Barata Eletrica (Electric cockroach) Ezine

Homepage Blog do Fanzine  Índice Números Anteriores 

This is a small attemp to explain something about this electronic publication for people who don't speak portuguese language.

You can read all about this publication at this 2600-Hacker Quaterly article

The text below was the first English Readme file for the Ezine, about 20 years ago

and also available here in


BARATA ELETRICA -      The translation is something like  Electric Roach - (not cucaracha, please, we talk portuguese here, not spanish). I'm writing this e-zine at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, which does not quite like it. However, last time i talked to the guys up there in the Administration, they let me distribute it by use of any means other than their computers. So, that's how it came here. This e-zine began after i attended a Hacker Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Internet was not available to common people back then, and i got very fond of seting up a Hacker Congress at my home country. Problem is that people should first know what's this all about, what's good and what's a bad thing to do.  Besides, lots of people with some background in the area, don't even know what is "2600 hacker quaterly". Sure they heard about Mitnick, but don't know a thing about the guys who build the Internet. Talk about hacking and security subjects in my e-zine almost closed my access to the net, so i keep it quite tame. Still, people like it and write me from everywhere. Not bad for what i consider a pale shadow of other zines. I try to keep most articles in Portuguese, but am still the only writer, and once in a while (almost always) have to use articles i get in the Net. There are articles in English, but it's material most people reading Phrack wouldn't care to read. Here in Brazil, it's unknown. Take your  chances, if you want.
