completed previous week’s homework, please try and complete them before next week’s class. I plan on giving a simple test of spellings and numbers for the first few minutes of the class next week.

Maitri-(since you were absent for the most part of Jan) please try to learn saying and writing the numbers १-२० (lesson ७ - अंक in पाठमाला)

Please remember to practice at least 10-20 mins everyday to help improve your reading, writing and speaking skills.

January 22

We started the class by practicing some number spellings. Please make sure kids write each of the wrong spellings at least 5 times.

(Also, we gave out notebooks to each of the kids present today. Please make sure they bring this note book to class every week. It makes it easier for me to give them work in class)

We also re-visited पाठ ८- एक अनेक. Kids took turns practicing their reading and trying to explain the meaning of the sentences in the poem. They also practiced saying the answers to questions like “आपके परिवार में कितने लोग हैं?” and “आपके परिवार में कौन कौन हैं?”


Pg -19 of अभ्यास पुस्तिका- sections १, २

For the spellings given in class…write 5 times each wrong one 

Learn 4 lines each from the poem एक- अनेक 

Bhanvi - lines 1-4

Aditeya - lines 5-8

Dev - lines 9-12

Swara - lines 13&14

Arav - lines 15-18

Additional work

 Dev & Arav - do the corrections in pg 24 & 25 of पाठमाला

Aditeya - try reading lesson 2- आधा अक्षर on pages 5-7. Look at all the rules (नियम) of writing half-letter words and practice the spelling of example words (उदाहरण) given in pink boxes on the bottom right hand side of pg 5 and top right hand side of pg 6.  Also, practice reading the poem चंदू चाचा at the end of the lesson. Message me if you have any questions.

January 15

We started the class today with a brief parent-teacher meeting. Thank you to all the parents who were able to make it today.  Hopefully I was able to clarify your queries to your satisfaction. Your continued partnership is much needed and greatly appreciated in helping the kids reinforce their learning! 

For the parents who were not able to attend, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your kids, please msg or email me.

During the meeting, a question regarding doing a program for annual day was brought up. I’m still looking at options into it. This is my first year teaching at HATS so please bear with me as I try to come up with something in the next couple of weeks.

For the remainder of the class today, we re-visited  lesson 7 - अंक. The kids practiced writing the numbers from १-२० and their spellings on the board and  saying the numbers out loud. Some kids still need help writing the spellings and saying them esp. from ११-२०. 

Next, we also read the poem on pg 28- एक-अनेक.


Learn the first four lines of the poem and complete section-२ on pg-29 of पाठमाला.

For the kids who were absent last week, please try to complete activities on pg-24 & 25 of पाठमाला and section ४, ५, ६  of pg 17 in अभ्यास पुस्तिका

January 8

We looked at पाठ ७ - अंक and practiced writing the numbers upto 20 and spelling the words by completing the exercise in पाठमाला on page 24 & 25.

Homework - sections ४ & ५ on pg 17 of अभ्यास पुस्तिका


December 11

Namaste Parents!

All the kids did fairly well in today’s written test. I have sent the corrected test sheets back with the kids and asked them to find the answers to the ones they got wrong from the book (पाठमाला).

They have a reading test next week (Dec 18th). So please help them to practice reading 

पाठ १- राजू और खान साहब की कहानी, 

पाठ २ - चंदू चाचा की कविता, और 

पाठ ३ - पोंगु की पूरी

December 4

Namaste Parents!

We completed पाठ ३. पोंगू की पूरी by practicing to read the whole chapter again and learning about more examples of gender conversion (लिंग-२ on pg-12) and how they don't always follow the same rules.

We also completed exercises १ and ३ on pg-11.

For Homework :

Please help the kids complete 

exercise २. वाक्य बनाओ on Pg 11 of पाठमाला

Pg 9 of अभ्यास पुस्तिका (This will help them to practice the examples of पुल्लिंग and स्त्रीलिंग forms of the words they learned in class)

(also, Pg 8 for kids who did not complete homework given on Nov 20th)

Additional Info:

Next week, that is, on Dec 11th, I'm planning to give them a test covering lessons 1-3 to help them review the concepts covered so far.

Following is the format I have in mind. (It might seem a little overwhelming but I will keep it very simple. I just want to make sure they understand the grammar and sentence formation concepts so far and get a chance to revise them.)

शब्दार्थ (Word Meanings...can write the meanings in either hindi/english whichever is easier for them)

एक या दो शब्दों में प्रश्न के उत्तर लिखो (Answer in one or two words)

उचित शब्दों से खली स्थान भरो (Fill in the blanks)

वचन बदलो (change the number form)

लिंग बदलो  (change the gender form)

इन चित्रों के उचित नाम लिखो (identify the names of the pictures)

सही और गलत वाक्यों की पहचान करो  (true or false)

वाक्य के 'आरम्भ' को सही 'अंत' से जोड़ो (match the beginning of a sentence with the correct ending)

Also, on Dec 18th, I hope to have a reading test. I see many kids still struggling to read simple words. So, please kindly help them to practice reading राजू और खान साहब की कहानी, चंदू चाचा की कविता और पोंगु की पूरी.


