Spatial Control

Effect: Array (Teleport)

Action: Move (active)

Range: Personal

Duration: Instant

Saving Throw: None

Cost: 2 points per rank

You can twist and distort space, including distances and topography. You can jump across distances instantly by bending space like a Teleport effect at your power rank (see Teleport in the previous chapter).


Spatial Control is useful for countering effects involving some sort of spatial or dimensional manipulation. This includes countering teleportation (and Teleport Attacks), other uses of Spatial Control and possibly powers like Telekinesis, depending on their descriptors. Spatial Control can likewise be countered by itself or similar dimensional powers.


The following are some suitable Alternate Powers for a Spatial Control Array:

• Blast: You strike a target with a focused spatial shock that acts as a Ranged Damage effect.

• Deflect: By warping space, you Deflect attacks with a rank equal to two-thirds your Spatial Control power rank.

• Dimensional Anchor: You “harden” space in a particular area, making it extremely difficult to teleport into or out of it. This is Nullify Teleport with Burst Area and Sustained Duration and a rank equal to half your Spatial Control rank. Targets that fail the Will save against your Dimensional Anchor cannot use Teleport. Subjects can use extra effort to make an additional Will save against the effect.• Duplication: Folding spatial topography, you can exist in two places at once, giving you a Duplication effect with the Real flaw. If your Spatial Control rank is greater than your own power point total divided by 30, apply additional Duplication power feats or extra to this Alternate Power (possibly including the Progression power feat and the Horde extra).

• Elongation: You alter your own spatial topography, allowing you to “stretch” and reach for greater distances, giving you the Elongation effect at your power rank.

• Speed: By shortening the effective distance between two points for yourself, you gain the benefits of the Speed effect at your power rank.

• Teleport Attack: You can make a ranged attack that teleports targets where you wish, a Ranged Teleport Attack effect at twothirds your Spatial Control rank.

• Teleportal: You can open portals between two points in space with a Teleport power rank equal to half your Spatial Control rank. (See the Portal extra of Teleport for details.)