April 2010

Crash Test Drama 2010 kicked off with a great first show on Monday 12th April. With a strong set of eight diverse plays, the audience was given a real variety show: there was drama, comedy and even a taste of Bollywood.

Two of the plays have been offered a spot in Crash Test’s finals on 2nd of August, alongside the winners of May, June and July’s upcoming shows.

Full Report

First off was Robert Armstrong’s “You May Quote Me,” a witty and tightly-written play about an Aussie starlet being interviewed by a tabloid reporter, directed by David Farland and featuring Laura White and Kathy Urukalo.

Second up was Frank Leggett’s “Forest For The Trees,” a clever drama about a man, played by Kim Knuckey, joining the green movement to atone for his role in the loss of his daughter. The man and a young hippie, movingly performed by Sontaan Hopson, go deep into the forest to chain themselves to trees. Frank’s play was given the Playwright’s Encouragement Award for a well-rounded ten minute story. Thanks to Kingsley for stepping in and offering his expertise as director!

Next up was “OHS&M,” Mark Konik’s hilarious play about a bondage session being interrupted by Occupational Health and Safety inspectors. Director Melissa Lee managed to tame the cast long enough for them to put on a hilarious show, with Jen Van Heeckeren as the very convincing Mistress, Gavin Williams as the equally-convincing client, Jim Gosden as the OH&S official and former Crash Test Drama coordinator Scott Grimley as the protégée inspector. OHS&M was greatly enjoyed by the judges and audience alike and will be offered a spot in August’s finals.

Last up in the first act was Emmanuelle Fonsny and author Matt McCredie’s “The Hero.” This action-packed comedy romped home, winning both the Judges’ Choice and the Popular Vote and scoring a place in the finals. Heath Wilder as the arachnophobic footy player won Runner Up Best Actor, with excellent performances also by Robert Zavadszky, Sarah Berrell and Georgie Edwards.

After the interval was Sonal Moore’s thoughtful, character-driven “East to the ocean, West into the sun.” Director Jim Hare brought out the best in two amazing actresses, who brought out the best of Sonal’s script. Kym Parrish and Alice Keohavong were awarded Best Actress and Best Actress Runner-Up respectively.

Following this was director/writer Uma Kali Shakti’s “Do Dil Toota,” a Bollywood musical performed enthusiastically by Best Actor recipient Maurizio Degliesposti, Mark Mailler, Justine Keim and Duygu Dogan. Uma’s play unfortunately ran over the time limit and was ineligible for the Judges’ Choice award.

Second last for the night was “Anon” by Pete Malicki (that’s me!), a drama about two addicts – played by Matt Thompson and Leanne Watson – seeking support outside an AA meeting. Newcomer director Grant Mongrell’s input helped this play score the Popular Vote Runner Up.

And rounding off the night was William Russell’s “Break a Leg,” directed by Sadashivam Rao and featuring impressive performances by Liz Hamid as the aspiring actress and Fleur Beaupert as her down-to-earth friend. Chris Lewis’s talents were well and truly wasted as the stage manager, who brought the very very best out of a very very small role.

Congratulations to Mark Konik’s “OHS&M” and Emmanuelle Fonsny & Matt McCredie’s “The Hero” for being selected for the finals. Thanks again to the wonderful actors, directors and writers who helped make this year’s inaugural Crash Test Drama one of the best so far!

The Results

Judges Jackie and Gerry Greenland had a tough time deciding on their favourite actors for the night, after surprising themselves with consensus on the plays they thought deserved a spot in the finals.

Judges' Choice: The Hero

Wins a place in the Crash Test finals on 2nd August 2010. Since this play was also the winner of the Popular Vote, the judges' second choice goes through to the finals. Written by Matt McCredie and Emmanuelle Fonsny

Judges' Second Choice: OHS&M

Wins a place in the Crash Test finals on 2nd August 2010. Written by Mark Konik

Popular Vote First Place: The Hero

Written by Matt McCredie and Emmanuelle Fonsny

Popular Vote Runner Up: Anon

Written by Pete Malicki

Best Actor: Maurizio Degliesposti

Best Actor Runner-Up: Heath Wilder

Best Actress: Kym Parrish

Best Actress Runner-Up: Alice Keohavong

Playwright's Encouragement Award: Forest For The Trees by Frank Leggett

Looking forward to another great Crash Test Drama on May 10th!

Best regards,

Pete Malicki and Lincoln Hall

Crash Test Drama coordinators