November 20

Namaste parents,

We started the class today by making corrections in everybody’s homework. Then we practiced some spellings. We also read lesson ३- पोंगू की पूरी in पाठमाला.

Homework: Please help the kids to practice reading the lesson by themselves (a few times, if possible, over the next two weeks) and complete pg-8 of अभ्यास पुस्तिका.

I’m thinking of giving the kids a simple Hindi test on Dec 11th from the lessons we complete by Dec 4th ( most likely till lesson - 3). So please help them revise the previous lessons whenever possible.

November 13

Namaste Parents!

In class today, we practiced some writing by doing exercises on pg-8 of पाठमाला. Some kids were not able to complete the last section (३. इन शब्दों को वाक्यों में प्रयोग करो). So, please see that they complete them at home. 

We also learned about लिंग (gender) and saw how some simple words like चाचा, बिल्ला etc. in their पुल्लिंग (male) forms that had ‘आ’ की मात्रा at the end changed into ‘ई’ की मात्रा in their स्त्रीलिंग (female) forms. We finished the class by completing राज़ू की भाषा सुधारो exercise on pg-9.

For homework, please help them complete some more लिंग and वचन related exercises in sections ३ (pg-6), ४ and ५ (pg-7) of अभ्यास पुस्तिका. As mentioned earlier, kids who did not complete the last section (३. इन शब्दों को वाक्यों में प्रयोग करो) on pg-8 of पाठमाला will also need to complete them on a separate sheet or notebook.

A request- please send in a notebook with kids to each class. After seeing them write in class today, I realized that while most kids can identify all the letters when reading, they are still getting quite confused with their मात्रा and between letters like च and ज, छ and ध, श and ख etc. when it comes to writing. So, I was hoping to start every class by giving them a few simple sentences or spellings from the lessons covered to help them practice their writing.

November 6

We did a review of the 5 rules of writing आधे अक्षर वाले शब्द in chapter 2 of पाठमाला and then the kids took turns reading the poem “चंदू चाचा”.


Please help them re-read the poem at home while focusing on the words with half-letter forms. 

Also, help them complete section १ and २ of अभ्यास पुस्तिका (on pg 6)

Some kids are still having great difficulty reading (मात्रा वाले शब्द). So I have asked them to practice writing their मात्रा with any 5 व्यंजन (like क, च, ट, त और प) in this form (as shown in the attached pic). Click here


October 30

We started lesson 2 -आधा अक्षर in  पाठमाला and learned about the 5 rules to writing them. Since half the class was not present, we will look at these rules again in the next class. No homework for this week as well.

October 23

Since the class was not in full attendance, we did not start any new lessons. Kids practiced what was taught in the previous class and they did some "vachan badlo" exercises. Kids who had not completed homework from the previous weeks also worked on that.

October 16


In today's class, we learned about वचन (singular and plural nouns) and some rules to follow while changing them (particularly in the context of राजू की कहानी). 

For homework, please help them complete the fill in the blanks part (राजू की भाषा सुधारो) of page-4 in पाठमाला and exercises on page 5 in अभ्यास पुस्तिका.

October 2

In today's class, all the kids took turns reading पाठ १  - "मात्रा संभाल के" and trying to understand the correct usage of मात्रा. 

Reading wise...they struggled a little but all of them showed enthusiasm to read more!

Understanding the sentences and answering the questions - most kids did well in the understanding part but had trouble putting their thoughts into sentences in hindi. We will be working more on this in the future classes but please keep encouraging them to do the same at home as well whenever possible.

For homework - 

Please help them come up with some simple sentences with the following words

१. सरल 

२. चकराया 

३. मतलब 

४. अंतर 

५. नियम 

(they don't need to write them, just need to know how to use these words in sentences. We will discuss them again in class on Oct 16th).

Also, from the अभ्यास पुस्तिका , please see that they complete sections १,  २,  ३ (on pg-4)  and  ६ (on pg-5).


September 25

We started the first day of classes by reviewing the वर्णमाला. Kids were asked to first write all the स्वर और व्यंजन they could remember and then read them from the chart. We also reviewed saying the numbers १  - १० and names of some animals, birds, trees, fruits and flowers.

For homework, they were asked to complete some sections from the  "यह हमको आता है" पाठ from the अभ्यास पुस्तिका - १,  २,  ३ (on pg-1) ४ (on pg-2) and ६ (on pg-3).

Suggested additional practice of writing their स्वर और व्यंजन  whenever they could over the week.