Melissa Lee

If Melissa was a character in a ten-minute play, she'd be a supporting character with a quirky predisposition towards malapropisms, terrible puns and talking about herself in the third person.A relative newcomer to Crash Test Drama, Melissa's previous involvement has mostly been limited - for your safety and her own - to writing. More recently she's become an enthusiastic protegee director through Crash Test Drama's Director Mentoring Program, and so far nobody has died and nothing has burned down.Theatrically speaking, Melissa is part of the producing team for Playtime (, a monthly evening of short plays held monthly on Wednesdays at World Bar in Darlinghurst. She's also had bits and pieces in Short & Sweet and is constantly writing some full-length play or another.She also has a couple of irregularly-updated blogs on topics that nobody will be interested in, with a current readership of and

Melissa doesn't act, and only sings in the car. She likes procrastination, dislikes writing autobiographical thumbnails and her hobbies include running late, stalking Joss Whedon and playing Guitar Hero.

Say hello - she doesn't bite.