Dharma 7 - Hindu Ideals and Values


Class Information -

This class covers: Inspiring life stories of Hindu/Jain Sages and Saints (such as Mahavir Swami, Tulsidas), Kings (e.g., Shivaji), political leaders (e.g., Mahatma Gandhi). Use these biographies to teach Hindu values such as Ahimsa, compassion, Bhakti and so on. Refresh how these values were reflected in the character of Rama and Krishna in the relevant Hindu scriptures. Students learn the 16 basic steps of Hindu Puja ceremony this year. This course focuses on ‘saadhaarana dharma’/ sanaatana dharma (general ethical precepts of Dharma) from a Hindu standpoint.

Ages: 10-11 / Grade: 5-6

Download PDF copy of book: CLICK HERE

Classroom: Classroom 2

Teachers -


  • Bhakti Modi

  • Sayee Bellamkonda

EMAIL teachers: Click HERE

Teenage Volunteers:

  • Mayuresh Vernekar (teen)

Class & Homework -

May 13th-

Note from teachers-

Thank you to all the students and parents for a wonderful year! Parents, we really appreciate your involvement and support throughout the year. Students- great job with your hard work! Hope you learned a lot and continue our practices through the summer. Feel free to reach out to us at any point with any questions.

May 6th-

Material Covered in Class:

  • Few important points about our last class this weekend:

  • Presentation-

    • Please plan to reach temple around 9:30, no later than 9:45!!

    • We can do final arrangements, if everyone arrives early we can get an extra practice in as well.

    • All students- Practice/memorize your lines. If you're one of the students who is assigned to read a shloka meaning, its ok to have a notecard if you need it.

    • Also- Please practice your presentation skills! Remember the points we covered in class: keep mic two fingers away from mouth, don't look down, have a smile on your face, and ENUNCIATE - speak clearly and loudly!

    • Most students still didn't have second Gita shloka memorized - PLEASE PRACTICE THIS WEEK!!!

    • Have printed/written copies available of your script, in case a team member is unable to come last minute, someone else can fill in

    • Wear Indian clothes if you can!

  • To sum up, here are the details for Sunday’s presentation:

    • 1) Kids will give an Intro to the 6 Enemies and will briefly explain what they've learned in class.

    • 2) Skits on 6 Internal Enemies (Desire, Anger, Greed, Delusion, Ego, Jealousy, in that order)

    • 3) All kids will chant the 5 shlokas we've learned

    • 4) Kids will give a summary of the presentation

  • Class/Party-


April 29th-

Material Covered in Class:

  • In class today, we had the kids get into groups and plan skits for each of the 6 internal enemies.

  • Please ensure that they come to class next week with their skits finalized.

  • They need to have a story/scenario of the internal enemy they chose, and an explanation of the internal enemy. They have made good progress today in class, but please ensure that their skit is at most 1 min. long, and fulfills the criteria mentioned.


  • The kids' homework is to prepare for our Annual Day Class Presentation, which will be held on MAY 13TH (date updated).

  • We will prepare further for the skit next week, and we would greatly appreciate it if the parents could inform us ahead of time if any of the students won't be able to make it on the 13th. It is recommended that the kids arrive by about 9:30am on the 13th in order to practice.

  • Here is the agenda for the presentation:

  • 1) Kids will give an Intro to the 6 Enemies and will briefly explain what they've learned in class.

  • 2) Skits on 6 Internal Enemies

  • 3) All kids will chant the 5 shlokas we've learned

  • 4) Kids will give a summary of the presentation.

Assigned Roles:

Assigned Roles

April 22nd-

Material Covered in Class:

  • We spent the class going into a great discussion through a presentation on Ashtanga Yoga

  • Click HERE to view/download presentation covered in class

  • The discussion revolved around how the 8 stages of Ashtanga (Patanjali) Yoga help us lead our best life

  • Everything we have learned so far in class all come together in this great step-by-step way of living life

  • We have also been going through students and reading out favorite shloka/mantra with meaning

  • We also talked about how we will be doing our annual day presentation:

    • A skit on each of the internal enemies

    • Groups will be split up next week, each internal enemies will have 3-4 kids

    • Each skit will be shown in a positive and negative way (example: anger- show how to act in anger, and how to act without anger)

    • Kids will also recite all shlokas and meanings at end of presentation


  • So far, we have reviewed the following shlokas: Saha Naavavatu, Poornamadah Poornamidam, Asato Ma, and Shloka 62 & 63 from Chapter 2 of the Bhagawad Gita - know the meaning for each one (preferably word-by-word)

  • Everyone come up with a skit idea for at least 2 internal enemies, we will split into groups and finalize ideas next week

  • Each student: pick your favorite shloka/mantra - look up meaning! Anyone remaining will read theirs in class next week.

