
Effect: Variable

Action: Standard (active)

Range: Personal

Duration: Continuous

Saving Throw: None

Cost: 6–7 points per rank

You can produce a wide variety of Devices (see the Device power) essentially at will. As with Device, Gadgets gives you 5 power points per rank to create these items, and you can split your points among multiple Devices, if desired. Changing your Gadget points around is a standard action and lasts until you choose to change them again. (The Gadgets power has a continuous duration, although the powers of the individual Devices themselves may have different durations.)

Your gadgets function in all ways like normal Devices (see Devices & Equipment, M&M, page 128, for details). The cost of Gadgets depends on how easily they can be taken away from you. If your gadgets are easy to lose (can be taken away with a successful disarm) then the power is 6 points per rank. If they’re hard to lose (can only be taken away from you while you’re helpless), the power is 7 points per rank. If you cannot lose your gadgets at all (they are an integral part of you in some way), then you actually have a different sort of Variable structure power, possibly Shapeshift (allowing you to transform parts of yourself into different technological devices, for example).