May 2010

Crash Test Drama 2010 enjoyed its second show on Monday 10th May, with a strong line-up of plays dealing with everything from salami to suicide to reality TV.

Two of the plays have been offered a spot in Crash Test’s finals on 2nd of August, alongside the winners of April’s show, and June and July’s upcoming shows.

Full Report

First up was Mary Zegura’s comedy ‘A New Love’, a classic comedy of mistaken identities with a message of acceptance at its core. Directed by Garth Campbell, who also acted along-side Peter Lawrence, the Italian-Mama Joan Rodd and Justine Keim, is was a fast and funny start to the evening.

The night’s second play was Prue Clark’s ‘Marburg’, an epic and heart-felt drama looking at the lives of three different men in rural Australia, where prejudice, miscommunication and recklessness lead to a dramatic conclusion. Directed by Uma Kali Shakti and performed by Jim Gosden, Tim Selby and Steve McGrath. Prue’s play was given the Playwright’s Encouragement Award for a cleverly-constructed and thoughtful ten-minute story.

Next up was ‘When Life Becomes a Play’, Felix Carlyle’s satire on writing, acting, and the thing that is a ‘short play’. First-time Crash Test director Raj Maneshwar deftly handled the play’s shifts in ideas, as well as the surprising ending – which caught the next play’s participants off guard! Acted by Kym Parrish and Alison Hodge, and their ‘real-life’ counterparts Maite Arriaga and Colleen Henry. And who could forget Kyrill the barman!

To finish the first half was ‘Castaway Island’, written and directed by Craig Delahoy. This spoof on reality TV and its inner-workings proved very popular with judges and audience alike, and was offered a spot in August’s finals, winning both the Judges’ Choice and the Popular Vote Runner-up. Acted with brilliant comic timing and flare by Justine Scali, Gerry Sont, and Barton Williams.

After the interval was Kate Toon’s ‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place’, a comedy about two British travellers stuck in Jenolan Caves. Directed with heart and a fun spirit by Amelia Tranter, it wooed over the audience to win the Popular Vote and a place in the finals. Acted with wonderful precision and comic timing by Kim Knuckey and Imogen Carn.

Following this was Graham Yate’s ‘Oh Errol’, directed by Nir Shelter. The play looked at the awkward moment when a guy realised his mate had slept with his girlfriend. The comedy of ‘how-to-woo-a-woman’ was acted by Paul Pavlakis and Michael McCrann, and Michela Carattini as the woman caught between the two.

Second last for the night was ‘On the Road to Nowhere’ by Vee Malnar, a comedy-drama about a man and woman who are travelling together, and have a quick stop at a pub. Tempers soon flare. Performed by Matt Thompson, Deborah Peebles, and Martin Estridge as the man with the wise words. Directed by Felix Carlyle.

And rounding off the night was Melissa Lee’s ‘For the Sake of Salami,’ directed by Con Nats, about a group of friends whose views and opinions test the patience of the hosts who have invited them to dinner. It featured the ensemble of Jade Carden and Mauritzio Degliesposti as the dinner hosts, and Fleur Beaupert, Angeline Bilas and Bianka Demets as their difficult guests.

Congratulations to Craig Delahoy’s ‘Castaway Island’ and Kate Toon’s ‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place’ for being selected for the finals. Thanks again to the wonderful actors, directors and writers for another great evening of new writing and committed work!

The Results

Judges Pete Greenaway, Jackie Greenland and Gerry Greenland had a tough night of decision-making after the enjoyable and fast-paced line-up of tonight’s plays.

Judges' Choice: Castaway Island

Wins a place in the Crash Test finals on 2nd August 2010

Written by Craig Delahoy

Popular Vote First Place: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Wins a place in the Crash Test finals on 2nd August 2010.

Written by Kate Toon

Popular Vote Runner Up: Castaway Island

Written by Craig Delahoy

Best Actor: Kim Knuckey

Best Actor Runner-Up: Michael McCrann

Best Actress: Justine Scali

Best Actress Runner-Up: Imogen Carn

Playwright's Encouragement Award: ‘Marburg’ by Prue Clark

Next Crash Test Drama on June 7th – here we come!

Best regards,

Pete Malicki and Lincoln Hall

Crash Test Drama coordinators