Meet Nov 5, 2013

Following Nat's Oktoberfest theme, Dennis presented us with a pumpkin theme, quite appropriate for post-Halloween.

The Roast Stuff Pumpkin was a masterpiece, the recipe somewhat complex. It uses the classic mirepoix, but as Leah Garchik commented in a recent SFChron column, some of us "...had to Google to learn that mirepoix is a mixture of chopped celery, carrots and onion...." One tongue-in-cheek response: "Ahh — that explains the odd experience of making it home from CADS this time only half-soused."

As for the dessert wine, here is Dennis' morning-after statement: "I forgot that I had, squirreled away in the fridge, a nice muscat-based dessert wine to go with the pie and ice cream. Obviously it never made it to the table. I’m sorry, but I guess I will just have to save it for the upcoming celebration of my birthday…"