Important Dates to Note:


  • April 29th we will split into groups and start practicing for skit

  • May 6th final rehearsal for skit

  • May 13th FINAL PRESENTATION IN ASSEMBLY!! - Then we will have end of year Jeopardy and treats day in class! fun party for end of year and a summary of everything we have learned through game instead of exam

  • May 20th is annual day

April 15th-


  • Class was cancelled due to weather conditions.


  • HW for this week: Read Chapter 56 - Bhakti (Devotion)

  • Also, continue/finish homework for last week:

  • Read Chapter 55 - Shraddha (Positive Energy)

  • We will be doing skit for annual day presentation

    • All students come up with at least one idea, we will put together a basic outline next week, review notes above

  • Each student: pick your favorite shloka/mantra - look up meaning! Will read out to whole class over next couple weeks.

  • Practice all shlokas and meanings

April 1st-

Material Covered in Class:

  • In class, the kids learned the meaning of the shloka "Asato Maa Sadgamaya"

    • Om: aum - supreme power within all of us

    • asato ma: non-truth from

    • sad: truth

    • gamaya: move/lead

    • tamaso ma: darkness from

    • jyotir: light (intellect)

    • gamaya: move/lead

    • mrityur ma: death from

    • amritam: eternal nectar (lasting karma)

    • gamaya: move/lead

    • Overall meaning: Lead me from non-truth to truth, lead me from darkness to light, lead me from (fear or) death to immortality (having positive karma eternally)

  • We also reviewed homework from past classes, students read off the researched meanings of their favorite shlokas.

  • One that we went into more details is vakratunda mahakaya, we reviewed the symbolism of Sri Ganesha. Click this link to view in more detail

  • We also reviewed some of the topics we would go over for the Class Presentation on May 20th.

    • We plan to present a pre-existing stories regarding the 6 internal enemies or morals, ethics and/or values, and connect it to the modern world.

    • We may also recite the 2 shlokas from Bhagawad Gita and the meanings & relevance to today. *If your kids have any further ideas, please inform us; we are receptive of all ideas.

  • So far, we have reviewed the following shlokas: Saha Naavavatu, Poornamadah Poornamidam, Asato Ma, and Shloka 62 & 63 from Chapter 2 of the Bhagawad Gita.

  • ***As a reminder, there is NO CLASS next week. HATS will resume on Sunday, April 15th.


  • Read Chapter 55 - Shraddha (Positive Energy)

  • We will be doing skit for annual day presentation

    • All students come up with at least one idea, we will put together a basic outline next week, review notes above

  • Each student: pick your favorite shloka/mantra - look up meaning! Will read out to whole class over next couple weeks.

  • Practice all shlokas and meanings

March 25th-

Material Covered in Class:

  • What is GURUKUL

    • Taught through SMRITI

    • Learned by memory

    • Shaastras studies included prayers, science, life skills, etc

    • Its the method of our teachings

  • What is GYAN

    • Spiritual knowledge and wisdom

    • Not focusing on temporary aspects

    • Focus on contentment

    • Focusing on intangible things: truth, generosity, kindness

      • While avoiding 6 internal enemies

    • *Gyan is knowing tangible from intangible, and focusing on truth and knowledge*

  • Gita Shloka- Chapter 2, 63

    • Practice singing: https://youtu.be/LkARYBHZJwM?t=2m11s - video from 2:12-2:48

    • shloka 63:

    • krodhaat bhavati sammohah, sammohaat smriti-vibramaha

    • smriti-bramshaad buddhi-naasho, buddhi-naashaat pranashyati

    • krodhaat: from anger

    • bhavati: happens

    • sammohah: delusion

    • sammohaat: from delusion

    • smriti: memory

    • vibhramaha: loss of

    • smriti: memory

    • bhramshaad: from loss of

    • buddhi: intellect

    • naasho: destruction of

    • buddhi: intellect

    • naashaat: from loss of

    • pranashyati: one is ruined

    • MEANING: From anger comes delusion, from delusion there is loss of memory. From loss of memory comes destruction of intellect, from destruction of intellect, one is ruined.

  • REFRESHER - Topics we have covered this year:

    • 6 internal enemies (anger, desire, jealousy, ego/pride, delusion, greed)

    • Habits

    • Gita

    • Shloka meanings

    • Morals/ethics/values

    • Intellect

  • PRESENTATION IDEAS: SKIT, with/without powerpoint?


  • Read Chapter 54 - Practice of Meditation

  • We will be doing skit for annual day presentation

    • All students come up with at least one idea, we will put together a basic outline next week

  • Each student: pick your favorite shloka/mantra - look up meaning! Will read out to whole class over next couple weeks.

