Hindi B


Class Information -

This class covers:


View PDF copy of books: CLICK HERE

Teachers -


  • Dinesh Goel

  • Srinivasa Mallapadi

EMAIL teachers: Click HERE

Teenage Volunteers:

  • Neal Mukherjee

Class & Homework-

Sunday, March 12th-

Material Covered in Class:

  • We welcomed two new students to our class from Level A:

    • In order to keep up with the pace of Level B, it is imperative that they keep practicing on recognition of letters with their new books - green and yellow. At the same time they have to learn the “Matras” (the application and usage of Hindi vowels, the “swar”. They need to practice writing along with reading these books.

  • Certain students just learned their maatras and they should practice those as they are critical for reading as well writing.

  • For the rest of the class it is recommended that you review the yellow book pages up to ढ. We also began a quick word recognition practice with 5 names the students wrote down and should review often.


  • Review covered pages

  • 5-10 min daily practice

Note from teachers:

Certain students appear to be out of practice and are unfortunately finding it challenging to recognize letters, and thus are not able to read words. It is important for all students, especially these students, to review the covered pages and 5 names practiced today, so that they are able to continue progress in learning Hindi and don’t lose their efforts they have put towards whatever they have learnt so far. All they need is a daily practice of 5-10 minutes, which should be very much doable as needed. If they write a few words and a read a few sentences everyday, they will start learning the concepts taught and practiced in the class.

We also ask that students bring a pencil, textbooks and notebook every class as these are necessary materials for this Hindi class and all other classes (HATS and non-HATS).

Sunday, April 16th-

Material Covered in Class:

  • Pages 22 - 27. (Pravasika 1 Yellow book)


  • Review all letters and matras.