Dharma 4
Class Information -
This class covers: Learn the core tenets of Dharma through the example of Shri Rama. Focus is on the Ramayanas of Valmiki, Tulsidas and Kamban. Use the animated Ramayana DVD to start the year. Cover the main episodes in the story of Ramayana. Each class should have an activity. Teach the Hanuman Chalisa and Ramastuti.
Ages: 7-8 / Grade: 2-3
Download PDF copy of book: CLICK HERE
Teachers -
Archana Alegaonkar
Sreedhar Devulapalli
EMAIL teachers: archana923@gmail.com, devulapallisreedhar@gmail.com
Teenage Volunteers:
Amogh Patil
Anjali Suresh
Class & Homework -
January 19
Today being online learning we started the class with chanting of assembly prayers. The next 1/2 hour was well spent with the parents who could join in the parent teacher conference. Class updates so far were shared with parents and also the plan for the remainder of the HATS session.
The latter part of the class was spent in preparation of the year end presentation where kids got to pick their parts and characters from Ramayana.
November 17
Homework is chapter 18,19,20
Class recap Nov 17 went over chapter 15,16,17 (Sita’s Capture)
November 3
Home work chapter 13&14
October 13
Reviewed chapter 8 (birth of Sita, marriage of Sita and Ram, story of Ram and Lakshman protecting the yadna, and parshuram-ram meeting).
Went over chapter 9 (ram comes back to ahyodya and gets banished to forest)
Homework: chapters 9, 10, 11, 12
PLEASE DO YOUR HOMEWORK! It is not optional. You will have to explain 5 sentences from each chapter in class next week.
October 6
We learnt a new prayer that we will chant before we begin the learning session every Sunday. I will share YT link for the 2 prayers we chant in class. This is also written in the textbooks.
In addition we reviewed chapters 4-6 and started discussing chapter 7. Some characters that have been introduced thus far are- Bhagwan Ram and his brothers, Ravan, king Dasharath and his queens, Shravankumar, Rishi Vashishtha, Rishi Vishwamitra, Rishi valmiki and Sant Tulsidas and their literary works… Please take a few min to ask what the kids know about them.
Homework for next class - read chapters 7 and 8. Practice the prayers
Jai Shree Ram
September 22
We discussed the chapter 1,2 and 3 which covered what Ramayan is about and its details such as how many verses and what language it is written in. We also discussed the writer of the original Ramayan and his story. We also talked about Sant Kaci Tulsidas ji who wrote Ramcharitmanas and the Hanuman Chalisa.
Homework: Ch 4
Also read Chapters 1-3 to better understand reinforce and remember what was discussed in class.
September 15
Namaste parents,
I welcome to you all and the kids to another year at HATS. I had the pleasure of meeting some of you last Sunday and got to know most kids this past Sunday.
Shreedhar ji and I will be teaching this level along with Amogh and Anjali as our TAs.
This Sunday we discussed about Bhagawan, why Bhagwan takes different avatars, Avatars of Bhagwan Vishnu, festivals celebrated relating to shree Ram and what is Ramayan. It would be a good idea to have a conversation around this so the same information gets reiterated and reinforced.
Next week we will discuss about Maharishi Valmiki and Sant Tulsidas.
Here is the link to our class page where you can access the textbook until physical copies are distributed -
Let me know if there are any questions.
Jai Shree Ram