  • Continue practicing Gita shlokas: https://youtu.be/LkARYBHZJwM?t=2m11s - video from 2:12-2:48

  • Chapter 2, shloka 62:

  • dhyayato vishayaan pumsaha, sangastesho upajaayate

  • sangaat sanjaayate kaamaha, kaamaatkrodhobhijaayate

  • When you constantly think of objects, attachment is born,

  • from that attachment desire is born, from desire anger is born

  • Chapter 2, shloka 63:

  • krodhaadbhavati sammohah, sammohaat smriti vibhramaha

  • smriti bhramshaad buddhinaasho, buddhi naashaat pranashyati

  • From anger comes delusion, from delusion there is loss of memory,

  • from loss of memory comes destruction of intellect, from destruction of intellect, one is ruined.

March 18th-

Material Covered in Class:

  • What is the difference between DEVOTION and COMMITMENT??

    • Devotion:

      • Putting mind/body/soul entirely into something

      • Passion about selfless affection & dedication

      • Enthusiasm

      • Doing with heart and feeling

      • Having FAITH!!

      • Sometimes it can be beyond logic

      • EXAMPLES:

        • GREAT EXAMPLE: SHABARI - her love for god didn't have rules, logic, boundaries, she loved with all her heart

        • Can have devotion to God, helping others, PARENTS, making a difference, elders

    • Commitment:

      • Bound to doing something

      • Having dedication

      • Making a "promise"

      • Focusing

      • Sticking to something

      • Continuing to do something

      • EXAMPLES:

        • Daily- we can be committed to big and small things, we can commit to success

        • Having good habits

        • Plans to helping others

    • BOTH require dedication. But devotion is with pure love, faith, happiness.

  • Fun Facts about Japamala

    • Made out of tulsi wood

    • Top bead is considered "Guru" (God)

    • Japamala is used by Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs

    • 108 beads

    • The distance between the earth and the sun is 108 times the diameter of earth

    • The distance between the moon and the earth is 108 times the diameter of moon

    • There are 108 sacred places in India

    • There are 108 Upanishads


  • Four methods of studying our scriptures:

    • Learn - adhyaayan

      • Learn from guru or by reading

    • Recite - manan

      • Memorize and focus

    • Teach - pravachan

      • Discuss, teach, vocalize

    • Practice - vyavahaar

      • Imbibe into life

  • Four AIMS of life taught by our shaastras:

    • DHARMA - path of righteous duty (doing the right thing!)

    • ARTHA - prosperity (material, wealth, etc)

    • KAMA - desire for pleasure (happiness, love, etc)

    • MOKSHA - freedom/detachment (from materials and attachment)


  • Read Chapter 53 - Jnana: Spiritual Knowledge

  • Brainstorm ideas for Annual Day class presentation

  • Look up meaning of next Bhagavad Gita shloka -

    • Chapter 2, shloka 63:

    • krodhaadbhavati sammohah, sammohaat smriti vibhramaha

    • smriti bhramshaad buddhinaasho, buddhi naashaat pranashyati

  • Continue practicing current shloka: https://youtu.be/LkARYBHZJwM?t=2m11s - video from 2:12

  • Chapter 2, shloka 62:

  • dhyayato vishayaan pumsaha, sangastesho upajaayate

  • sangaat sanjaayate kaamaha, kaamaatkrodhobhijaayate

  • When you constantly think of objects, attachment is born,

  • from that attachment desire is born, from desire anger is born

March 11th-

  • Gita Shloka- Chapter 2, 62

    • Practice singing: https://youtu.be/LkARYBHZJwM?t=2m11s - video from 2:12

    • shloka 62:

    • dhyayato vishayaan pumsaha, sangastesho upajaayate

    • sangaat sanjaayate kaamaha, kaamaatkrodhobhijaayate

    • dhyayato: thinking

    • vishayan: objects

    • pumsah: self

    • saangah: attachment

    • teshu: to those

    • upajaayate: develops

    • sangaat: attachment

    • sanjaayate: develops

    • kaamaha: desire

    • kaamaat: from desire

    • krodha: anger

    • abhijaayate: develops

    • MEANING: When you constantly think of objects, attachment is born, from that attachment desire is born, from desire anger is born

  • Forms of worship:

    • JAP(a): repeating, always thinking, with devotion

      • helps with focus and concentration, repetition helps imbibe in the back of our mind, like we no longer need to think about 2x2=4, we just know it. same way, repeating and focusing will help us imbibe bhagwan's name into our minds

    • POOJA: physically praying, doing aarti, singing shlokas

      • a way of connecting to bhagwan in a tangible way, using visual aids, helps us imagine, a way of having conversation with bhagwan, offering ourselves

    • YOGA: -will discuss in future class-

    • YAJNA: offerings given to bhagwan, making a sacrifice, purify one's mind

      • many benefits of yagya- purifies air, healthy for environment, focus on agni (fire) as bhagwan, provide offerings - discussed how this is related to mantra 'poorna madah' - and how fire is significant in our teachings (example, cremation)


  • Find out the meanings of words: DEVOTION & COMMITMENT

    • how are they similar? how are they different?

