Age Shift

Effect: Morph 4, Shrinking 4

Action: Free (active)

Range: Personal

Duration: Sustained

Saving Throw: None

Cost: 8 points

You can change your apparent physical age at will, growing “younger” or “older” in an instant. If you become young enough, your size decreases by one category to that of a child (generally small size), with all the modifiers for your new size. Your other abilities don’t change; the normal aging modifiers don’t apply, even if they are in use (see Aging and Abilities, Mastermind’s Manual, page 22, for details). The primary use of this power is for disguise: you get a +20 bonus to Disguise checks to portray your assumed age and suffer no Disguise penalties for portraying a different age. Note that people who know you well still get a bonus to recognize you at a different age (since you still look like yourself, just younger or older).