
Charlie’s Curry Dip

mayonnaise 1 C

garlic powder 1 tsp

minced onion 1 tsp

wine vinegar 1 tsp

horseradish 1 tsp

curry powder 1 tsp

dry mustard 1 tsp (optional)

Mix all ingredients

Risotto with Mushrooms

olive oil 1 TBS

garlic 1 clove minced

onion 1 C chopped

rice 1 C arborio

mushrooms 1 C chopped

broth 2-1/2 C heated

cheese 1/2 C grated parmesan

Heat oil

Sauté garlic & onion

Sauté rice

Sauté mushrooms

Add broth in batches as absorbed

Mix in cheese

Salmon á la Herb

salmon filets

olive oil

mélange of seasonings

Oven at 290°

Top filets w/ oil & mélange

Bake 29 min

Note: John says he also tops with lemon when making salmon á la Herb

Chocolate Fondant

chocolate 2 oz bittersweet

butter 4-1/2 TBS unsalted

eggs 2

sugar 1/3 C

flour 1/4 C sifted

Oven at 450°

Melt choc & butter

Add eggs & sugar

Add flour

Bake in individual ramekins 10-12 min

Note: Most CADS felt a pinch of salt improved the flavor