
Effect: Drain

Action: Standard (active)

Range: Touch

Duration: See description

Saving Throw: Fortitude

Cost: 3 points per rank

You can infect others with disease pathogens by touch. Choose an ability score; anyone failing the Fortitude saving throw against your Disease suffers damage to that ability score equal to the amount the save fails or your power rank (whichever is less) when the disease takes effect on the following day and for each day thereafter, when another saving throw is required, with the same effect. Two successful saves in a row allow the victim to overcome the Disease, otherwise it continues until the affected ability score is reduced to 0. A Healing effect may counter an ongoing Disease; a Healing power check with a result greater than the Disease’s save DC cures it, eliminating any further Disease effects. The recovery bonus from Regeneration also applies as a bonus to Fortitude saving throws against Disease.


• Alternate Power: You can create diseases affecting other abilities: each different ability score is a separate Alternate Power, usable one at a time. So, if your

normal Disease drains Strength, you can acquire a Dexterity draining Disease as an Alternate


• Dormant: Once a victim is infected with your Disease, it lies dormant, having no effect until you choose to activate it, either at a pre-set time (chosen when you infect the victim) or at a later time when the victim is within your Disease power’s range (normally touch). The Disease then takes its normal course. If

you activate a dormant disease at least one day after infection, it may have its initial effect immediately or after a delay of up to one day, as you choose.

• Immunity to Disease: You are immune to diseases, including those you inflict upon others.

• Incurable: Normal Healing effects and conventional medicine are useless against your Disease. Only Persistent Healing or two successful saving throws by the victim can cure it.

• Reversible: You can remove the effects of any disease you inflict at will and by touch as a free action.


• Aura (+3): Anyone you touch or grapple (or that touches or grapples you) may be infected with your Disease. The victim makes a saving throw for each round of contact (and potential infection). If your Disease Aura is always active (meaning you cannot control who is affected), it is only a +2 modifier.

• Contagious: Your disease is highly contagious; anyone coming into contact with an infected victim must make a Fortitude saving throw against the original DC to avoid becoming infected themselves.

• Duration: Disease has a special duration that cannot be modified.