  • Find out fun/interesting facts about Japa Mala

  • Memorize word-by-word meanings for shloka & practice shloka

  • Read Chapter 52 - Study of Scriptures

March 4th-

Material Covered in Class:

  • We discussed the difference between commitment and perseverance, and hard work and vigor

  • Commitment: sticking to something, making goals

  • Perseverance: trying, focusing on quality of work, achieving goals

  • Vigor: doing something with energy

  • Its possible to be committed and note persevere

    • Example: story of hare vs tortoise - they both committed to the race, but it was the tortoise who persevered

  • They key to persevering and vigor is putting your 100% into everything

  • Our number one commitment in life should be to our own physical and mental health

    • If we are not physically or mentally fit, we will not be able to keep our commitments in life and persevere enough to grow and be productive

  • Its important to keep working hard at whatever we do

    • Hard work doesn't always mean something is hard, it means how much effort you are choosing to put in

  • We started learning GIta Shloka Chapter 2 - shloka 62


  • Read Chapter 51- Practice of Worship

  • Look up the meaning of Gita Shlokas- Chapter 2, 62

    • Practice singing: https://youtu.be/LkARYBHZJwM?t=2m11s - video from 2:12

    • shloka 62:

    • dhyayato vishayaanpumsaha, sangastesho upajaayate

    • sangaat sanjaayate kaamaha, kaamaatkrodhobhijaayate

February 18th-

Material Covered in Class:

  • We did a quick overview and review of last week's lessons of Values/Morals/Ethics

  • The topics we discussed in detail this week were: Humility, Truthfulness, Charity, Seva

  • Humility:

    • doing the right thing when no one is looking

    • lowering ego & pride

    • not being "too good" for anything

    • *You cannot practice humility!! The minute you think you have humility, that is your ego talking. Humility is the result of your values!!

    • If you focus on having good values and practices in your life, you will slow become a more humble person.

  • Truthfulness:

    • telling the truth to the best of your ability

    • what is so valuable about truth?

    • it builds trust and increases your self value and worth

    • how do you practice truthfulness? some people think its the easiest, some people think its the hardest. what makes it the easiest thing to practice?

    • *Just like humility, you Truthfulness is a RESULT of your good values.

    • If you do all actions in life based on good values, you will never be in a situation where you will have to TRY to be truthful. If you don't have anything to hide, there is no need to lie/hide.

    • One of the primary goals is to always be true to yourself and others.

    • If you focus on truth and values, you will never need to fall to peer pressure or make decisions you are uncomfortable with.

  • Charity:

    • giving to others in time of need

    • give without telling or having expectations

    • donate to the best of your ability

    • give with VALUE

      • examples: give gift certificates of food instead of cash to someone in need, or if someone is collecting money for charity, offer them a hot drink!

    • help with CARE

    • give within your means, never put yourself or your family/friends in an uncomfortable situation, do what you can

  • SEVA:

    • helping others!

    • doing service

    • giving TIME

      • ex: volunteering, teaching, cleaning, helping, etc

    • also do with VALUE

    • do not have expectations

    • do something that makes you and others happy, something that helps everyone

    • seva isn't just for charities or underprivileged people- you can do seva anywhere, anytime, for anyone

    • you don't have to spend a penny to truly help someone with all your heart

  • We also had a GREAT all-around discussion of how ethical decisions are made based on situations and needs. For example, in today's day and age, sometimes people have to make a decision that goes against their values for the good of others (ex: in a public-violent situation) - its very similar to how Arjun had to fight a war to uphold dharma and the right values

    • most importantly- make every decision with thought. arjun did not immediately jump to fighting a war, he exhausted all other options, he even had a long discussion with Krishna about making the right choice- which is now known as GITA.


  • We had a really great discussion in class today- I really appreciate it when the students get involved. I want to continue encouraging reading the materials and coming to class prepared, it makes for a great learning experience!!

  • Read chapters: 41 & 42 - Commitment & Perseverance and Hard work & Vigor

February 11th-

Note to Parents:

  • We have noticed that a large portion of the class either has no access to the HATS website or do not know what the homework is.

