Hindi C


Class Information -

This class covers: At the end of this class, student would be able to read and write sentences in Hindi. They will be able to read short stories, poems and comprehend them with increased Hindi vocabulary.


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Classroom: Classroom 2

Teachers -


  • Akshat Dwivedi

  • Vikrant Mahajan

  • Vishal Agarwal

EMAIL teachers: dwiveaks000@isd284.com, mrvikmahajan@gmail.com, vishalsagarwal@yahoo.com

Class & Homework -


May 10

Today, we were supposed to give presentations about the students' parents and where they are from in India. However, only a small portion of the students completed the assignment. As a result, for next week, every student MUST have this presentation completed in order to "pass" Hindi C (it is traditionally our end-of-year presentational final exam. While we're not grading it as we usually do, we still want to see what the students have learned). Please remind your students of this, and we will let you know how they go next week! Thank you!


January 19

Today, we went over the homework and practiced writing and presenting about topics on the spot. This was a continuation of our exam preparation.

Homework: Have a conversation with someone (in Hindi) and write about it (in Hindi OR English)

January 12

We did reading and assigned the students to read pages 31 and 32. Their writing will be returned next class.


November 24

We worked on writing today. Homework is to turn in your name written in Hindi.

November 17

Hindi C read Chandu chacha from the book and assigned no homework.


October 27

Today, we went over some writing about Diwali. Then, we practiced speaking practice with partners and ended with a Diwali-themed game. The homework is to read Chapter 2 of Pongu Ki Puri.

October 13

In class we started reading a story on Page 10, Pongu ki Poori.

There is no homework this week, have fun on MEA break!

October 6

In class, we went over safety procedures and then shared our homework from last week. Then, the students began writing a 5 sentence story about anything in Hindi.

Homework: Finish 5 sentence story (IN HINDI!)