
For more information about Crash Test Drama, or to submit a play for consideration, or to register interest as an Actor or Director, or to join our mailing list, please contact our Coordinator Pete Malicki on crashtestdrama <at> gmail <dot> com.

Crash Test Drama is held at King Street Theatre, crn Bray and King Streets, Newtown. 100m from St Peters Station.

Check the map here!

For more information on Short+Sweet go to:

For some examples of Ten Minute Plays, including suggested layout, go to or

These artists have been involved in Crash Test Drama as Coordinators. Show them some support and check out their websites:

Pete Malicki - fiction author, award-winning playwright, Coordinator Crash Test Drama, Festival Director Short+Sweet Sydney, Literary Manager Short+Sweet International

Alex Broun - leading writer of 10 minute plays