  • Please understand that the website is constantly updated, and can simply be found on Google by typing 'Hats hsmn google sites’. It is also attached to every email sent, so looking for it should not be a problem.

  • Many kids also struggled with the word by word translation of the shlokas we’ve learned for the past couple months.

  • Be aware that they will soon learn a 3rd shloka from the Bhagawad Gita, and must know the translation of that shloka as well, so we would highly recommend them to understand what the first 2 shlokas mean. It only takes a couple minutes of practice per day!

  • I have added translations to the 2 shlokas in the attached word document. Click HERE to view/download

Material Covered in Class:

  • We had a great detailed group discussion on morals, ethics, and values. We gave descriptions of each of the 3 topics and provided real-life examples, as well as how to differentiate between the three.



    • Components of behaviour

    • Influences behavior

    • Understanding what's important

    • Principles and standards

    • *Things you can work towards: principles, standards, qualities

      • example: empathy, determination, compassion



    • Lessons learned

    • Standards that control action

    • Beliefs on right and wrong

    • Ideas or teachings

    • Teachings which you act upon

    • *relative values


      • example: truth, freedom, honor, charity, ahimsa


    • Principles that govern behavior

    • Doing what is right

    • Beliefs on right and wrong

    • Moral principles

    • *Willingness to do the right thing

    • Ethics are moral values in action!

  • We discussed how our values help determine our morality, which helps us make ethical decisions

  • We also had a great discussion about characters in Hindu history, what their values were, how they defined their morals, and what ethical situations they were faced with

    • Two main examples we focused on: Gandhi Ji & Arjun

  • Here are some great additional resources:


  • Read Chapters 33 & 34 on Charity and Seva

  • Continue their habits and start new ones

  • Practice shlokas and translations

January 28th-

Material Covered in Class:

  • In class last Sunday, the kids further learned about Ahimsa, and its components, namely Compassion, Gentleness, and Empathy.

  • We also talked about how to and how not to attain each of the 3 qualities, and gave some real-life examples of them.

  • Below is an overview of what they learned in class.

  • Compassion

    • Understanding other's backgrounds and perspective

    • Opposite: not caring for others' feelings

  • Gentleness

    • Being at peace with all

    • Opposite: aggression

  • Empathy

    • Showing kindness to everyone

    • Opposite: lacking perspective & being mean

  • We had a great discussion about each quality and how they tie in with ahimsa (nonviolence)

    • Discussed what role models we have in the world that have shown these three qualities and how we can apply in our day to day


  • Read Chapters:

    • 32 - Humility

    • 36 - Truthfulness & Honesty

  • Look up the meaning of the words: morals, ethics, and values - and be able to describe them in their own words! Don't just memorize the dictionary definition.

  • I will randomly select students to recite the meaning of the two shlokas we have learned: saha na avatu & poorna madah - from now until the end of year. Make sure the kids practice/know these by now. We will soon start a new mantra for meaning.

  • For next week I want to try to make the entire class a full discussion session. In order to succeed in this I really insist that ALL the students do their homework properly.

January 21st-

Material Covered in Class:

  • They had meditation class and they learned to control thoughts while meditating

January 7th-

Material Covered in Class:

  • Reviewed-

    • Chapter 27 - Ahimsa

    • Chapter 28 - Peace (Shanti)


  • Read Chapters:

    • 29 - Compassion

    • 30 - Gentleness

    • 31 - Empathy

  • Meaning of "ethics"

December 17th-

Material Covered in Class:

  • Covered Chapter 26 about Absence of Fear, and we also introduced Chapter 27, Ahimsa.

  • Absence of Fear - two types

    • Physical

      • Phobias

      • Fear of physical pain

      • Creatures

      • Appearances

      • Loss of possession

      • Violence

    • Mental

      • Exclusion

      • Safety

      • Perception

      • Negativity

      • Unpredictability

    • How to get rid of fear:

      • Spread and gain knowledge

      • Make effort

      • Understand consequences

      • Be more confident

      • Make good decisions

      • Focusing on moving past it

  • We gave the tests back, congratulations to the 5 students that got 100 % or higher! Most kids were confused on the direct meanings of the shlokas, so we would like those who struggled with them to continue practicing and memorizing at home.

  • Attached below is an overview of what we learned, and some very informative links about our recent topics.

    • Absence of Fear:

      • http://www.thehindu.com/thehindu/op/2001/11/13/stories/2001111300030100.htm

      • http://www.hinduwebsite.com/divinelife/essays/fear.asp

    • Ahimsa:

      • http://www.baps.org/Spiritual-Living/Hindu-Beliefs/Compassion-and-Nonviolence-Ahimsa.aspx

      • https://www.hinduismtoday.com/modules/smartsection/item.php?itemid=1662

      • http://www.himalayanacademy.com/readlearn/basics/ahimsa-nonviolence


  • Read Chapter 27 about Ahimsa, and read Chapter 28 about Shanti (Peace). Both topics go hand-in-hand, so we will discuss both next class.

