Dream Travel

Effect: Mind Reading, Limited

Action: Move (active)

Range: Perception

Duration: Sustained

Saving Throw: Will

Cost: 1 point per rank

You can mentally enter the dreams of a sleeping subject, experiencing them as if you were a character within the dream (since, essentially, that is what you become). You must be able to accurately perceive your subject (possibly with an accurate mental sense) and the subject makes a Will saving throw; if successful, you cannot enter the subject’s dreams and must use extra effort to try again during that same sleep period. If the subject’s save fails, you enter the subject’s dreamscape and can remain there as long as you maintain your Dream Travel power. Your physical body remains in a deep trance (like sleep) while you are using Dream Travel.

While in the dreamscape, you can perceive whatever the subject is dreaming, which may give you useful insight into the subject’s psyche (and a +2 circumstance bonus for skill checks like interaction and behavioral sciences). With a successful Bluff check against the target’s Sense Motive check result, you

can provoke a particular piece of information from the subject’s mind to manifest in the dream, allowing you to learn it.

You can also engage the dream-self of the subject in a mental grapple (see Mental Grapple, M&M, page 157) and the dreamer can also attempt to mentally grapple you. A dreamer can choose to eject you from the dream if successful in mentally pinning you. Since a mental grapple can inflict damage, it’s possible for this dream struggle to harm you or your subject. You retain the use of your mental skills and your mental sensory effects while in a subject’s dream, and they retain the same capabilities.Your other traits are irrelevant and have no bearing on the dream; so even if you “wrestle” a super-strong subject in a dream, it is really a mental grapple and physical strength has no effect. For the power to influence dream “reality” see the Dream Control power (previously), or acquire suitable mental powers, particularly Illusion and Mental Blast.


• Sedation: If you render a target’s dream-self unconscious via mental grappling, you can use this power feat to keep the dreamer from waking (see the sedation power feat description for details).


• Affects Others: With this extra, you can bring one other person with you into a subject’s dream. Apply the Progression power feat to expand the number of others you can bring along with you.

• Duration: Sustained Dream Travel may be disrupted (ejecting you from the target’s dream) if you are stunned and fail a Concentration check. Continuous Dream Travel lasts until you are ejected from the target’s mind by being mentally pinned or rendered unconscious.


• Feedback: While in a subject’s dream, things in the dream can potentially harm you (other than the subject mentally grappling you). Use your Dream Travel

rank in place of your normal Toughness save bonus when making saving throws against this harm, which is generally non-lethal damage.

• Permanent: Dream Travel cannot have this flaw; to create a character permanently “trapped” in dream form, either apply a Disability (such as permanent coma, very common, major, –5 points) or create a “dream being” without a physical body: use a permanent Alternate Form, with the Ghost Form version as a


• Range: You can reduce the range at which you can enter a subject’s dream; ranged and touch range Dream Travel both require an attack roll (automatic for a touch attack against a sleeping, and therefore helpless, target). You must remain within the power’s range to remain in the subject’s dream.