Meet Sep 6, 2011



A variety of cheese and olives

Seared Ahi tuna on bed of mixed greens with golden turnips

The Ahi Tuna came from Schaub's. The pieces were 1.5 thick by 5 inches, seared on all sides in olive oil and seasoned with cracked pepper and salt. The tuna was sliced into strips and served on a salad of Romaine lettuce dressed lightly with olive oil and champagne vinegar and a dash of salt. It can't say enough about the quality of tuna from Schaubs, their cuts are always spectacular, there is no waste due to tough parts, the whole piece is useable.

Ravioli with tomato sauce

The tomato recipe is simple and quick, it can be done in the time it takes the pasta to cook.

I used La Primavera whole peeled tomatoes which contains tomato puree from A.G. Ferrari. I tried another brand from Italy but the flavor wasn't as good.

One can (1lb 12 oz) is enough for a package of Bucatini pasta or a card of ravioli.

1. Slice the tomatoes in small pieces expelling any remaining seeds.

2. Place the sliced tomatoes in a bowl along with the puree. The puree doesn't contain much water but I sometimes run it through a sieve or ladle any visible water from the surface of the puree and tomatoes after they sit for awhile.

3. Slice one or two shallots and dice finely, roughly a handful.

4. Finely chop an equal amount of fresh sage and oregano, again about a handful.

5. Use a handful of dried Porchini mushrooms in a cup or two of water over low heat till the mushrooms are soft.

That's the preparation done.

I use a wok and a generous amount of olive oil to cover the bottom and heat it over medium plus heat. ( I probably use more olive oil then most. )

When the temperature is up add the finely chopped shallots sage and oregano and slightly caramelize the shallots then add the tomatoes and puree.

Next add the Porchini mushrooms and stir the combination. Salt to taste.

Let simmer for ten or fifteen minutes, longer if you like, and it's ready to go.

I add the pasta or ravioli directly to sauce in the wok.

Very simple and quick.

I'd suggest sauteed Swiss Chard to go with it, the colors work well together.


Desert was blackberries and vanilla ice cream served with a nameless Port. ( The bottle went out in the bin.)


Among the three Sauvignon Blancs served the St Supry emerged as the favorite with Husch closely behind. The Kalinda from K&L from an unnamed winery in thew Napa Valley was third. John pointed out the Kalinda had the highest alcohol level and that got in the way of the wines subtleties. The red served with the main course was a 2007 Montepulciano D'Abruzzo from Valle Reale, 91 on the wine spectators scale and recommended by K&L.