  • They would also need to find out the significance of wearing bindis/tilaks on one's forehead.

  • Meaning of "ethics"

  • Continue tracking their daily habit; although their 21 days are up, we would recommend that the kids form a new habit, or to simply continue their original habit if unable to track it for the 21 days.

December 10th-

Material Covered in Class:

  • Discussed Chapter 23 (Fault-Finding) and Chapter 24 (Gossiping)

  • Fault-finding

    • caused by ego

      • the desire for self-esteem

      • high self-consciousness

    • desire to fit in

      • high expectations for others

    • its easier to look at someone else's "faults" instead of focusing on the positive

    • discussed real-life examples of how we do this with our own families

  • How to get past fault-finding

    • understand the big picture

    • think of other people's situations

    • if someone is missing a quality, is it actually a problem? or do they just have DIFFERENT experiences?

  • Gossiping & backbiting

    • negatively affects others

    • hurts other people's self-esteems

    • usually offensive and hard to stop

    • spreads ignorance

    • never spread any information without knowing the whole truth

    • have a safe space to share truthful information


  • Read Chapter 26 - Absence of Fear

    • We will start our unit on Ethical Values

  • Find out the significance of wearing bindis/tilaks on one's forehead.

  • Please continue to track daily habits, start next habits if you've already completed one

December 3rd-

Material Covered in Class:

  • The kids took the test about the 6 Internal Enemies, Intellect and the shlokas. We will give back the tests next Sunday.

  • Good job to all the kids that studied for this test


  • Read:

    • Chapter 23: Fault-Finding and Complaining, Chapter 24: Gossiping & Backbiting, and Chapter 25: Stealing

November 19th-

Material Covered in Class:

  • We talked about Ignorance and Hatred (ch. 21-22), their characteristics and causes, and how to eliminate them.

  • Ignorance:

    • Not knowing

    • Not caring

    • Lack of awareness

    • Choosing not to do something

    • Can result in assumptions (example: racism)

    • How to get rid of ignorance:

      • Choose to learn

      • Be more aware of others

      • Get rid of your OWN ignorance first

      • Can't judge others if you don't know things yourself

      • KNOWLEDGE is the answer

      • Leads to INTELLECT

  • Hatred:

    • Focusing on the negative

    • When one acts upon jealousy

    • Long-lasting and hard to control

    • It only affects YOURSELF, not others

    • You cannot control how anyone else acts or reacts, you can only control how you act and react

    • How to get rid of hatred:

      • Practice moving on by thinking realistically - don't focus on hate

      • Think positively

      • Focus on the big picture


  • Started 21-day habits yearly project

    • Each student selected their FIRST daily habit to practice

    • Start tracking at home using tracking sheet (download below)


Note to parents:

On December 3rd, we will have a quiz in class. This will cover whatever we have learned so far. Most of it will be open ended responses to see the comprehension and understanding of material, rather than specific details.

The one thing I do request and insist upon though is memorizing and learning the meanings of shlokas/mantras. We have already covered 2, and will cover at least 3-4 more through the duration of the year. I request you all to work with your children to help them memorize the word-by-word meanings of these shlokas. I am a firm believer that this should be a requirement in all our lives. If we (especially the children) do not understand what the prayers mean, then they are nothing more than gibberish words from a forgotten language. The prayers we sing only have benefit if we know what we are saying. I ask you to help them memorize these words; this habit will be very beneficial to them as they get older and will help increase their curiosity and interest in our beautiful heritage. Kids tend to WANT to learn more when they can understand what they are doing.

November 12th-

Material Covered in Class:

  • Focused discussion on one internal enemies: Jealousy (maatsarya)

  • Jealousy

    • Attributes:

      • Desire for something

      • Low self-esteem

      • Focus on others

      • Affects treatment of others

      • Mostly external

      • Destructive towards self and others

      • Caused by ego

      • Most destructive

    • How to overcome jealousy?

