Dharma 7 - Hindu Ideals and Values


Class Information -

This class covers: Inspiring life stories of Hindu/Jain Sages and Saints (such as Mahavir Swami, Tulsidas), Kings (e.g., Shivaji), political leaders (e.g., Mahatma Gandhi). Use these biographies to teach Hindu values such as Ahimsa, compassion, Bhakti and so on. Refresh how these values were reflected in the character of Rama and Krishna in the relevant Hindu scriptures. Students learn the 16 basic steps of Hindu Puja ceremony this year. This course focuses on ‘saadhaarana dharma’/ sanaatana dharma (general ethical precepts of Dharma) from a Hindu standpoint.

Ages: 11-12 / Grade: 6-7

Download PDF copy of book: CLICK HERE

Teachers -


  • Bhakti Modi

  • Ashmin Mansingh

EMAIL teachers: Click HERE

Teenage Volunteers:

  • Riya Shah

  • Gargi Mansingh

  • Krisha Joshi

Class & Homework -

Sunday, February 12th-

Material Covered in Class:

  • Practiced Gita Shlokas- Chapter 2, 62-63

    • https://youtu.be/LkARYBHZJwM?t=2m11s - video from 2:12-2:48

    • shloka 62:

    • dhyayato vishayaanpumsaha, sangastesho upajaayate

    • sangaat sanjaayate kaamaha, kaamaatkrodhobhijaayate

    • When you constantly think of objects, attachment is born

    • From that attachment desire is born, from desire anger is born

    • shloka 63:

    • krodhaadbhavati sammohah, sammohaat smriti vibhramaha

    • smriti bhramshaad buddhinaasho, buddhi naashaat pranashyati

    • When anger is born delusion follows, from delusion there is loss of memory

    • From that loss of memory comes loss of intellect, from loss of intellect you lose your self

  • Talked about the importance of knowing the meaning of our prayers, shlokas, mantras

    • Learned word-by-word meaning of Sahana Vavatu

    • May we all be protected, may we all be nourished, may we all work together, may we all have good intellect, may we not have animosity, may we all have peace

  • Discussed chapter 22 from textbook- types of hatred & animosity

  • Talked about dealing with racial, religious, linguistic stereotypes


  • Practice both Gita Shlokas: Chapter 2, 62-63 - for quiz next week.

  • Learn meaning of any one shloka/mantra from parents.

Sunday, February 19th-

Material Covered in Class:

  • How to learn: think, implement, teach

  • Students read shlokas/mantras with meaning

  • Discussed progress of habits, how it's going, any struggles, brainstormed new habits we can try to pick up

  • Learned about the caste system, and how learning the right knowledge helps reduce ignorance & stereotypes

    • Caste system is incorrect, actually called VARNA (type, order, class)

      • Brahmin - teachers, priests, scholars

      • Kshaitriya - rulers, warriors, administrators

      • Vaishya - merchants, agriculturists

      • Shudra - laborers, service providers

    • It is often taught in schools like a hierarchy pyramid, in actuality it is a balanced circle to help maintain order in society

    • Discussed on how it was relevant in Indian history, but it isn't today. Talked about what was correct and what is incorrect in school teachings.


  • Chapter 29- Compassion towards all creatures

  • Use the same shloka from homework for last week - learn meaning of 3-4 specific sanskrit words from the shloka

Sunday, February 26th-

Material Covered in Class:

  • Went around class and each student read their shloka/mantra of choice, told everyone the meaning, talked about key words, then explained what the meaning meant to them

  • Discussed the origins of Hindu Dharma

    • Started by many rishis, not by one person

    • We do not have one specific book - our knowledge and foundation comes from 4 Vedas

    • Best way for us to learn is to read our shaastras - our books

    • How to read: Ramayan, Mahabharata

    • Then start with Bhagavad Gita - this is the core of our Hindu Dharma

    • Vedas are condensed into: Upanishads, Puranas, Gita

  • One of the core values of our Hindu Dharma is 'KARUNA' : COMPASSION

    • We need to have compassion towards all living beings, and use that to be productive and do good things in the world


