Recipes 12-10-2018

CADS Dinner – Monday, December 10, 2018

Celebrate Tuscany! Menus


The vertical tasting of Asiago Tuscana (Asigo DOP Through the Ages) and the assorted meat platter (Antipasto Meat Tray by Fratelli Beretta) were ordered from

Relatively inexpensive wines from Tuscany were purchased at K&L. They have a good selection.


Tuscan Tomato and Bread Soup– there are dozens of good recipes online. I used one from Cook’s Illustrated’s Italian Classics, p. 113.

The recipe is too complicated to reproduce here (I’m lazy and a terrible typist.) Let me know if you want a copy, and I’ll make you one.

Main Course

Tuscan Style Roast Pork– This recipe is from Cook’s Illustrated– January/February 2016. Click on link.

Tuscan Bean ‘Goppel’– This recipe is from and can be found with a search for this text.


Pear Tarte - I used a very simple recipe with a pastry crust, fresh pears, with a pear syrup made from a bit of the pears. I am not recommending it, because although very tasty, the pears juiced out and made the crust very soggy. A brief Google search for pear tart reveals a number of variants, some of which use flour to help thicken the juices. I will try one of those the next time.

Limoncello. and Pear Brandy