      • Think positive of others

      • Be realistic

      • Think of big picture

      • If you didn't get what you wanted:

        • If you tried 100%, know that you did what you could, you can't control results

        • If you didn't give it your 100%, try again, work harder

      • Understand that what someone else has doesn't actually affect your life

  • Learned and reviewed word-by-word translation of Poornamadah mantra & what it means in the big picture:

    • Om: aum - supreme power within all of us

    • Poornam: compete (supreme power)

    • Ada: that (outer world)

    • Poornam: compete (supreme power)

    • Idam: this (inner world)

    • Poornaat: from completeness (supreme power)

    • Poornam: compete (supreme power)

    • Udachyate: comes from

    • Poornasya: of completeness

    • Poornam: compete (supreme power)

    • Aadaya: taking

    • Poornam: compete (supreme power)

    • Eva: indeed/truly

    • Avashishya(te): remains

    • Shanti x3: peace - self, nature, others

    • Overall meaning: If completeness (our soul from supreme power, om) is taken away from completeness, only completeness remains.

      • Example: If you light one candle from the fire of another candle, neither's fire becomes more or less. If you join the wicks together, neither is destroyed nor expanded. Similarly, our soul comes from Bhagwan, but Bhagwan is still complete, and so are we. We are all part of, and come from, the same soul.

  • We talked about how thinking of Poornamadah is a great way to overcome our internal enemies. When we recognize that we have Bhawgwan and the supreme power inside us, we will be more inclined to make good decisions and do positive things.


  • Read Chapter 23 on Fault Finding/Complaining

  • *many kids did not do last week's homework, please also read Chapters 21 & 22 - Ignorance & Hatred

  • Come up with one simple habit, for our upcoming "21-DAY HABITS" project

ANNOUNCEMENT: We will have QUIZ in class after Thanksgiving break - December 3rd. *we will put up study guide before thanksgiving break.

November 5th-

Material Covered in Class:

  • Focused discussion on one internal enemies: Ego/Pride (mad)

  • Ego/Excessive Pride

    • Attributes:

      • There is good and bad

      • Showing off

      • Keeps growing

      • "I'm the best"

      • Intension, without limits

      • Most expandable

    • How to limit ego?

      • Have a goal of humility

      • Use wisdom

      • Ask for help

      • Appreciate what you have

      • Think of the big picture

      • Have an open mind

      • Be grateful

      • Focus on a different perspective

  • What is DHARMA?

    • It is our path of choices

    • Our positive thoughts

    • Our DUTY


  • Read Chapters 21 & 22 - Ignorance & Hatred

  • We will have a class discussion on last internal enemy next week & homework chapters.

  • Research and write the word-by-word meaning of the shloka, "Poorna madah"

    • Can use sanskrit-to-english online dictionaries

October 29th-

Material Covered in Class:

  • Focused discussion on two internal enemies: Greed (lobh) & Delusion (moh)

  • Greed

    • Attributes:

      • Most vicious cycle

      • Wanting everything

      • Caused by excessive desire

      • Lose sense of necessity

      • Drives to anger

      • Spoils relationships

      • Limits enjoyment

      • Causes selfishness

      • Leaves you always wanting more

    • How to break the cycle of greed?

      • THINK

      • Be practical

      • Practice thinking positive things

      • Distract yourself

      • Focus on what you have

      • Talk it out

  • Delusion

    • Attributes:

      • Most infectious

      • Imagination can run wild

      • Causes confusion

      • Leads to over reactions

      • Changes actions and thinking

      • Hardest to get rid of

      • Limits your thoughts

    • How to end delusions:

      • Think about common sense

      • Focus on the truth and what is real

      • Be practical

      • Think about WHY your thoughts are out of control

      • Distract self with physical activity

      • BREATHE

      • Close your eyes



  • Read Chapters 17 & 18 - Ego & Jealousy

  • We will have a class discussion on these two internal enemies next week.

  • Research and write the word-by-word meaning of the shloka, "Poorna madah"

    • Can use sanskrit-to-english online dictionaries

October 22nd-

Material Covered in Class:

  • Reviewed meaning of saha na vavatu

  • Continue open discussion in class

  • We talked about 6 Internal Enemies

    • Desire, anger, greed, delusion, ego, jealousy

    • All 6 work in a circle, sometimes there's more or less of one - but they're connected

    • The way to lessen them: INTELLECT

  • Focused discussion on two internal enemies: Desire (kaam) & Anger (krodh)

  • Desire

    • Attributes:

      • Most dangerous

      • First internal enemies

      • Hard to control

      • Adds conflict

      • Leads to other internal enemies

      • Lose control of thoughts

      • Related to mental & physical

    • Focus on what are the trigger points that lead to desire?

