
Effect: Transform

Action: Standard (active)

Range: Ranged

Duration: Sustained (lasting)

Saving Throw: None

Cost: 5 points per rank

You can transform the elemental composition of non-living matter, turning one sort of matter into another. Make a ranged attack roll to target a subject. You can affect a pound of matter at rank 1. Each additional power rank moves the amount of affected mass one step up the Progression Table: 2 lbs., 5 lbs., 10, and so forth.

A successful attack roll turns the affected mass into whatever material you wish. The material remains transformed as long as you maintain the effect (as a free

action each round).

Transmutation cannot inflict direct damage, but it can create a number of indirect effects by transforming materials around a living target. Examples include:

• Removing the oxygen from the air, rendering a target unable to breathe like a Suffocate effect at your Transmutation rank.

• Turning the ground into a liquid, causing targets to sink (and possibly suffocate).

• Turning a floor into paper or gas, letting targets fall through it.

• Transmuting support structures into paper, tinfoil, or the like, causing a structure to collapse.• Transforming air into a solid material like stone or metal, trapping a target like a Snare effect at your Transmutation rank.

Numerous other effects are possible; the GM should adjudicate them according to the basic effects in Chapter 2. So long as an effect stems solely from turning one material into another, Transmutation should be able to do it without the need for an Alternate Power. Keep in mind, however, that the power operates according to its normal range, duration, and so forth: so although Snare is an instant effect, for example, entrapping someone in transmuted matter is still sustained (and the “snare” vanishes when you stop maintaining the effect). Likewise, transmuted air tends to dissipate unless you continue transmuting (taking a standard action each round, much like maintaining a Suffocate effect).


• Duration: Continuous Transmutation creates permanent changes in affected matter; it remains in its new state unless the effect is nullified or reversed by another Transform effect. The GM may wish to restrict access to this extra, given its potential for unbalancing the power.