May 2019

Crash Test Drama has started again for 2019 at Darlo Drama and they have proven themselves to be exemplary hosts, providing a perfect space with plenty of room to rehearse and an intimate stage. We staged six brand new plays never before seen in Sydney, with a massive turnout of actors.

Opening the season was “Booked In” by Faith de Savigne, directed by Margaret Fitzgerald. This play starred Teresa Plane, Alex Davison, Margaret Fitzgerald and John Rogers.

The second play was “Parlour Games”, which was the people’s choice runner up, written by Guy Davies and directed by Latifa Amal-Schwarz. It starred an ensemble cast of Alan Long, Cris Bocchi and Latifa Amal-Schwarz.

Up next was “Rejected and Helpful Anonymous”, written by Julia Nozhnitska, who won the Playwright’s Encouragement Award. Natalia Karna directed Matthew Kerr who took out Best Actor Runner Up, Aaron Mckechie, Sergey Bogolyubov, Karishma Sugan and Yuli Leng.

After the interval came Katrina Samaras’s “Lemon”, which won People’s Choice Winner and a place in the Crash Test Finals on Fri 2nd August. Director Katrina Samaras (Best Director) took the helm and the cast were Kara Cooper who took out Best Actress Runner Up, Rosie Dawson and Willian Baltyn who scored the Best Actor award.

Fifth for the evening was “Catch of the Night” written by Margaret Fitzgerald and directed by Oliver Walton. Matt Thompson, Kathleen Smith and Andrew Vial performed this one.

Rounding up the evening was “Smoke and Mirror” by Xeno Nemos, who not only wrote but also directed Glenn Levett, Kelly Chan who scored Best Actress, Xeno Nemos and Margaret Thorpe. This play won Judge’s Choice for Best Play and has a spot for the Finals.

The Results

Our judge for tonight was long time and experienced actress Hope Disher. Hope had the unenviable task of picking the winners from among the talent on display.

Best Actor Runner Up: Matt Kerr

Best Actor: William Baltyn

Best Actress Runner Up: Kara Cooper

Best Actress: Kelly Chan

Best Director: Katrina Samaras

Playwright’s Encouragement Award: Julia Nozhnitska

Popular Vote Runner Up: Parlour Games

Popular Vote Winner: Lemon

Best Play: Smoke and Mirror

Congratulations to “Lemon” and “Smoke and Mirror”, which have both earned a spot in the Crash Test Finals on 2 August.

Thanks to all the actors, writers and directors for participating and thanks again to our generous hosts Darlo Drama.