    • There is good desire and bad desire

      • Good desire leads to success, growth, and ambition

      • Bad desire leads to other internal enemies

  • Anger

    • Attributes:

      • Good vs bad

      • Affects health

      • Affects others

      • Keeps growing

      • Affects relationships

      • Image- physical & mental

      • Lose control

      • Adds distractions

      • Most harmful

    • There are two angles to ANGER - before and during

    • BEFORE getting angry, how can you control your emotions and stop it from getting worse:

      • Think happy

      • Think positive

      • Count to 10

      • Laugh

      • Ignore/avoid negative situation

      • Scream

      • Have physical release - in a safe and secluded place

      • Think WHY its making you angry

    • DURING anger, how can you control your emotions and get your mind out of the angry mindset:

      • Wash face

      • Watch something enjoyable

      • Divert thoughts

      • Do your favorite thing

      • Isolate self

      • Do something physical - in a safe and secluded place

      • Smile

      • Be assertive & confident

    • Most important thing: BREATHE!!!

      • At any point when anger is starting or has taken over- important to take deep breaths

      • Helps oxygen flow through body

      • Lowers blood pressure, calms mind

      • Helps focus and control thoughts

      • Focusing on breathing is a method of meditation - helps energize body


  • Read Chapters 15 & 16 - Greed & Delusion

  • We will have a class discussion on these two internal enemies next week.

October 15th-

Material Covered in Class:

  • Learned and reviewed word-by-word translation of Sahana Vavatu mantra & what it means in the big picture:

    • Om: aum - supreme power within all of us

    • Saha: together

    • Nau(v): both/all

    • Avatu: be protected

    • Saha: together

    • Nau: both/all

    • Bhunaktu: be nourshied

    • Saha: together

    • Veeryam: energy

    • Karavaavahai: kara=hand - avahai=use

    • Tejaswi: energy/enlightened

    • Nau(v): both/all

    • Adhita(m): intellect/learn

    • Astu: be

    • Maa: not

    • Vidvishavahai: vidvis=animosity - avahai=have

    • Shanti x3: peace - self, nature, others

    • Overall meaning: May we all be protected, may we all be nourished, may we all work together with energy, may we all learn and be enlightened, may we not have animosity with each other, may there be peace.

  • Using this mantra we can learn to grow through adversity and grow as a community

  • Sahana vavatu helps us focus on four major qualities and help improve our INTELLECT:

    • teamwork

    • hard work

    • perseverence

    • tolerance

  • We also talked about HW from last week: the 6 internal enemies:

  1. Desire - Kaama

  2. Anger - Krodha

  3. Greed - Lobha

  4. Delusion - Moha

  5. Ego/Pride - Mada

  6. Jealousy - Maatsarya

  • We discussed how this is cyclical - they all tie in together. We can never fully get rid of all, but we have to improve our intellect to lessen them.


  • Read Chapters 13 & 14 - Desire & Anger

  • We will have a class discussion on these two internal enemies next week.

October 1st-

Material Covered in Class:

  • In class today, we explained the difference between values and ideals to the kids

  • Talked about the Mind and Senses, as well as Intellect, the Body, and Ātma (soul)

  • We also discussed about intellect, and how an intelligent person is not necessarily wise; those who are wise use their intellect for good.

  • Did interactive class discussion on examples of mind and sense control, intellect, values, and ideals

  • Below is an overview of what we learned today.


  • Read: Chapter 12 (p. 70-74) in the book

  • Research and write the word-by-word meaning of the shloka, "Saha Navavatu"

    • Can use sanskrit-to-english online dictionaries

September 24th-

Note to Parents:

  • Please refer to the WhatsApp group chat that I created; I added everyone that is included on the contact list, but if you do not see the group chat, please let me know, and provide me with your name and phone number; you will be added.

  • We will be discussing what happened at each class, and notifications regarding any homework or future functions that the kids will participate in.

  • Please let any of us know if your child will not be able to make it to any of the classes.

Material Covered in Class:

  • Today in class, we had Anisha Sharma from Hatha Yoga teach us about the benefits of Hatha Yoga, as well as have the kids practice various yoga poses.

  • Also, the students received the books today; we talked about the difference between Hindu values and ideals.


  • Read Chapter 2 in the book, page 13.

  • Look up and explain the difference between values and ideals.

September 17th-

Note to Parents:

Hello Parents,

Thank you all for taking part in this Dharma class! My name is Mayuresh Vernekar, and I am one of the teen volunteers for the Dharma Level VII class, along with Krisha Joshi, and teachers Bhakti Aunty and Sayee Uncle. Today was the official 1st class, so textbooks will be given next Sunday. Today we had Nirav Sheth come in and talk about meditation and give us an inspiring talk on the subject, as well as have the kids meditate during class. We will have another such session later this year.

Please refer to the WhatsApp group chat that I created; I added everyone that is included on the contact list, but if you do not see the group chat, please let me know.

We will be discussing what happened at each class, and notifications regarding any homework or future functions that the kids will participate in.

Please let any of us know if your child will not be able to make it to any of the classes.


Mayuresh Vernekar

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