Death Touch

Effect: Drain Constitution

Action: Standard (active)

Range: Touch

Duration: Instant

Saving Throw: Fortitude

Cost: 1 point per rank

You can inflict death with a mere touch! You must touch your opponent in combat with a melee attack roll as a standard action. If successful, the victim makes a Fortitude saving throw: DC 10 + Death Touch rank. A successful save results in no effect but a failed save causes the loss of one point of Constitution per point the save fails, up to a maximum of your power rank. Targets reduced to Con 0 are dying and suffer a –5 penalty on checks to stabilize. Victims drained below Con 0 die immediately. Lost Constitution returns at a rate of 1 point per round if the target does not die.


• Slow Fade: This power feat reduces the rate at which victims recover lost Constitution: one step up the Time Table for each rank, starting from 1 point per round.


• Disease: Instead of inflicting instant loss of Constitution, your touch can cause a slow, wasting disease. The target makes a Fortitude save. If it is successful, there is no effect. If it fails, on the following day the target makes another Fortitude save against the same DC. If it also fails, the target loses Constitution points, as described previously. The target makes another save each day; failure means loss of additional Constitution, while success means no effect for that day. Two successful saves in a row stops the wasting disease entirely. Healing can also cure it with a power check (DC 10 + 1/3 your power rank, rounded down). The target cannot recover lost Constitution until the disease is halted or the target’s condition becomes dying at Con 0. This version of Death

Touch is suitable as a lower-ranked Alternate Power of the default fast-acting version.