  • If you haven't selected a shloka/mantra yet - please pick do that now: with meaning and key words

  • Keep practicing Gita shlokas 2:62-63

  • READ Chapter 26 - Absence of Fear

Sunday, March 5th-

Materials Covered in Class:

  • Practiced Gita shlokas

  • Reviewed habits

  • Read story of Seva from book

Sunday, March 12th-

Materials Covered in Class:

  • Reviewed story of Prahlad & Holi

    • Talked about the importance of 'discarding negative qualities' in this festival

  • "Service starts at Home"

  • Learned steps of 16-step pooja: Shodashopachara Pooja

    • Download document HERE

  • Panchopachara Pooja - condensed 5-step pooja

    • *there are many versions

    1. Gandha

    2. Pushpa

    3. Dhupa

    4. Deep

    5. Naivedya


  • Know the steps for Panchopachara Pooja

    • We will review in more detail next week

  • READ Chapter 46 - Cleanliness of Body

Sunday, March 19th-

Materials Covered in Class:

  • Talked about the importance of external and internal cleanliness

  • Learned about Ashtanga Yog

    1. Yama - moral code

      • think, read, LEARN good things - know right vs wrong

    2. Niyama - rules/discipline

      • following order, day-to-day structure

    3. *Asana - posture

      • maintain good health (yogasana)

    4. *Pranayama - breath control

      • cleansing internal system

    5. Pratyahara - sense control

      • mind control, relaxation

      • example: Krishna and chariot, page 14-15 of book

    6. Dharana - concentration

      • focus, internal strength

    7. *Dhyana - meditation

      • clearing mind

    8. Samadhi - self-realization (absorption into Ishwar)

      • the final result after perfecting 7 steps - ultimate yog

  • We learned that in today's modern day the three *starred* steps is what is commonly known as "YOGA" - asana, pranayam, and dhyan.

  • Discussed how we can perform each of these steps in our day-to-day life, and how this is true Yog

  • Yog = uniting

    • By doing Yog we are uniting ourselves with the Supreme Power of Bhagwan

  • The steps of Ashtang Yog are in that order, because that is the most beneficial to us. It's harder to achieve the next step without completing the past ones. Ex: we cannot expect to sit in meditation if our body isn't healthy, our mind isn't calm, and we don't have ability to focus


  • Practice steps 1-7 of Ashtang Yog at home and we will discuss progress next week.

  • READ Chapter 47: Purity of Intellect

Sunday, March 26th-

Materials Covered in Class:

  • Discussed upcoming presentation on April 16th-

  • Brainstormed what we have learned this year (image below)

  • We will be doing a skit - 6 internal enemies vs good qualities

  • How to attain good habits through prayers and good habits



Sunday, April 9th-

Materials Covered in Class:

  • UPDATE: Class presentation has been moved to April 23rd

  • Today in class we reviewed skit and started developing lines (see document below)


  • All students- please send me email with the script/lines for your part in the skit

  • Know your parts, next week in class we will practice full presentation - goal is to do it without notecards

  • Know the shloka/mantra associated with your part in the skit


Sunday, April 30th-

Materials Covered in Class:

  • We had a short class today due to long assembly

  • If anyone has a video of the skit last weekend, I would love to look at it, please email to me at bhaktibm@gmail.com

  • We did an open-discussion in class today regarding the skit and general questions about Hindu Dharma, asked by the students


  • We will have small party in class next week, here is the list of things to bring.

  • Feel free to bring something. Make sure it it's not too messy or wet (aka, no ice cream). If it has nuts or other products that could cause allergies, please label it such.

Sunday, May 7th-

Materials Covered in Class:

  • We had a great party in class today! Thank you to everyone who brought in treats.

  • Reviewed the best things we've learned through the class this year, and improvements for the future.


  • Review all materials from this year

  • We will be having a Jeopardy quiz in class next week for the last class!