
Type: General

Action: None (passive)

Range: Personal

Duration: Permanent (see description)

Saving Throw: None (see description)

Cost: 1 point per rank

You have one or more minor features or effects that grant you an occasionally useful ability worth about 1 power point. This effect is essentially a version of the Benefit feat (see Benefit, M&M, page 59) but a power rather than a virtue of skill, talent, or social background. For example, diplomatic immunity or wealth are

Benefits; fur, the ability to mimic any sound, or a hidden compartment in your hollow leg, are Features. It’s up to the GM what capabilities qualify as Features; generally if something has no real game effect, it’s just a descriptor. If it has an actual game system benefit, it maybe a feature. There’s no need to define every

possible feature a character may have down to the last detail.


Some examples of possible Features include the following:

• Environmental Adaptation: This feat may also be a Feature for some characters, depending on its descriptors and origin.

• Insulating Fur: You have a layer of fur that protects you from sunburn and cold, giving you immunity to those environments.

• Internal Compartment: You can carry a portion of your carrying capacity inside you body! You have a pouch or compartment of some sort, able to hold objects no larger than about one-fifth your own size and weighing no more than your light load.

• Iron Stomach: You can eat anything that’s not toxic without ill effects: spoiled or unpleasant food, for example. You get a +4 bonus on Survival checks involving feeding yourself.

• Mimicry: You can imitate almost any sound you’ve heard, giving you a +10 bonus to Bluff or Perform checks to convince others your mimicked sounds are


• Special Effect: You have some special effect, like a gust of wind at the right dramatic moment, or ideal spotlighting, or personal theme music. The GM may give you a +2 bonus for favorable circumstances when your special effect is likely to impress people or otherwise aid you.

• Temporal Inertia: You are somehow uniquely “anchored” in the space-time continuum, making you immune to changes in history. You recall the “true” version of historical events, even if no one else does.


• Duration: Some Features may be sustained duration rather than permanent with no change in cost. This suits active Features a character has to use and maintain rather than having them as passive traits requiring no effort whatsoever.