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Hy. Welcome to the homepage of the ezine Barata Elétrica, the very first Brazilian E-zine in the Internet , by Derneval Ribeiro Rodrigues da Cunha, vide página

The e-zine is mostly in portuguese with a few English articles from other sources here and there but along the years I wrote some material for publications like 2600-Hacker Quaterly (Check this 13 years of starting a hacker scene) and Datenschleuder that I would like to make available. faq


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Are you a hacker?

Depends on what do you mean by that. I don't want people to go on and commit any sort of crimes. In fact, don't believe that works. My thinking about what is a hacker comes from the time that there was a "Linux hackers manual", which was not about computer insecurity. Today the midia labels "hacker" to all sorts of things, specially thugs and vandals that plague the scene. My task with the e-zine is to write and publish articles about, helping people to know about those things, not helping people to carry out electronic vandalism. And have to say my reputation is very good among Brazilian computer security people.

Embora esta página possaconter informações de natureza maliciosa, esse materialse encontra disposto aqui com o fim único de informar e ajudar aprevenir. Todo ser humano é responsável por aquilo quefaz. Não é recomendado o uso da informaçãocontida aqui para fins maliciosos. Os artigos são de autoria dosautores e, salvo exceções, registrados na BibliotecaNacional. Veja as asperguntas mais freqüentes