
The alternative to evangelical chats.  We believe that the world only can be saved by detailed planning. It must involve broad debate joining all social classes together, imortalized on a bar table, a ceremony of high or low spirits, all spirits together around the sacred drink. Come discuss the salvation of Brazil (and USA, why not), the final victory and unconditional "Ism" and all its variants (Anarchism, Capitalism, Communism, Gayismo, etc.), IQP (aka insatiable quest of Pleasure) and damnation in its various forms (lack of money, women, objective, employment, etc.) and not least doomsday (that something happening that will get us out of this slump that plagues us every day), all those chanting sacred hymns of MPB and Bossa Nova or any other rate (including the hymn "The return of Boemio").  Requirements: One must have a mouth out also chitchat.  Time: Any day, any time we meet ..  Location: Wherever ..  FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION OF NEW acolytes ::  Question: What is the big question?  Answer: A great question is that one we all know about. Even more important about the big question is the answer, which is not bloddy enough to convince absolutely anyone or simply is way beyond our capacity to understand.  Question: Why the need for a discussion so great to save the world?  Answer: That's clearly described in the book of the Ignorant, the paragraph concerning the speech of Franco (not that spanish guy), or as they say scholars of the subject, called the law of nutba: "Do not just fill the bag until the neck.Have to pop the mouth of the balloon.So then there will be light and we shall ask ourselves:Why am I wasting my time here? "  Question: In these meetings, participants have to take unload their sins and confess their faults?  Answer: At the OPUS-NIGHT, nobody unloads anything. Tops, one confesses that lacked its share of painful guilt (also called the "a dolorosa"). Everyone points out the finger to put the blame of the somebody else (also known as "the other", "guy" or "that guy"), that's heroically here in spirit but not in fact (in most cases) and hence such omission is a noble gesture that relieves us of our share of the blame. This is called "expiate guilt." Scholars say that those who feel relieved about existence of the "somebody" must be stating some guilt, but as the discussion was not (yet) terminated on the subject, nothing can be said.  Question: I'm catholic / Buddhist / Christian / etc. Can I participate in the meetings?  Answer: Sure you can. However, devotees of OPUS-NIGHT are unanimous in that the subject of the difference between religions can not, under any circumstances, ever be mentioned before holy communion in honor of the blood of God BACCHUS. The most severe require that all communion cups containing the sacred drink are emptied, the act known as "wiping".  Question: What is the reason the ceremony known as "wipes"?  Answer: The ritual of wipes and a way for us to cleanse ourselves of the evil caused by the problems of day-to-day. To talk about salvation requires breath and a pure mind in order to face the obstacle represented by reality. Now, as the Scotish people say (me thinks they should), "reality is only the result of the chronic absence of alcohol in the blood".  Question: But precisely why the need for alcohol at the ceremony?  Answer: For the same reason that alcohol is' used to clean the table where we discussed our ideas.  Question: Participants of OPUS-NIGHT are religious conservatives or liberals?  Answer: The sect is divided between conserved people and the Conservatives, with several dissents, as the Renegades.  Question: How do you know the difference? How to know which and 'the most appropriate way?  Answer: Conservatives believe in the paragraph ASPONE (*)he preaches: "Slack is proof of wisdom

Drink is a matter of perseverance

Money, only after I win the lottery "

The preserved divide between those who are preserved in vodka, brandy or rum (Brazilian "cachaca" would be better). It is all a matter of taste.  Question: The participants of the Opus Night believe in God as our Lord and that Christ came here to save us?  Answer: A lot of cyclically believes in God. These cycles tend to coincide with the end of the month before the day of payment. Scenes of desperation occur and many pray movingly. As for Jesus Christ, he is in all of us, when we discovered that he is not available at a meeting of the OPUS-NIGHT. Such a loss for many people wanted to know about the miracle of changing water into wine. Sometimes it happens. Most of times it's water in the wine.  Question: Which way OPUS-NIGHT points to salvation?  Answer: Reading the book of the Wise man, we find that before you find the path to salvation, it's necessary to be truly lost. There are many roads to perdition. Walking the line is most dangerous. A running train is nearly always a killer one. As stated above, the path of salvation involves an elaborate discussion. Those who seek the path alone are called renegades.  Question: What is the vision of the apocalypse for the elements of Opus-NIGHT?  Answer: It depends. There was a rift in the group because of it and there are varying opinions on the subject. One states that the end of the world should happen soon, with the coming of "a dolorosa" and the best thing to do is clog up the "Sacred Drink" as a way to prevent against shock (this would delay the end of the world). Yet another group thinks that the apocalypse has already happened yesterday, the day before yesterday or last week, when he saw the result of:  the last match of our favorite team The bouncing check The layoff etc..  Within this perspective, the thing is to rebuild. Also some people talks that the world has already passed the third war, cataclysm has happened and we are just maggots devouring the corpse (the press just don't wanna us to know it). It is good not to pull for this question for we never know what someone will come up with. That concludes another round of questions and answers about our great alternative for anyone who has doubts as to the answer to that you invite to a chat biblical without making the other feel offended by the refusal.

(*) ASPONE - Portuguese (Brazilian, that is) acronym for "Nowhereland Advisor" (perfect job would it be but not as much as "Nowhereland supervisor") 

PS: For those of you that do not know about the Brazilian Ezine "Barata Eletrica" (Electric cockroach), this was originally an article published in Portuguese language by Derneval R.R.Cunha (c) drrcunha@yahoo.com.br, around 1994. Should you forward or retransmit it, please keep this copyright. No ofense is intended against any religion, sect or belief. At the time of writing, people in the University of Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, were plagued by Christian people who would seek new converts in everyone who was left alone somewhere for more than 5 minutes. It would be quite difficult to refuse attending their invitations for Christian chats and reunions. Hence, the "Opus Night Manifesto" was created (did it in about 5 or 6 minutes, am not sure - no, didn't know about Slack those days). Later writings included things like initiation rites and procedures, created just for laughs and watching how the Christian guys would behave (their faces would often turn pale hearing about sex and religion).